
My Protective Alpha Mate

81.0K · Completed


Allen just wants to feel love, but as an Omega, she never feels true love. Her parents basically hate her, and all the other Alphas just want her for a one-night stand. Because according to society, Omegas are not worth becoming anyone's mate; they are only good in bed. So what happens when she meets a pure-blood Alpha? Sebestian, a name that makes everyone scared, usually doesn't trust anyone because of his past, and he also has a limited number of friends. But what happens when he meets the most beautiful and innocent omega? Will he take a risk again and protect his omega at any cost?

EmotionRomanceABOWerewolfSupernaturalAlphaFemale leadGoodgirlbxgFantasy


Allen sighed as she tied on her apron, washed her hands, and headed to the counter. Working at Ohm's Place at 20 was something she never really wanted. However, in order to pay for her college classes, she needed the money, and her brother, who is an Alpha who just happens to own the cafe, gave her a job a year ago. Ohm had taken over the cafe when he was 18 and Allen was 19. The owner before was getting pretty old, and when he retired, he handed over the Cafe to Ohm just like that. And of course, Ohm changed the name as well. And the funny part is that the owner is none other than their own Grandfather.

Allen's story is quite funny; when she presented as an omega at the age of thirteen, everything started to go downhill. Her parents would never show her affection and only talk to her when she was told to do something, and the same goes for her grandfather. Allen wanted to make her parents proud of her, and she did everything she was asked. The Jameswood family was known for being alphas, and when word got out that the oldest child was an omega, it did not go very well. Whenever someone did something wrong, Allen was blamed, no matter who did it. When people asked Jia and Jones how their children were, they talked about Kara and Ohm but never Allen. After a while, Allen learned to accept that she would never be good enough for her parents. Her siblings got her through because they loved and supported her, and they didn't care that she was an Omega.

When Allen turned 18, she moved out right away. She had done summer jobs and babysitting so she could save up to get her own place. After she moved into her new apartment, finding a job was a whole new issue. Hardly anyone would accept an Omega working for them, especially a female one. It would cause way too many distractions—that's what she was told anyway. Her sister, Kara, who was a year younger, helped Allen get money so she could pay her rent. She protested each time Kara would give her money, but she always shoved the money in her hands and told her that she would pay her back whenever she liked. Kara now works at her favorite clothing store and does modeling gigs on the side, which pays very well.

Once Allen got to the counter, she noticed Ohm walk in and turn the closed sign to open. The cafe opened at 8 a.m., and it was usually the busiest time. People who had work would stop by to get coffee, and students who lived close by would get coffee as well and maybe a muffin or something. Allen nodded at Ohm, and Ohm nodded back as he walked into the back room. When Ohm walked over to the counter, he looked over at Allen and grinned. That was never a good sign.

"What?" Allen asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The run is two days away. Are you excited?" Ohm asked.

Ohm had found his mate at the mating run four years ago with another Alpha named Jessica. It was unusual for two Alphas to get together because usually their personalities wouldn't clique and they would fight for dominance. However, the two seemed to go together perfectly. Kara had found her mate in a boy named Simon three years ago, who was a beta.

Allen loved her siblings; she really did. But it hurt when she saw that her siblings were happy with their mates. No one has ever wanted Allen, well, like that anyway. Sure, people wanted Allen, but that was only to have sex because most people thought that's what Omega was only good for, and Allen being very attractive was no help.

"You ask this every year, Ohm, and every year I say the same thing. No." Allen sighed as she wiped down the counters.

"Allen..." Ohm sighed.

"Whatever Ohm. I've gone to this thing since I was 13, and no one has ever wanted me." Allen replied.

Ohm was about to respond when customers came barging into the cafe.

"We're not done talking about this," Ohm mumbled as Allen started to take people's orders.

Thirty minutes later, the crowd died down, but it was still pretty busy. Allen was busy fixing someone a coffee when she heard Ohm mumble, "Oh no."

Allen turned around and handed the customer their coffee. She then looked over at Ohm and saw him glaring at something, or more like someone. Following Ohm's eyes, she saw none other than Seth walk in. Allen hated the guy. Seth would always make creepy comments about Allen. Seth was an alpha, and the three of them and Kara had gone to high school together. Ever since Seth saw Allen for the first time, he would always bother Allen, and most of the time it made Allen very uncomfortable.

"I can take his order if you want," Ohm said.

Allen sighed. "No, it's fine. You're faster at making drinks anyway, and we have a hold-up."

"Are you sure? Allen, I don't want him near you." Ohm said it using his Alpha tone.

Allen whimpered and flinched slightly. When an Alpha would use their Alpha voice around an Omega, it would make the Omega want to give in and submit.

"I'll be fine, Ohm," Allen said, clenching her jaw. She wasn't weak, and she didn't need an Alpha protecting her all the time.

"Okay, siso," Ohm said, turning around to start making more caffeine-related drinks.

Seth was next in line, and when he got to the counter, he smirked at Allen as he looked at the Omega up and down. Allen was wearing a black beanie, a white t-shirt that hugged her body, and black skinny jeans. It was Ohm who came up with the uniform. White t-shirts and black skinny jeans. Allen didn't like it at all, but since it was Ohm Cafe, she wore it anyway.

"Hello, they're gorgeous. It smells lovely in here...or is that just your scent?" Seth purred.

Every Omega had a unique scent. To some people, their scent smelled heavenly, and to others, it smelled horrible. It depended on the person. However, to most people, Allen's scent was on the heavenly side. She smelled like Vanilla with chocolate chip cookies, along with the smell of rain. To some people, it would sound weird that those things would smell good together, but they did.

"What can I get you, Seth?" Allen asked, rolling her eyes.

Seth raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "Has anyone ever told you that you shouldn't use such an attitude towards an Alpha?"

Allen sighed. "If you don't want anything, then get out of line."

"I actually don't want anything. I just wanted to say that I'm looking forward to the run." And with that, Seth was gone.

Allen paled. Seth had never attended the runs, so why now? Allen looked over at Ohm, who was watching her from the corner of his eye. Ohm nodded at Allen, and Allen took off her apron and headed into the backroom to try not to get herself worked up and cause herself a panic attack.

After a while, there were no customers in line, so Ohm headed to the back room to check on her sister and best friend. Allen was sitting in one of the chairs with her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands.

"Allen, are you alright?"

Allen's head jolted up. "No. I'm fucking not alright."

"He won't get to you. The woods are pretty big, Allen."

Allen rolled her eyes. "That doesn't mean anything when he knows my scent, Ohm."

Ohm sighed. "Okay. How about when I close the cafe, we get out of here and go for a run? Tomorrow we can figure something out, okay?"

"Sounds good," Allen said, nodding.

Ohm smiled. "Great, now let's get back to work."