

« Hi, » I grin like a fool against his lips. « I’ve got your latte. »

« You’re the best. »

I hand him his latte and take a sip of my own black coffee.

« How was your day, babe ? » he asks and takes a seat on his bed, pulling me down to sit next to him. He takes my legs and places them over his, rubbing his hands up and down.

« Uneventful, » I sigh and lean against his headboard. I tell him about the fool standing in front of me at the coffee shop and skip the hot man I ran into because even though it was an innocent interaction and all I did was appreciate him with my eyes, Matteo tends to get jealous over something like that.

He even gets annoyed when I look at beautiful women when we’re both out doing something.

I think it’s a fragile masculinity thing, but I don’t comment on it because I get the feeling it’s a sensitive subject.

« Are you nervous about later ? » he asks.

« You’re the second person to ask me that today, » I chuckle and shake my head. « But not really. I’m curious to meet your family. »

His parents are holding a get-together with the whole family, so Matteo’s brother and sister will join as well as the uncles and aunts.

« My mom will love you, no doubt about it, » Matteo smiles, and it’s the smile I fell for.

We’ve been dating for ten months, and he’s been the sweetest boyfriend I could ask for. We met in the library.

He sat down in front of me when I was studying, with two cups of coffee and a raised brow. I couldn’t resist, and we got to talk a lot.

His smile was beautiful in contrast to his bronzed skin. Like right now, he was wearing a black sweater with silver necklaces and ear piercings.

His hair is cut short, faded on the sides, and a bit longer on top.

« I’m really curious, most of all, » I hum and lean over to kiss him. « Now, when are we leaving ? »

We hang out for thirty minutes more at his place, before we take our bags and take his car to his parent’s place.

His family leaves a forty-minute drive from our campus at NYU, in a three-story house downtown.

It takes some time to find a parking spot, but we manage eventually and make our way to the front door.

« Now that I’m actually about to meet your parents, I’m a little nervous, » I chuckle and rub my hands together, getting a grip on myself and looking at the expensive bottles of wine in my bag.

Matteo has mentioned before his parents enjoy a good glass of wine occasionally, and I thought it would be a good idea to bring two bottles of good wine, from a brand that my parents like.

« Was it a good idea to bring wine ? » I frown. « Maybe they’ll think I’m supporting them drinking alcohol and think I’m an alcoholic. Maybe they’ll be offended that all I brought was wine and expected something else ? Or… »

« Babe, » Matteo chuckles and kisses me to shut me up. « They’re not expecting anything. They’ll be very flattered and happy to see you were so thoughtful enough to buy them anything. I’ve never seen you so fidgety, » he observes and brushes a loose curl from my face.

« I just want them to like me, » I shrug. « I’m not used to this. My previous boyfriends were never serious enough for this kind of thing. »

Before Matteo can respond, the door swings open and an elderly lady with a man stand in front of us, wearing the kindest of smiles.

« Matteo, mijo ! » the woman cries out and steps up to her son, wrapping her arms around him.

« Mamá, » Matteo grins and plants a kiss on top of her head. He steps up to his father and gives him a quick hug as well.

« Mamá, papá, this is my girlfriend, Alyssa, » Matteo introduces me and wraps an arm around my shoulders.

« It’s so nice to meet you, » I smile and return the kisses his mother gives me as a form of greeting. I shake the father’s hand and am let inside.

« Alyssa, such a pretty name for such a pretty girl. It’s nice to meet you, too, » his mother smiles. « I’m Alicia. That’s my husband David. »

« A pleasure, » I grin and show them the bottles of wine I brought them. Relief fills me instantly when awe and appreciation take place in their eyes and Alicia gives me another kiss on the cheek.

« Matteo, go put it in the cabinet in the kitchen, » Alicia tells her son and hands him the bottles.

« I’ve heard a lot about you, my son is so in love ! » Alicia gushes as she leads me into the living room. She introduces me to her brother and her sister, Matteo’s uncle and aunt.

Matteo’s sister Milena, who is three years older than him, is there as well. I’ve met her a handful of times before and we hit it off together.

It’s only the mysterious older brother that has been out of the picture. But I’ll meet him as well, and I can only hope he’ll like me.

Matteo joins me on the couch in the living room. « My mother is making a feast, » he chuckles. « You’ll love Colombian food, trust me. »

« I’m curious, » I grin and lean in to press a chaste kiss on his lips.

His whole family gathers in the living room, and they ask me questions such as what I’m studying and where I’m from. How we got to know each other and for how long we’ve been together.

Matteo’s hand is holding mine the whole time, and he delivers the occasional kiss on the back of it accompanied by a rub and a loving smile.

When Alicia gets up to start cooking, I volunteer to help her, and Matteo tags along.

It’s cute how he starts to explain the foods on the table, ready to be prepared. Such as the plantains, and beans, and why certain ingredients go with the dishes.

« You act as if I don’t have a childhood friend who is half Dominican, » I chuckle and lean up to kiss his cheek. « I’m familiar with some of these dishes, but it’s cute when you’re explaining it. »

He rolls his eyes with a smile on his face and pokes my side.

Though, the moment gets interrupted by another voice cutting through the air.

« I’m sorry I’m late, Madre, » sounds a deep voice from the doorway of the kitchen.

The voice makes goosebumps rise all over my body and a tingle runs up my spine when it rings in my ears.

With widened eyes, I turn around right as Alicia walks over to the man I ran into at the coffee shop.

Standing there with a bottle of champagne in his hands.

Guess I wasn’t the only one with the idea to bring something to drink.

He’s dressed in a pair of black trousers with a loose, white shirt tucked into it, the first few buttons undone.

« Mijo, there you are ! » Alicia smiles brightly and hugs him, just like she did with Matteo. She kisses his cheek and her eyes are filled with love as she eyes him.

I glance at my boyfriend, seeing him inhale sharply as he eyes the two of them.

« So you did decide to make it, » Matteo mutters dryly to the man.

When I look back at the man standing in the doorway, I’m surprised to find his eyes on me already and feel the blood rush to my cheeks.

Matteo comes to stand beside me and wraps his arm protectively over my shoulder.

« Babe, here’s my older brother, Roman. »

Fuck my life.

The universe loves to test me. Loves to taunt me. I just know it.

Because this can’t possibly be true. This must be a joke.

Some type of nervousness has taken a hold of me ever since Roman stepped into the room.

Even his name is hot and has me tingling all over.

He has joined his family in the living room, which I’m glad about so I can feel like breathing again.

His presence can take up a whole room and demands attention. I’ve never quite met someone like that.

After being introduced to each other, he only gave me a polite nod which I returned with an awkward smile, and he left us to it.

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