

It was now 8 p.m., and Ohm closed the cafeteria early. Usually, the cafe would stay open until midnight, but Ohm wanted to close it early so he could get Allen's mind off Seth.

Ohm and Allen both drove their cars to the beginning of the woods. Both of them parked their cars and got out. They both walked over to each other and then turned their bodies so they were facing the woods.

"So I think we should check out this place as well," Ohm said with a grin.

Allen's eyes went wide, and she shook her head. "Oh, we can't. That side of the woods is private territory."

Ohm still had that smug look on his face. "Come on, Allen, don't be a baby."

Allen closed her eyes. Ohm was an alpha, and whenever he demanded things like that, it made the omega in her want to obey.

When Allen opened her eyes, she saw Ohm wink at her, crouch down, and within minutes be in his wolf form. His fur was golden, and his eyes were golden as well.

The color of the eyes changed whenever someone transformed. It was gold for alphas, green for betas, and blue for omegas.

"Seriously, Ohm, we can't go there," Allen said, looking down at the wolf.

Ohm shook his head and went into a full sprint, leaving Allen in the dust. Allen sighed and crouched down, turning herself into a wolf.

Allen Wolf was gorgeous. Her fur is like snow white, while her tail, ears, and paws are black.

Allen huffed and started to run as well. She saw Ohm far ahead of her, and he turned left. When Allen got to the point where Ohm had turned, she couldn't see the Alpha anywhere. She stopped running, closed her eyes, and sniffed the air. When she finally caught the scent of Ohm, she broke out into a full run once again. Ten minutes later, Ohm was still nowhere to be seen. Allen looked around and realized she was lost. She stopped running once more, and when she sniffed the air, she couldn't smell Ohm's scent anymore because there was a new one, and it was strong. It was Alpha, and boy, did it smell really amazing, like home.

Allen shook her head as she tried to concentrate on Ohm's scent, which was barely there, and before she could get it, she was tackled on the ground and was now laying on her back with another wolf pinning her down. The wolf was huge, and it smelled like the same alpha she had been smelling before. The wolf's fur was black with a reddish tint, and his eyes were gold. He was gorgeous, and Allen had never seen a wolf like that before. When Allen looked up, she saw the Alpha growling at Allen and showing his canine teeth. Allen whimpered and closed her eyes. She knew this was a bad idea. She should not have run after Ohm, but of course she is his older sister; it's her duty to protect her younger siblings, so she did.

Suddenly, she no longer felt a wolf on top of her but a human body. When she opened her eyes, she saw the most beautiful man she had ever seen, but that wasn't all. It was the alpha of all alphas. It was none other than Sebestian. When Allen looked into the Alpha's eyes, she whimpered again because now she was scared. She didn't know what Sebestian was going to do to her.

"Shift." The Alpha demanded

Allen whined as her body shifted as a human automatically because Alpha had commanded her. Allen was finally in her human form, and she felt Sebestian grab her wrists and pin her down.

"Please don't hurt me," Allen whispered.

"What are you doing here?" Sebestian demanded.

"I was following my brother. I told him it wasn't a good idea. He wanted to see the well, but his friends told him he shouldn't come to this part of the woods. I'm a sorry alpha." Allen whimpered.

Sebestian, who was straddling Allen, lifted his free hand that wasn't holding down Allen's wrist and brought it up to Allen's face, slowly stroking her cheek with a finger.

Allen knew that Sebestian could probably smell her scent, and Sebestian obviously knew that Allen was an omega.

Sebestian then leaned his head down, and his nose was rubbing up against Allen's neck. Allen froze. Sebestian was scenting her. That never happened to her. Sure, many people want to smell her, but they never do because, well, it's Allen, a pathetic Omega.

Allen shivered when she felt Sebestian place a tiny kiss on her neck. Sebestian then lifted his head and looked at Allen with stern eyes.

"What is your name, little omega?" Sebestian asked.


"But I call you a flower." Sebestian says.

Allen looked at him in shock.

"Well, flower, I don't want to see you here again, got it?'' Sebestian growled.


"Yes, what?"

"Yes alpha."

Sebestian smirked and got up off of Allen. "Good. Now go back. Don't worry; your brother is already waiting for you by your car. Goodbye gorgeous" With a blink of an eye, Sebestian was gone. Allen got up and ran until she was out of the woods. When she spotted Ohm with Kara, but wait, what the hell is Kara doing here? She ran over to them and gave Ohm her infamous death eye.

Kara looked over and raised her eyebrow. She then sniffed the air and leaned closer to Allen, who was sniffing her. When Kara pulled back, her eyes went wide.

"Why do you smell like that? Did you run into another Alpha? Did they hurt you?" Kara asked.

Allen sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "I'm fine, Kara. I am just going back home and asking this stupid question: what happened?" Allen glares at Ohm, who just grins.

Before Allen got inside her car, Kara grabbed her wrist. Allen, tell me what happened right now."

Allen closed her eyes and curled her hand into a fist. "Yes, I ran into an alpha. Just drop it, Kara."

Kara sighed. "He didn't hurt you."

No, like I said, I'm fine."

Ohm nodded. "Okay, girl. Whatever you say, I'll see you tomorrow, siso."

"Yes, go to hell; I'm taking her home; you're an idiot." Kara smacks Ohm's head, who just continues grinning like the idiot he is.

"And you let go."

Kara said as she got into Allen's car and drove them back to Allen's apartment.


The next day went pretty quickly. Allen woke up, took a shower (She didn't take one the other night because the smell of Sebestian on her made her more relaxed and helped her fall asleep), ate breakfast, and headed to work. Work went by pretty fast as well. It was now 11:30 at night, and Allen was so glad that Seth didn't stop by. The cafe was mainly empty except for a couple who were sitting by a window, enjoying the coffee. When they left, it was now midnight, and Ohm turned the open sign to close.

"So tomorrow is the mating run," Ohm said as Allen started cleaning the counter.

"Yep," Allen said, trying to get away from the topic.

"You're going, right?"

Allen stopped cleaning and looked over her stupid brother with an unamused look on her face, which clearly indicates, 'I am done with you'.

"You're kidding, right? Of course, I am going. I literally have no choice; remember me being a pathetic Omega who needs to follow all the stupid rules."

"It was just a simple question; calm down," Ohm said while rolling his eyes.

"Well, I'm not excited, Ohm. It's just another reminder that no one wants me and that I'm going to be forever unmated. it's fine."

"It's not right, Allen. I know many Alphas and Betas want you as their mate, Allen."

Allen raises an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Do you not see how many alphas, even betas, look at you?" Ohm asked.

Allen huffed. "It's only because I am an omega and they can smell me or something."

Ohm shook his head. "I mean, yeah, that's a part of it, but siso, you're a catch. I mean, you don't compare to me, but still."

Allen smiled and threw the wet washcloth at a strangled Ohm.

When they cleaned the cafe up, they said their goodbyes, and Allen went home with only one thought in her mind. The mating run was tomorrow, and Allen was nervous, a little excited, but most of all, scared.

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