
Map Of The Soul

226·Authoress K

In a reality where the eyes can only experience color once a kiss is shared with a certain destined soulmate. Kai wants to find his soulmate, desperately. However, Finn wishes soulmates didn’t exist at all.


His Baby Boy


Jesse Morris was a shy boy who worked down the street from Janvier Inc. Hal Janvier was a powerful man who knew what he wanted and how to get it. Once Janvier sets his eyes on Jesse, the attraction is instant. He knew that the shy boy would be his perfect baby boy.


Arranged Marriage With The Cold And Bossy

4.0K·Hawa Kim

Abused and constantly used by his mom, his mom arranges a marriage between his step brother Kageyama and him. Hinata knew it was for her own selfish desire but he was happy because he was in love with his step brother, but Hinata didn't know that Kageyama only agreed because he wanted to make make him suffer because he hated Hinata because he was birthed by a selfish woman. Hinata suffers humiliation and constantly abused by Kageyama. Kageyama constantly treats him like a sex tool, When he finally makes his mind to leave Kageyama, he finds out he's pregnant for him but because he thinks Kageyama would find it disgusting Hinata decides to hide his pregnancy from him and leave. Dear readers and Viewers, explore the Love/Hate relationship between Kageyama and Hinata, Hinata's undying love for his Step-brother and Kageyama's never ending hatred for him. His determination to make Kageyama return his love back, with all humiliation Hinata isn't one to give up so easily.


The Mafia Devil's Possession

3.0K·Dark Mage

"You belong to me." His husky voice washed over Kon, and he felt his body, arching towards him, despite his resolve not to allow the devil to own him. "You are mine, love. No one else is permitted to touch you, except me." The devil's whisper was like a caress to his naked skin. **** Being a young boy desperate to complete high school and pay off the debt his mother owned, Kon never expected to run into the mafia Lord known as the 'DEVIL' A man who has no emotions. The sadistic devil who cares for nothing else in this world but to bathe in the blood of his enemies. Just one meeting with him and his fate was rewritten. He was not only bought by the Devil but he was also possessed by him. Now, he's on the run, from the devil who's determined to have him, back where he belonged. Back in his bed, and on chains.


The Art of Getting Cry


Crayon Svenson is a kind, caring and intelligent teenage boy who loves to paint and he dedicates his life to painting. Leon Gonzales is the heart throb school star and he almost has everything already, except for Crayon. He likes Crayon but due to his fear of his star reputation getting tarnished, he bullies him everyday to show that he is straight and to remove his feelings towards Crayon. What will happen if the bullying was taken too far and it made Crayon break down in front of the whole school?


In love with my partner


PROLOGUE : Spencer O’connor. A socially anxious wolf who is scared of everyone. He will only mutter a few words to people he knows. He has to leave his pack when he is kicked out for shifting late. To make it worse, when he does shift, he turns out to be an omega. Aiden Steele. A soon to be Alpha who is learning to run the pack. He is cocky, arrogant, and full of pride. He’s a scary boy, but is super nice when you get to know him. Spencer stumbles onto Aiden’s territory, a newly made rogue. How does Aiden react when he finds him ? Can little Spencer change the soon to be Alpha’s ways ?



3.0K·Mal Rose

This is the time that kingdoms fall, thrones are usurped and pretty prince's are in trouble...The Alik kingdom was always widely known for its power and riches amongst all other kingdoms. Everyone looked up to them, relied on them...Everyone, except one.Amos Avier. He wanted to kill the monarchy and demand loyalty from the remaining subjects.Except, things didn't go as planned when his eyes lay on the handsome prince, Xander Alik.Amos's birth as the new monarch seemed more fit with a queen by his side.And who better? Then the Alik prince?(Complete)-•This book has been marked as mature


The Heart Wants what the heart wants

365·Funmilola Dipe

At age 6, Rolph and his sister Hannah were taken away from their home after their mother's death. They were transferred to their grandfather's horse ranch at Marfa in Texas, USA, where Rolph at age 10 was declared the future heir and young master of the Filipiak family. The Filipiak family was a Mafia family primarily into Drugs and Human trafficking, owning at least two big hotels and clubs in each state in the US while they pridominantly flourish in the present day state of Texas. The moment Rolph was declared the future heir, he started training to become a cold hearted criminal, ruthless enough to rule the underworld black market both within and outside the country. At 16, he was given a set of rules to follow which included marrying a woman of the family's choosing. But the most important rule was that he must follow and obey his grandfather's orders to the last. At age 18, he was given a quarter of the family's business in Texas City as his training ground. This led to him moving from Marfa to Texas to be mentored and guided by his uncle, Uncle Marek who was grandfather's first child and previous heir to be. He was removed as the heir because despite all his efforts, he was not able to bear a male child and Jan, Rolph's grandfather and Don of the "House of Panther", was not willing to hand over the family's business to the son of a female grandchild in the foreseeable future. Due to this unfairness, Marek had a dense hatred for Rolph and a sharp killing intent towards him. But he dares not act on his thoughts, so he found ways to make things difficult for the young master who had no choice but to play his uncle's mental games. At 20 years old, Rolph was not just controlling a larger part of Texas city, but he was also controlling San Antonio and two other cities close to Texas city. Rolph's boys got to know that an unknown gang was dealing on his turf and that the drugs were much better than what he had been cooking. With the hope of sniffing this supposed small gang out, obtaining the new recipe and clearing them out, Rolph ordered his boys to go hard on the smaller gangs in Texas City. This resulted in a massive gang fight that lasted for days, costing the state the death of innocent civilians. Before the police could step in, Rolph was immediately withdrawn from Texas city and forcefully taken to Marfa to face his grandfather's wrath while at the same time, escaping from the clutches of the law. At Marfa, Jan gave Rolph a 100 strokes of his infamous horse whip, after which he updated him on the information he had already gathered on the gang Rolph was going after. Turns out Jan already knew of this situation 2 weeks ahead of Rolph and he had already started working on it from his end. From that point on, Rolph was ordered to take over the investigation from where Jan stopped. This was how he ended up at Rockport beach for 2 good weeks, waiting for a supposed ship which could also be a yacht, that had been appearing and disappearing randomly at that location. In the evening while wondering about how long it would take for that ship to surface, he spotted his soulmate as the latter emerged from the sea where he had been taking a swim. Stunned by the boy's beauty and grace, he made up his mind to obtain the boy and take him home only to be called back by Derrick, his life and death brother and the only person with him on the stakeout. The yacht that was 6 days late was finally here and it wasn't even a yacht. It was a small speedboat. He had no choice than to let go of the boy but made up his mind to find him once he resolved the issues at hand. After concluding that mission at Rockport and making plans for the next one, Rolph and Derrick returned to San Antonio where Derrick ordered his boys to select premium sex slaves for Rolph to resolve his extended sexual tension caused by the unpredictabily long stakeout. A boy and a girl were sent to Rolph's room in a cage and Rolph picked the boy (BEN) for the night. All his pent up emotions were unleashed on the boy all night long until he became unresponsive. But in the morning when Rolph decided to use the girl (Jolanta), he was shocked to find out that she was his fiancee who was supposed to be in far away Antarctica, conducting a research on penguins. He immediately took care of the drugged up girl and contacted Jan who told him that Jolanta had been missing for 2 weeks but they had kept it away from him because her father wanted to make sure the information doesn't get linked. Rolph was enraged that someone existed on earth who would have the guts to kidnap his fiancee, the only child and heir apparent of one of the top 3 political families in Poland. Even though he followed his grandfather's orders by taking Jolanta down to Marfa, he still deployed some of his men to start doing his own private investigations. Unfortunately, on both sides, all they met were dead leads. While Rolph was focused on Jolanta's recovery, Ben whom he had used and Injured previously suddenly got septic and was taken to the family clinic for treatment. It was at this time that Derrick noticed the 19 years old boy and took a liking to him. He found out that the boy was an orphan who had run away after being unable to pay one of their dealers for drugs he had taken, the boys had captured him and were forcing him to work off his debt. But Ben ran away again.This time, escaping to New York.They caught him, brought him back and decided to sell him off as a sex slave. But when Derrick had asked them to deliver premium slaves to Rolph, Ben got selected because he was a cute boy with a sexy body. The exact time that Rolph likes. Since the boy was Rolph's spec, Derrick proposed to Rolph to keep him as a personal slave and assistant. Rolph reluctantly agreed. Therefore when Ben recovered, he started living with them and taking all necessary classes and training to aid his new job. With Rolph being a machosist who is into BDSM, sex with Rolph was always rough and Ben always ending up with bruises allover his body. But gradually, he got used to it and even started enjoying it. Then came Christmas. The only time the members of the Filipiak family share space and food. Rolph made his way to Marfa with Derrick, Ben and Delvin; one of his closest guards. When they got to Marfa, Jolanta and Hannah were already waiting. Hannah's presence was expected but Jolanta was supposed to arrive a few days later. Jolanta was the daughter of Jan's best friend; Adam and she had moved to the ranch at age 8 after her mother died in an assassination attempt on her father. By the time she was 15, she had decided that the only man she would marry was Rolph and nagged her henpecked father into getting Jan to promise her Rolph's hand in marriage. Because they were best friends and joining their families in marriage would benefit the Filipiak's family immensely, Jan didn't hesitate to agree to this arrangement and had even informed the teen Rolph who was gay that he (Jan) doesn't care who Rolph sleeps with as long as he gets married to Jolanta and bears a son. Knowing fully well that Rolph wasn't into women, Jolanta still insisted on marrying him and promised not to interfer in his private affairs except for when he decides to take a sex slave. She wanted to make sure that it wouldn't be someone Rolph would fall in love with. Therefore, when her spies within Rolph's gang told her about Ben, she became agitated and arrived earlier than planned. On setting her eyes on Ben, her fear became tangible and she immediately insisted that Ben be sent to the harem for the holiday sex slave auction that happens at the ranch annually. Rolph was mad and was going to refuse but Derrick reminded him of all the reasons why he must do as Jolanta wanted. That night at the tension filled family diner, Jan proposed a marriage between Derrick and Jennifer, the first and capable daughter of Marek. Before Rolph's arrival at the ranch at age 6, Marek had already convinced Jan to bethroth Jenifer his daughter to Derrick so they could train Derrick to take over the family business since Derrick was an orphan and completely under Jan's control. But by the time Rolph clocked 10, Jan suddenly changed his mind and made Rolph the heir apparent, kicking Marek's plans to the curb. Overtime, several assassination attempts were made on Rolph's life and some evidence lead back to Marek. To Rolph's surprise, all Jan did was send Marek who was previously operating in Texas as Rolph's assistant and supervisor to some far away state. Now Jan wanted Rolph's right-hand man to marry Marek's daughter. To save the situation, Rolph immediately lied that Derrick was already dating Hannah, his sister and there was no way he would allow Derrick break Hannah's heart to please Jeniffer. Fortunately, Jan had made a deal with their father. The deal was to stay out of Hannah's life in exchange for taking total control of Rolph's life. Jan being a man of his words found himself in a difficult situation and had to back off. Once again, ruining another plot from Marek. On the auction night, Ben was rented to a Mexican boss for 2 weeks and he was taken away only for him to discover that his temporary master had made a deal with Jolanta and he was going to be killed. He was resigned to fate but fortunately for him, while keeping tabs on Ben's movements, Derrick had discovered that the person that bought Ben was one of the people Marek had been using to place ransome on Rolph's head on the darknet. So Rolph had ordered a massive move to unearth the Mexican boss and kill him. This operation led to Ben getting rescued and also creating a lead on the identity of the people who kidnapped Jolanta as he had overheard a conversation in that regard. When Ben returned to Texas and reported what he found out, his information gave them leads that stopped at Marek's table again. Turned out Jeniffer had teamed up with some Polish guy to take down both Jolanta's father and Rolph's most powerful backup; Jolanta. But unfortunately for them, when she was delivered to the client who had paid for her, he recognized who she was and immediately returned her to them without even asking for a refund. Realizing that Jolanta and her father were more popular and feared than expected, they tried to hide her in plain sight by mixing her with the harem at San Antonio and shipping her out later but unfortunately, she ended up in Rolph's cage. Focused on revenge, Jolanta sought out Jeniffer and killed her. Jennifer's death shocked Jan and her father so much that it nearly broke the relationship between the two families. But because Jan was a practical man, he transferred all his anger to Rolph who had disobeyed his orders by investigating the case after Jan had already closed it and told him to forget about it. Turns out Jan was in the know of what really happened but had tried to bury everything because he feared that Adam might kill both his son; Marek and his granddaughter for teaming up with his political enemies. Jan was a ruthless man but beside Adam, he would be called a saint. After whipping Derrick till he was covered in blood and passed out, Jan announced that he was withdrawing Rolph's protection for 6 months. If Rolph survives on his own strength within that time frame, he would take him back as his heir. If not, he would make him join the security unit of the family business as a guard. After giving Rolph an hour to pack and leave with his elite men, he announced that he has disowned Rolph on the darknet. Since Rolph had several assassination orders hanging over his head on the darknet, assassins from all over started racing against time to kill him and win the monies placed on his head. With Derrick out of commission, running was hard for Rolph and he was soon cornered and beaten up 4 days later. Just as he was about to be killed, Nicolas, a man who was obsessively in love with Rolph came to the rescue and took him and his gang off the radar. Jan who had acted in anger was soon confronted by Jolanta and her father for disowning Rolph. Adam ordered him to find Rolph else there would be hell to pay. But by the time he announced that Rolph was back under his protection and not to be touched, the boy and his elite guards had gone missing.


Yes Sir!!! (MxB)


Book One.Kayden is a sweet boy with a very dark and painful past. A past that caused him to distrust and fear everything and everyone around him. All he has ever wanted was for someone to make him feel safe and protected for once in his life. But in order to do that, he will have to find the courage to move past it all and learn to trust again.Leonides, or Leo, is a Professor at Jayden's College. By day he teaches English to the many students at the College, but at night and in private, he turns into Master Leo, Master Dominant at a club called Leather Dreams. He is known as one of the most possessive and protective Masters in the club.What happens when Kayden's friend Maxie, decides to try out a club in town and drags Kayden along? Kayden happens to run into the gorgeous Professor at the club, a Professor he has had a massive crush on for the past three and a half years. And what happens when Kayden's past comes back to haunt him?We'll have to wait and see.


His (BxB)


This book is featuring a crazy jealous, overly-possessive, and super controlling boyfriend. Also containing toxic relationship and has thick atmosphere of manipulation. But don't mistake this for a typical abusive relationship story, because it's not. Well, love has too many faces, I must say.


When Bradley Met Stanley


Bradley, 32 years old, is done with relationships. He is lonely and has a six-year-old daughter to take care of. All he wants is someone he could fall in love with, someone who will love him and his little girl and not just for the money he has. Stanley, 28 years old, is a make up artist and life style blogger. He is lonely and only ever spends time on social media. He has tried dating but sadly, no one wants the whole nine yards with him. He has tried dating sites, matchmaking sites and not once has he found what he was looking for. Two lonely guy meet on a rainy day.


Before The Sun Sets


Adam doesn't know what to do. Why his husband is never home? How does he get his husband to fall in love with him all over again? How does he fight for his marriage?


My bad pet

3.0K·Mr bubbles

Uku is a simple neko toy in a cruel world that enslaved his kind for their... perversions. Growing up, he learned that pain and sex where the only ways to be loved by master. But that all changed when on the way to be sold, something happens and Uku is taken away from everything he has ever known...

Sad loveCompleted

Rejection Of A Lifetime (BxB)

46.0K·Natalie love

I Simon James alpha of the Red Tale Pack reject you who fucking ever you are you stupid faggot as my mate, so fuck off you bitch.Hinata is an omega and the packs punching bag. All his life he has been rejected, first by his family, then friends, then his pack and lastly his mate who is the soon to be alpha. How will he ever survive this termoil of pain and suffering when he finds out he is pregnant?


I Love You, Dude

1.0K·Seleno Gomez

Kyle Ramos is an academic achiever and a leader who has always adored one single person in his entire high school life. He attempted to enter in his world for four consecutive years but luck isn’t really on his favour. Until one day, he saw an opportunity and grabbed the chance even if it means letting go of his slot in a university where everyone wants to be in. Would Kyle finally make his way to Ken’s world this time or would fate really force him to let go of the one he admires the most?


Frozen Heart

1.0K·Lance Cruz

What if you’re already afraid to love again?With all the hurtful situations you have experienced in your past, your heart just turned stone cold frozen. What if someone comes in your in life that could melt your frozen heart but turns out she’s straight?“Love? Not for me this time. I’ll just focus in my career and my future. Maybe in a long time it will come but for now I just need to focus with no distractions!”“I’m straight as a bamboo and I will never fall in love with her! No! I don’t have any feelings towards her! I know myself and this is really nothing. Right? But the bamboo bends, sometimes right? Argh!!!”Will the hot straight girl finally melt the princess charming’s heart?


Next-Door Love Affair


What happens when two stubborn hot-heads collide? An exchange of rated XXX letters and a whole lot of chaos!


Obeying Master Forth


I met the Alpha who I vowed to never ever see again. I hate this world. I hate myself for being an Omega. I hate nature. I hate myself.I hate this Alpha who's looking at me like he owns me.I do not belong to anyone.


The Darkest Night


What would you do when the most popular girl in school asks you to be her friend... with benefits?The Darkest Night is about two high school students, with two different backgrounds. They have all night for love and a whole year for romance.


Cream and Sugar


Gail Brennan, our mopey-overthinking-hero, has just gone over a terrible break-up that causes her to dysfunction and withdraw from her social life. Now, her best friend is a cup of Irish coffee. Her other two best friends, Tiffany and Peter, only wishes for Gail to shred off her day-old pajamas. The two make ways to get Gail back in the game, to forget Pam, the woman who broke her heart. But as Cameron, the pretty and blonde woman who worked at the trio's local town coffee house, reveals to be Gail's crush, Gail's best friends do what they can to get Gail and Cameron involved. The only thing is, Cameron appears to be straight.Witness as Gail willingly dives into uncertainty, making her crush grow into something more. Can she find out Cameron's secrets? Can she be more to her like she hopes?
