
Rejection From His Alpha.

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PROLOGUE : ️️ Charlie is rejected by his mate who happens to be the next alpha. Humiliated and pained, he runs and six years pass. When he returns, he isn’t alone. Mpreg and ManxMan love ! This is a mature rating book ! Its violent and has some scenes that are only suited for mature audiences. 18+ So please be advised before reading.

EmotionFantasyRomanceTrue LoveRebirthNew AdultSweetABObxb18+



« Charlie, you were supposed to leave forty minutes ago ». Sandra’s voice breaks through my concentration.

Blinking owlishly, I look up and take in my boss’s sweet face, her dyed blonde hair falling into her face as she looks down at me.

I clear my throat and lean against my chair, my numb and stiff back clicking into place as I now yawn tiredly.

I wet my lips and smile softly at her.

« Sorry Sandy, I must have got lost in work ». I reply truthfully.

She rolls her eyes warmly as she leans down and checks out my work.

I feel myself heat up with embarrassment ; I cringe in on myself, hating how someone is judging my work right now.

« You’re a fabulous painter ». She compliments me which ends up with me cringing and giggling, yes that’s right, giggling.


« Uh, thank you ». I mumble through my slight embarrassment, I chuckle nervously as I run a hand through my thick hair.

« I’m glad I scooped you up, you’re bringing in the money ». She chuckles as she makes her way towards her desk, I watch her carefully.

I lean forward and rest my arms on my table.

She’s searching for something, the rustle of papers being moved.

What is she up to ?

A few moments later, she’s exclaims in triumphant and turns towards me with a bright smile, she saunters over to me with her arms behind her back.

I eye her up suspiciously.

She stands in front of my desk with an excited aura.

« I have a surprise for you ». She singsongs.

I roll my eyes playfully and chuckle.

« I hope it’s a horse ( !) ».

She winks at me before pulling her hands from behind her revealing a caramel envelope resting in her hands.

« Damn it, so close ». I mutter and fake a huge sigh of disappointment.

« Hush and open it ». She urges as she throws it at me, she literally throws it at me.

I catch it quickly and frown at her, it’s rather hefty, I check the weight by giving it a quick feel.

« What is it ? ». I ask carefully, not liking any sort of surprise.

« Tsk, just open it ». She chastises me.

I nod and give her a tight smile as I begin to rip open the lip of the envelope.

I dip my fingers inside and feel a wad of paper brush against my skin.

Frowning in confusion, I grip the papers and pull them out.

My eyes land on a handful of $50 dollar notes.

I gape at the amount of money that is currently in my hand, there’s got to be over 400 bucks in my hand and there is still more in the envelope !.

« Da fuck ! ». I screech in utter shock, my wide eyes land on a smirking Sandy.

« You sold another painting, the buyer wanted it immediately, so he went to the ATM machine and drawn out over $750 dollars ». Her smug and proud voice echoes against the walls.

…what ?

I shake my head and force myself out of my stupor.I feel my body in shock, it’s stunned and so am I.

I wet my lips once again. « What-er- painting ? ». I force out.

« The Pegasus falling from Olympus ». She states proudly as her body puffs out, hand on hips, the full nine yards.

I blanch at the revelation.

« I literally just finished that two hours ago, the paint would stil-« 

« Hush sweetie, it’s fine, in fact, he was so impressed with the painting that he would like you to go down to his home and paint them a family photo ».

« Well…he’s not asking for much ». I whisper in my shell shocked state.

« He’s a very well known art dealer, I would seriously think about taking his offer Charlie, he said he would pay for the expenses and everything ».

My head is swimming with too much information.

« Uh, I’ll think about it ». I answer her, feeling bad for sounding so ungrateful.

« Do that ». She nods, encouraging me yet I still sense her disappointment and that makes me feel like a prick.

I smile forcibly at her before standing up ; I push the money back into the envelope and carefully place it into my messenger bag.

« I should get going, Robin will be home soon ». I inform her, my voice growing happier at the mention of him.

She too lights up.

« Give the handsome devil a kiss from me, would ya ». She winks as she exits.

« Sure, bye Sandy ! ». I call out as I pull my coat from off the back of the chair and make my way out of our offices.

« Bye sugar, see ya tomorrow ». Her voice is slightly muffled due to the walls in the way.

I nod to myself as I walk out of the building ; I briefly glance at the studio, the smell of paint making me feel at home.

I can’t believe I sold another painting ! It’s mad and exciting, and I got $750 for it ! Time to buy my boy something nice.

Exiting the building, the warmth of the afternoon hits me and for once, I actually find myself enjoying it, I’m much more a winter person.

I reach for my car keys in my jean pocket but I stop when a thought hits me.

I should buy him something nice.

I will.

Feeling an excitement wash through me, I turn on my heels and make my way towards the town centre, it’s only four o clock, the stores will still be open.

5 :04 pm

I enter my apartment building, my right hand filled with bags.

I really shouldn’t shop alone ; I really don’t know when to stop.

Feeling the straps of the plastic bags biting into my skin, I hurry on my journey towards the elevator.


I press the up button, cringing at the slimy feel ; I wipe my finger across my jeans and wait rather impatiently for the lift.

The doors open with a ding, I hate that ding.

I force myself into the small death trap, the things I do for Robin.

I press Level four and wait as the doors shut

I feel the lift more ever so slightly, my whole being cringes.

« Ugh ». I groan.

A few moments later and me screaming like a girl because the lift jolted ever so slightly- no wait- it basically bounced- I could have died.

That’s the story I will be telling Sandy at work tomorrow.

The doors finally open and yes, I make a huge dash for it for fear of the doors closing in on me.