

Alicia had prepared a lot of the food earlier today, so it doesn’t take long for everything to be ready and we’re quickly placing everything on the dining table.

She made empanadas, sancocho, fritanga, pan de bono and bandeja paisa.

I’m quite familiar with a lot of things, except for pan de bono and fritanga.

Everyone gathers around the table and I take a seat next to Matteo and his sister, Milena.

Without meaning to, I catch Roman’s eyes from the other side of the table, and I look away with a blush on my face.

I don’t understand why I’m reacting this way. Why I’m so anxious and feel so secretive ?

Why I’m acting so embarrassed and flushed the whole time ?

Because all I did was swiftly check him out at the coffee shop, and that was it. I didn’t talk to him, except for the instance when he gave me back my phone.

All I did was appreciate him with my eyes, but it feels like so much more. The fact that he didn’t say we met already either hints that he doesn’t want anyone to know or doesn’t remember me.

I’m desperately hoping for the latter.

To distract myself, I scoop some rice on my plate, with beans, crispy plantains, avocado, chicharron, and chorizo.

I love this food.

While I’m enjoying my food, I listen to the busy table and love the dynamic between everyone. Sometimes some phrases in Spanish slip out, and I try to make sense of it a bit in my head.

Looking down at the table, Roman looks in this direction again and our eyes cross once more.

I quickly look elsewhere and take in the house instead.

As soon as we walked up to the house, I appreciated it. My eyes took the building in and the interior, how everything was built.

As someone who studies architecture, I’ve always been interested in the form and shape of buildings, houses, and anything else.

The curves and body of architecture speak to me, so it’s not a surprise I always take everything in swiftly wherever I go.

The room is filled with the chatter of the family, and I appreciate their efforts of including me as well.

I really like Alicia and David, they’re a lovely couple and seem to be good parents to their children.

« Roman, I suppose work is going well for you ? » their uncle, Fabiano, asks.

« Yes, it is. I’ve roped in a few new clients and am working on a bunch of new projects. It’s always busy. »

« Of course, it is, » Alicia says proudly, « My son is successful, I didn’t expect any less from him. »

Roman sends his mother a kind and grateful smile.

Pearly whites. Of course.

« Gracias, Madre, » he says and looks back at his uncle. « Thank you for asking. How’s your job going ? »

« Very good, a new stock arrived yesterday and Matteo has been helping me unpack everything in between his studies. What is it you study again, Matteo ? »

« Film and new media, tío, » Matteo says quietly from beside me.

« He really loves his studies, » Alicia says with a proud smile at her son, and then directs it back to Roman. « I rarely see Roman, these days, he’s so busy with work. Really made his parents proud. »

« What does your brother do ? » I ask Matteo through all the talking around the table. Matteo clenches his jaw together and takes a sip of his water.

« He just builds shit, » he shrugs, and his tone suggests he doesn’t want to elaborate.

When dinner is over, I go to help Alicia put the dirty dishes away in the kitchen, but she motions that it’s fine and looks at her children instead.

« Come help me put the dishes away, » she says and starts to pack things up.

« Mamá… » Matteo trails off but quickly shuts up when his mother gives him a sharp glance, and without further protest, he and his siblings help their mother clean everything up, as well as David.

After everything is cleaned up, I’m huddled up on the couch with Matteo, his arms wrapped around me and his hands rubbing circles over my back.

The other family members are scattered around the living room, his parents and their siblings drinking a glass of wine while Roman disappeared to someplace else and Milena arguing about something with her uncle in Spanish.

« So, » my boyfriend begins, and I tilt my face up to meet his eyes. « My brother has this really fancy as shit cabin in Canada, which we visit every year during the holidays. I was wondering if you wanted to come along on this yearly trip ? » he asks and brushes my hair out of my face.

« It’s during the holidays ? » I ask, and he nods. « Yeah, but we’ll be back home right before Christmas, so you’ll still get to spend it with your family if you’d like. »

My lips curl up into a smile and I nod. « Yeah, I’d love to come along. »

Matteo smiles as well and leans down to plant a kiss on my lips. « Perfect. I’ll let my mom know since she asked if you wanted to go. »

I nearly frown but manage not to. He asked because his mother told him to ?

It really makes me happy that Alicia is fond of me already and wants me to come along, but if Matteo didn’t even think of it…

I decide to ignore it, and figure that if Matteo didn’t want me to go, he wouldn’t have asked me in the first place.

« Can I get something else to drink ? » I ask Matteo, and he nods.

« Sure, you know where the kitchen is. »

Getting up from the couch, I walk into the kitchen and go for the fridge, grabbing a chilled bottle of water.

When the door to the kitchen opens, I startle and turn around, seeing Roman enter and it feels like the air is pushed out of my lungs.

Unlike earlier today, his hair isn’t as styled and is a bit disheveled. His wavy hair is messed up a bit due to him running his hands through it.

Even this hairstyle looks very good on him.

There’s a bit of a flush to his cheeks due to the wine he drank earlier and as he closes in on the kitchen counter and our eyes meet, I’m envious of the long lashes around his brown eyes.

His eyes are the color of melted chocolate and are so clear and bright, it nearly takes my breath away.

The white shirt he’s wearing suits his bronze skin tone and when he takes a bite out of a few leftover plantains, my eyes are drawn to his sharp and defined jawline.

When he notices my startled expression, faint amusement dances in his eyes.

« Don’t drop your phone this time, » is all he tells me, confirming that he does remember me but didn’t comment on it earlier.

« Wouldn’t dare to, » I utter, out of breath like I’d run a marathon.

He’s only a few feet away from me, and it’s not like he plans on leaving. No, in fact, he leans against the counter and crosses his arms.

His eyes are still taking me in, with an unwavering stare, he tilts his head to the side and studies me as if I’m a foreign object he stumbled upon.

« Alyssa, » he speaks my name, the syllables rolling off his lips.

I don’t think I’ve ever liked my name so much.

He said it as if he’s trying it out, as if really acknowledging me.

« Interesting name. »

« How so ? » I ask.

« The name comes from a flower, means ‘noble’ in the Irish origin. »

« You’re smart, » I notice, not in awe but impressed that he knows where my name comes from.

« Obviously. »

The cockiness suits him in some kind of irritating way.

Because he knows he’s intelligent, and his parents are all too proud to let everyone know.

I quickly take a sip from my water and thank the heavens when Matteo calls me from the living room.

Being in the same room as Roman takes an unknown energy from me like he demands all of my attention.

Quietly excusing myself, I slip out of the kitchen and see Matteo waiting on me in the hallway.

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