

I stop outside and smile proudly at myself.

« I did well, methinks ». I compliment my bravery as I walk down the cream painted hallway.

As I make my way towards my apartment, Apartment D5 opens and out walks is a GOD.

Mr. Theodore Stone, 6’2ft and a rugby player of HOTNESS.

Am not one for being all horny and flustered but yeah, I want this man to take me to my prom and be my first.

If I was a girl this would have happened by now.

(I know it wouldn’t don’t ruin the moment.)

His strong built can be seen through his tight clothes, why oh why must muscly men wear tight clothes, unacceptable to the gays and women who must ogle their perfect being and wish so desperately that they would throw us against a police car and ravish us to no ends.


I think I need to check out tumblr when I get home, I will search :

« Hot policemen ».

« Excuse me ? ».

A deep voice rumbled.

« Oh fuck ».

« Excuse me ? ».

Double fuck.

I freeze into place and face palm, I literally do that in front of this Greek god.

Feeling my whole being heating up with embarrassment, I force myself to turn and look at him.

Thankfully he’s wearing a soft smile, an amused smile and relief courses through me veins at the sight.

« I, er, was thinking about a movie I was going to watch tonight… ».

How is that better ?

« Uh, I meant, my friend was speaking about- uh-« . I just shut my mouth and stare at him, dumbly.

He’s openly smirking and chuckling.

« Damn and here I thought it was because I was such a hot policeman, I’ll see you around D4 ».

« How did you know my bra size ? Ha-ha ». I blurt out with a chuckle.


I slowly turn away from him, dying inside from the laugh that is being ripped out of the policeman.

« Dick ». I mutter to myself as I pull my apartment key out of my pocket and shove it into the lock ; I hear his receding laughter and footsteps.

I grit my teeth at my own behaviour.

« Move over Bridget Jones, you have another spinster ».

I twist the key and push open the door.

I enter my warm apartment ; I shut the door with my foot and throw my key onto the small table.

« Robin, pal, are you here ? ». I call out as I make my way through the open apartment, I’ve been trying to make this place homely for years and I think I’ve succeeded.

Coming into the kitchen, I put the bags onto the island and smile hugely when I hear approaching footsteps, I turn around in time to hear :

« Daddy ! ».

I suppose I really shouldn’t be shocked by this, I always knew it was coming. Damn you poor self esteem.

So in a sense I’ve always had a way of expecting the expected, the pain and humiliation and all that jazz.

But I was wrong.

Never have I ever felt what I’m feeling right now, the pain feels like boiling hot pins being slowly pressed into every sinew and muscle in my body.

My chest feels as though a very confident with its weight elephant is laying rest on it, every breath causes spikes of acid to run through my blood.

My body basically wants to die and my wolf seems to be very ok with this.

But I’m not.

I grit my teeth and try to ignore the cruel chuckles coming from my ‘pack’.

Every disgusting sound feels like a lash to my over sensitive skin, my eyes are burning with tears that are fighting to spill out.

But I will not show them my tears ; they do not deserve to see how much affect they have on me.

Tears are emotions and only people who I deem important may see these and none of these PEOPLE are important to me.

Not my older brother, my cousin, my ‘best friends’ or him, my ‘mate’.

But I can see it. I can see the way the smile is forced upon his face, his skin too tight and paling ever so slightly, the way his eyes are straining with pain, his laughter sounds too forced, I can detect the pain of his slowly dying wolf, I feel my own wolf stir at the sound of his mate dying.

His whimper fills my mind.

I growl lowly at him, his eyes grow wide, beautiful chocolate brown, he’s stunned that I would openly show my distaste for him ?

I’m glad he’s rejected me ; I wouldn’t want to spend the rest of my life with a cruel, malicious man.

The THING stuck to him like a barnacle screeches with laughter.

My eyes fall onto her, her dyed black hair and green eyes, make me want to puke on her. My wolf, even in pain, still flinches at the sight of someone else on his arm and that makes me feel angry at my wolf for allowing him to feel this. But, she does make me angry.

« Pathetic ». I hiss through my burning body, the sound of my voice is cringe worthy as it sounds unrecognisable to me, it’s too raw, but I don’t care right now. All I want to do in this moment is hurt them.

Their laughter ceases into small murmurs.

I grit my teeth as I push myself up from off the ground, ignoring the jelly like felling in my limbs but even when I stand I’m still half crouching in pain, sweat building up on every inch of my body, I glare at ‘him’ and his girlfriend.

They eye me up carefully and I see something flicker across my ‘mates’ face, pain and regret ? Well fuck him, fuck him very muchly.

« What ? ». She hisses.

I swallow the burning fire in my base of my throat, my whole body becoming a huge pulse, every pulse is pain injected in my body.

« I said, you’re pathetic. This may hurt like a bitch, but at least I’m not pathetic, I wouldn’t ever reject my mate like this…and if I saw someone in pain I wouldn’t stand and laugh at them… ». My breathing comes harder as my chest tightens, acid spilling into my mouth.

My blurry vision lands onto a smirky Hunter.

Boiling hate washes through me.

« I’m glad you rejected me, because, I, Charlie Paige Jenkins, reject you as my mate ». I speak the words with such calmness, it’s scary.

The jolt of pain that hits me nearly has me on my knees, but the courage and pride of my wolf keeps me standing, relishing in the feeling of hurting our pathetic mate.

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