

Taking my hand in his, he leads me up the stairs and opens a door in the hallway, revealing his room.

I take in the blue-painted walls and the walls littered with posters of football players, ice hockey, and whatnot.

There’s a desk in the corner of the room, books and notebooks all over the place, and clothes strewn all over the floor.

« You’re still such a teenage boy, » I chuckle, even though he’s twenty-one.

« Please, you know my dorm is a lot tidier, » he chuckles and kicks some clothes to the side, pulling me down with him on his bed.

« Yeah, because of me, » I scoff and giggle when he starts planting kisses down my neck.

« Yeah, you’re pretty fucking amazing, » he mutters and continues his kisses, going up and covering my lips with his.

I kiss him back, parting my lips to let his tongue slide in. He partially covers me with his body and deepens the kiss, burying his other hand in my curls and tugging on the strands.

I softly moan into the kiss and put my hand on his back, pushing him closer to me. Taking his other hand, I bring it around up and wrap his fingers around my neck.

During the kiss, my eyes fly open when he starts pressing down on my throat and I quickly put my hands on his chest, gently pushing him away.

« You don’t actually need to choke me, » I chuckle when he looks down at me with a frown.

« But you put my hand there, » he says, feeling around my throat some more.

« Yeah, to squeeze the sides, silly, » I suggest and let out an approving sound when he does just that.

He plants multiple kisses on my lips once more, but seems out of it and pulls back.

« I really liked having you here today, » he admits, a vulnerable look in his eyes.

I smile at him. « Thank you for bringing me here. I really like your family, why did you wait so long to introduce me to them ? »

« Because I don’t really like coming back home, » he admits and sits up against his headboard, pulling me on his lap.

« But why ? Your family seems so loving from what I can tell. »

« Yeah, they are. But it’s hard living in your sibling’s shadow. Roman is perfection in their eyes. Always having accomplished everything in life and made a name for himself. When I told you that he just builds stuff for a living, I actually mean he’s an architect with his own successful business. »

My eyes widen in surprise and admiration, and Matteo takes notice of that.

« That’s why I didn’t want to tell you, » he sighs and motions to my expression. « I know how passionate you are about architecture and knew you’d admire his ass, just like everyone else. I… I resent him sometimes. I feel so fucking inferior to him because my studies are nothing compared to his and it feels like I’m falling my parents short. »

« Don’t say that, » I frown and put my hand on his cheek, making him look at me.

« Even if you decided to study something you thought would make your parents proud, you wouldn’t have enjoyed it and all it would’ve done was demotivate you and put you on a dark path set for failure. Because if you don’t like what you’re doing, you sure as hell are not going to put the effort into it. I’ve seen it happen often. I’m proud of you for choosing to do something you like. You work for your grades and are a well-liked student on campus. I’m sure your parents are just as proud of you as they are of your brother. You should see the love and pride shining in their eyes. »

Matteo sends me a smile and leans in to kiss me.

« I love you, you know that ? » he asks and plants another kiss on my lips.

« I love you, too, » I grin with a blush.

He cups my cheeks and kisses me some more, getting me on my back again and as the night continues on, our clothes become messes on the floor and our naked bodies glue together in bed.

He buries his face in my neck as he fucks me, his hips driving between my thighs and his fingers working on my clit as he does so.

The deep sound of Roman’s voice echoes in the hallway outside of Matteo’s bedroom, and my eyes widen in panic.

« Be quiet, babe, » Matteo hisses in my ear, and I nod rapidly as Roman continues to talk to someone, seemingly on a phone call.

And because my life always runs so smoothly, my intrusive thoughts take over and I imagine what Roman’s voice would sound like in my ear if he were to be in Matteo’s position.

With a voice like that, there’s no doubt he’d coax people into their orgasm by whispering into their ear.

I’m getting so distracted, I’m barely paying attention to Matteo’s dick pounding into me until he spills inside the condom and stills above me.

He pulls out and sits up, breathing heavily and his chest shining with a thin layer of sweat. I raise my eyebrows.

« That was fast. »

« You’re just too damn good, » he chuckles and leans over, kissing me.

He takes the condom off, knots it, and throws it into the trash bin.

I do appreciate his efforts in making me come before we have sex, either with his fingers or sometimes – though not as much as I’d like – with his tongue.

I get comfortable in bed and Matteo pulls up his briefs, and then we cuddle on his bed until we both fall asleep.

I need some fucking water.

When I sleepily open my eyes and check my phone, I see that’s one in the morning.

My throat is dry, craving for water. With a groan, I stand up and walk towards the door to open it.

But before I go downstairs, I quickly change into my pajamas to be more comfortable and walk down the hallway.

It’s dark in the house. While rubbing my eyes and letting out a yawn, I walk towards the kitchen and round the corner, only to be met with a pair of piercing dark brown eyes.

A silent gasp leaves my lips at the realization and without thinking about it, I back up against the wall behind me.

Roman is only dressed in a tight-fitting shirt and a pair of sweatpants. My eyes study him, and I can’t help but admire his beauty.

He has a well-built body with broad shoulders that go down to his narrow hips.

His lips are plump and rosy, he has a strong nose and a sharp jawline. His eyes are a little bit sleepy, though awake enough to let me know he’s been up for a while and…

He takes a step toward me.

My throat runs dry and I have no clue what to say. He takes another couple of strides toward where I’m standing until he’s right in front of me.

All I can do is look up into his eyes, paralyzed.

He lifts his hand and grabs a loose curl of my brown hair. All the while he’s holding eye contact with me. He gently tucks the strand away, and while doing so his fingers ever so softly graze my skin, setting it on fire.

Our eyes keep looking into each other, and I have no other choice but to drown in his beautiful eyes. They’re so captivating that my breath hitches in my throat. My heart is beating so fast and loud that I’m pretty sure that he can hear it, too.

« Alyssa ? »

I snap my head to the side at Matteo’s voice coming from down the hall, but when I look back in front of me, Roman is already heading away and slips off into the dark hallway.

« Alyssa ? » Matteo repeats.

« Y-yeah, » I say softly, and try to regain my composure.

« I thought I heard the door open, » he says, and then I see Matteo step into the kitchen. « What are you doing ? » he asks as he eyes me.

I quickly shake my head and clear my throat.

« Getting a glass of water, I’m thirsty, » I respond.

Thirsty for what, exactly ?

The next week, I decided to head home for the weekend. On the way to my home, I immediately text Zainab updates on how the meeting went.

And when I reluctantly say that the man I ran into at the coffee shop is Matteo’s older brother, she spams me with laughing emojis and I just know she’s enjoying the fuck out of this.

Pocketing my phone away, I look out of the window on our drive to the apartment.

The place where I live with my parents is close enough to my university for me to go home on the weekends.

I like spending time with my family, even though my brothers are a chaotic mess most time.

When I enter my home, I place my bag down on the table.

Mom has come out of the office, her hair up in her signature ‘work’ bun and she’s got her glasses on.

Dad is already in the kitchen, making dinner as usual seen as mom needs to be kept at a safe distance from the kitchen.

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