
Seducing her ex-boyfriend’s older brother

108.0K · Completed


PROLOGUE: ❤️❤️❤️ “Be a good student, baby, and open your mouth for me.” . . . In which 20-year-old Alyssa Silvestro decides to seduce her teacher, who happens to be the older brother of her cheating ex-boyfriend. Revenge is best served cold, or so they say. . . . When my mother used to sit me down and tell me about her true love, I would imagine something similar in my mind for myself. She told me there was someone out there for me, someone who would love me the way I should be loved and cherish me. She didn’t tell me how much tough love can hurt too. She warned me about that, but damn, she skipped over some details about heartbreak. She didn’t warn me about men like Roman Moreno. He crashed into my life like a wave. Caught me off guard and left me breathless. If I had known what kind of force he was, maybe I would have stayed away. Maybe I would have stayed on the edge, instead of falling into the deep pit that is infatuation and lust. My eyes opened when I entered, but I couldn’t have been more blind. He was the one thing I should have stayed away from. The forbidden fruit and god knows how much I wanted to take a bite. How much I had wanted to taste and chase that release. The more I pushed, the more I twisted the knife in my hands and entered dangerous waters. I felt his hands around my neck as his words whispered against my skin. The butterflies in my stomach died a horrible death when I opened my eyes and saw my own hands catching my breath.

EmotionTeencontemporaryTrue LoveSad loveNew AdultCounterattackRevenge


I’m going to kill someone one of these days.

I know it. Because some people are too stupid to be let loose into the world.

At this point, it’s natural selection doing its thing if I take matters into my own hands and strangle someone.

Because fuck, doing something as simple as ordering a coffee is too difficult for some people.

« Uh, there are different types of coffee ? » the dumbass in front of me asks the cashier behind the counter, scratching his head as he stares up at all the different options.

« Yes, as displayed on the board, » the cashier replies and motions behind her.

The man standing in front of me tilts his head to the side. « Oh, you guys sell tea as well ? » he asks, scrunching his nose up. « If I take a mint tea, will you put sugar in it, too ? »

I visibly roll my eyes behind him and shake my head, counting to ten in my head to compose myself.

I can’t risk going to jail over coffee. I can’t.

You can’t, Alyssa.

This man just spent seven minutes in line, having had all the time in the world to inspect all the different options but he decides to only ponder what he’s going to take now ?

I’ve never been good at having patience. Something my dad likes to tease me about. Yes, I have a short temper, but doing things the quick way is the most efficient way.

To handle things fast and easily. To not waste more time than needed on an issue or any errand.

It needs to go fast. I thrive on that.

I also thrive on being able to quickly get some coffee and move forward in this line.

« Do you guys have a soft blend ? »

My teeth grit together and I hold back a harsh sigh from escaping my lips.

« Or is the medium blend a better option ? »

I will actually lose my shit.

But then, it’s like the angels from heaven smiled down at me when another worker opens up the stand next to the cashier and asks for the next customer in line.

Scurrying over the dumb fuck, I go to the other worker and let out a sigh of relief.

« Hi, how may I help you today ? » she asks kindly and I ask her for a black coffee and a latte with almond milk.

« Name ? »

« Alyssa. »

« Noted, your orders will be ready soon. »

I go to wait in line for my drinks after I paid, glancing back and seeing the guy who was in front of me finally paying for whatever the fuck he chose.

I send a quick text to Matteo, telling him that I’m waiting on our coffees and am meeting him at his dorm soon.

The coffee shop is getting busier and busier, and the sound of people talking and waiting in line increases by the minute.

« Order for Alyssa ! »

I move toward the counter, where my two orders are waiting for me.

A shadow moves in front of me, crossing my path by accident. Looking up, my eyes meet dark brown ones.

I falter in my step for an unknown reason as we cross paths, him halting for a few seconds as well.

My eyes take him in instantly without thinking twice about it, and I’m momentarily stunned by the beauty and confidence he carries.

His chocolate brown hair is perfectly styled into luscious curls that fall a bit over his forehead, leading me down to his face and his captivating eyes.

He has a stern look on his face, not wavering from the seriousness his eyes carry as they look at me down his straight, pointed nose.

His lips are plush and well-proportioned, oozing out sensuality when his tongue quickly slips out to lick them.

His cheekbones are sharp and high, casting shadows on his face that make him look superior and intimidating.

He towers above me, being six foot three at least. His light brown complexion looks beautiful in the morning sun shining through the windows.

The staring moment between us only lasts a few seconds, but those seconds are engraved in my mind and completely bring me out of balance.

I’m confused when I reach for the drinks and take them into my hands.

In fact, I’m so flustered that my phone slips out of my grip when I’m taking the cups since I wasn’t thinking and acted in haste.

I’m normally not like this. I’m put together, which I pride myself in. I don’t let things slip, I think before I move to make sure I won’t end up making a fool out of myself, like now.

To my horror, the man bends down and takes my phone, reaching it out to me.

« You dropped this. »

The only thing I can think of when hearing his voice is how smooth and deep it is.

I bet he can talk anyone into doing anything with a voice that suave and seductive.

I notice the grip he has on my phone and see the veins running underneath his skin, to a big and strong-looking hand with long fingers.

Since when do I drool over hands ?

« Thank you, » I say and take my phone, balancing the coffee in my other hand.

With one last lingering look at him, I exit the coffee shop and feel like I can breathe again once I’m outside.

The wet ground underneath my shoes and the humid air, ground me back to Earth. The rain has just stopped, and the sun is already peeking through the clouds.

Beginning on my journey to the dorms, I meet up with Zainab where we agreed by the tree. She’s wearing a black hijab today, accompanied by black sunglasses on top of her head.

« What took you so long ? » she asks when I arrive, and we both begin to walk across campus.

« I totally saw one of the hottest men in my life at the coffee shop, I got distracted. »

« Matteo is not gonna like that, » she snorts.

« I didn’t do anything ! I’ve got eyes, it’s not like I hooked up with him. He was just very attractive. »

« I know, I like to appreciate my men as well, » she sighs dreamily, probably thinking about all the fictional characters from the TV shows she binges on daily.

« But the man was so hot, » I whisper, him still fresh in my mind. I’ve never seen him around before, and he seems too old to be a student.

Whatever. I’ll just continue to appreciate him in my mind.

The wind blows my curls into my face, so I push them aside with an irritated sigh.

« Are you feeling nervous ? » Zainab asks, taking a sip of the tea she brought from home. We share an apartment in the city and have been living together since our first year in college together.

I know my best friend since our sophomore year in high school, and we always stuck together.

« Not as much, surprisingly, » I answer. « I do find it weird that Matteo only asked me to meet his family almost a year into our relationship. He met my parents the first month we’ve been dating. »

« Maybe he’s not fond of his family ? » Zainab suggests and I nod. « I thought about that too, but I’m just happy he did ask me to meet them. He talks about his mother a lot, though, so I can’t imagine his relationship with her being bad. »

« Oh well, you’re meeting them now. I’m happy and excited for you, » she grins. I mirror her expression and give her a side hug.

« Thank you, really. Anyway, how is your presentation coming along ? »

Zainab starts on a rant about the class she’s having now and her bitchy professor who she claims doesn’t like her.

And that professor assigned the class a presentation of their made-up business.

But, knowing Zainab, I know she still put her all into her presentation. She works hard for her grades and is one of the smartest people I know.

« Please tell me how your presentation went, » I say when we start parting ways. « You tell me how the family meeting went, » she smirks and blows me a kiss before going to her class.

Going to the dorms, I quickly find Matteo’s room and knock twice. Soon, my handsome boyfriend swings the door open and grants me one of his signature smirks I fell for.

« Hey gorgeous, » he greets me and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me in for a swift kiss.