
Mating run

It was the day of the run, and Allen was standing alongside the other omegas. Looking over her shoulder, she could see the alphas looking at the group, along with some betas. Allen couldn't help her shaky hands as she waited for the event holder to start speaking. The run was held at the woods, the same one Allen and Ohm were at the other night. However, they couldn't get too far because this was the only day.

Sebestian territory was fenced off, so no one could run into that part of the woods.

The run went like this: The Omegas lined up horizontally facing the woods. When they hear a gunshot, they race off into the woods, turning into their wolf form. They would find a hiding spot and wait until they heard the last gunshot. When the second gunshot is heard, the betas will race off into the woods. Finally, when the last gunshot is heard, it's time for the alphas to run into the woods. Alphas would usually go for omegas, while betas usually went for other betas. However, there are times when betas and alphas go for each other, or a beta gets an omega. Once everyone is in the woods in their wolf shapes, the alphas will search out a scent, and when they find one they like, they will look for the omega that the scent belonged to. Once they found that omega, the Omega would start off in a sprint, and that's when the chase began.

Once the chase ends and the Alpha has caught the Omega (or the Beta has caught a Beta, etc.), they will give them the bite, claiming them as their mate.

The bite, however, is only the first step in claiming a mate.

"Alright! I am so excited to announce the annual Mating run has begun!" The event organizer announced it through a microphone.

Most of them cheered, but Allen just stared into the woods. She really didn't want to be here. Looking back over at the Alphas, she looked around, and then she froze.

Seth was among the alphas, looking straight at Allen with a big smirk on his face.

"The run will last until the strike of midnight. If you manage to find a mate, then congratulations. If you don't manage to find a mate, then there is always next year.

"There are no rules once you step foot in the woods; just try not to kill anyone. Alright, let the run begin!"

The sound of a gunshot caused Allen to jerk her head, so she was no longer looking at Seth. She saw all the omegas that she had been standing with now run into the woods, turning into their wolves. Allen took a deep breath in and out and then started to sprint. Halfway towards the woods, she jumped, and when she landed, she was in her wolf form.

Allen ran past trees and spotted a small pond. She ran over and looked around for a place to hide. In the corner of her eye, she saw two trees, and between them were a few brushes

Allen knew this wasn't the best hiding spot, and she was about to look somewhere else when she heard the last and final gunshot. The next thing she heard was growling and howling. Allen had no choice. She ran over to the trees.

Ten minutes later, she hears twigs breaking and a growl getting closer and closer. A few seconds later, she hears nothing. When she turns her head to the side, she sees a wolf staring right at her. The wolf was gray with a black stripe running down his back. Allen knew exactly who this was. It was Seth. Allen starts to run; she wants to get away from him as fast as she can. However, she doesn't make it far. She gets tackled to the ground, causing her to hit her head pretty hard. When she looks up, she sees Seth hovering over her. Allen closes her eyes, waiting for whatever happens to happen, when she feels the weight being pushed off of her, and she is now being picked up by the back of her neck.

Allen's eyes snap open, and when she looks up, she sees the most beautiful wolf. It's the same wolf she met in the woods. It's none other than Sebestian. Allen's head is throbbing with pain now, and she can't help but close her eyes as the sun peeking out from the tree hits her eyes. Minutes later, she was placed on the ground, and when she opened her eyes, she realized that they were in a cave. Sebestian is now standing over her, like the first time they met. Sebestian then turns back into his human self, and when Allen moves her head to get a good look at the alpha, she whimpers in pain.

"It's okay. You're going to be okay, flower." Sebestian whispered. "I need you to shift."

Allen shakes her head and whimpers once more.

"Shift Allen!" Sebestian demands in his alpha voice.

Allen whines, and within a minute, she is back to her human self once more.

"Gorgeous," Sebestian says as he drops his head and rubs his nose against the side of Allen's neck. Allen tilts her head to the side. When Sebestian gets a good whiff, he feels like he could get high off of Allen's scent. It was the most delicious thing he had ever smelled in his lifetime, and Sebestian was glad that it belonged to the beautiful omega

Sebestian smirks and lifts his head up. He then looks directly into Allen's eyes, which are now half-open.

"You're mine," Sebestian growls, bringing his lips to Allen's pulse point. His eyes are now gold and bright, and the next thing Allen knows, she feels his teeth latching into her neck.

Allen gasps at the feeling. It's painful, but at the same time, it feels good. Allen closes her eyes as she feels Sebestian pull away and lick over where he had bit the Omega.

Suddenly, there is a growl and a howl getting closer to the cave's entrance. Sebestian looks over at Allen, whose eyes are still closed. It drains some energy from a person when they get the mating bite, so Sebestian knows that Allen is feeling tired and weak.

Sebestian walks over to Allen, gently lifts her up into his arms, and carries her to the back of the cave. He sets her down gently and kisses the top of her forehead.

"Sleep, my little omega. Your alpha will keep you safe."

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