

When Sebestian is sure that Allen is fully asleep, he closes his eyes and concentrates on the sound. He hears the growling get closer, and Sebestian knows what he needs to do. He shifts back into his wolf form and starts to walk towards the cave entrance. When he gets there, he sees the same wolf that tackled Allen to the ground in the first place.

The next thing that the other alpha wolf did surprised Sebestian. Seth turns into his human self. Seeing Seth shift back to his human side, Sebestian does the same.

"Where is she? Allen is mine." Seth growled as his claws came out and he showed his white canines.

"She's not yours, and she never will be. Now leave." Sebestian growled back.

Seth laughed. "I know she's here. I can smell her delicious scent."

Sebestian grew and took a step closer. "Do you know who I am?"

"Of course. You're Sebestian. That doesn't mean anything to me. Now I'm going to take the little omega, and you can't stop me." Seth replied and took a step.

Sebestian raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure about that?"

What happened next is not surprising. Sebestian shifted back into his wolf form and lunged at Seth. Fortunately, Seth wasn't quick enough to get out of the way, and Sebestian now had him pinned to the ground. Alphas were strong, very strong, but no one was stronger than Sebestian. Sebestian looked Seth in the eyes and growled. He then turned back into his human self.

"Now I suggest you get out of here and find your own Omega, or I will rip your throat out with my teeth right here and right now."

Seth's eyes widened, and he nodded. "Yes, Alpha."

Sebestian got off of Seth and picked the other Alpha up by his collar. "If I ever see you near my Allen again, I will kill you. Now leave."

Seth looked at Sebestian once before running off in the other direction of the woods. Sebestian smirked and walked back over to where Allen was. He crouched down and stroked the omega's face gently. "No one is ever going to hurt you, not when I'm around," Sebestian whispered.

An hour later, they heard the gunshot, letting everyone know that the run was over and it was time to come out of the woods. Sebestian sees Allen, who is still asleep, so he gently takes her into his arms and heads in the direction where the woods begin or end, depending on where you're coming from. When Sebestian exited the woods, he heard many other people whispering about him.

"Oh my god. Is that Sebestian? What is he doing here?"

"Since when did he come to the Mating Run?"

"He chose her? Are you kidding?"

"Why can't I be that Omega?"

Sebestian rolled his eyes as he made his way over to the tent. There were beds and tables filled with water bottles and snacks. Sebestian gently laid Allen down on one of the beds and carefully shook his Omega so she could wake up. When Allen didn't open her eyes, Sebestian laughed quietly to himself and leaned over her, placing his lips close to her ear.

"Wake up, flower," Sebestian whispered.

Seconds later, Allen's eyes fluttered open. She looked up at Sebestian and then shook her head. Allen couldn't believe this. Someone had chosen her. Someone wanted her. She was now someone's mate, and not just anyone's but a Sebestian mate. Allen did not see this coming.

"Come on, gorgeous, we've got things to do," Sebestian said softly.

Allen sighed and stood up. She felt a little dizzy due to her head injury, and Sebestian helped her walk toward his car.

"Where do you live?" Sebestian asked.

"Uh, why?" Allen replied.

Sebestian laughed as he started his car. "You don't know how it works, do you, little omega?"

Allen huffed. "I have a name."

"I know, flower, I know."

"And no, I don't really know anything about mating things." Allen said as she looked down at her lap, embarrassed.

Sebestian frowned. "It's totally fine, Allen. I need to go to your place so you can pack. You're going to live with me now."

Allen nodded. "Oh, okay. Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Why me? Why did you want me as your mate?"

"Because you are the only one. To be honest, Allen, I never really wanted a mate, Alpha, Omega, or Beta. But the other night in the woods, when I saw you, I thought you were gorgeous, and you still are. Not just that, but your scent drew me in right away, and I couldn't get enough. Also, you're not like anyone else I've ever met; you are different. I like you."

"Oh..." Allen said quietly.

After Allen gave Sebestian her address, the two drove in silence until they got to Allen's apartment. Once there, Sebestian packed her things, and then they headed towards Sebestian's home.

The car ride was silent.

They were now driving towards Sebestian Place, and Allen couldn't help but overthink like she usually did. What happens now? Are they fully mated now?

Is Sebestian her Alpha? What if she's not good enough to be Sebestian's mate and Sebestian gets tired of her?

There were so many doubts running through her mind, which only made her feel more insecure about herself. Allen had no idea what to do; she had never been in a relationship before, and now she's someone's spouse?

Everything just happened way too fast. She knew she would have to tell her siblings soon because they keep texting her and will not stop until Allen gives them a reply.

That's another thing that she had a question about. Would Sebestian let her go see her siblings? Would she still be able to work at the Cafe?

Allen could feel a headache coming on, and she squeezed her eyes shut. This was all too much, and she didn't know how to deal with it.

Allen's eyes flung open when she felt a hand on top of her. When Allen looked over, she saw Sebestian glance at her with a worried expression before turning his eyes back on the road.

"Are you alright, darling?" Sebestian asked.

"I'm fine," Allen replied.

Sebestian shook his head. "Don't lie to me, Allen."

Allen sighed. "It's just...this happened way too fast. I don't know what I'm doing; I just... I don't know anything any more."

Suddenly the car stopped, and when Allen looked out the window, she saw trees, and among the trees, she saw a gorgeous house.

Allen then realized that they had arrived at Sebestian Place and that her life was going to change from now on.

Sebestian reached over her and gently grabbed Allen's hand. "Okay, how about we go inside, get you settled, and then you can ask me anything you want to know? Sound good?"

"Okay," Allen said softly.

Sebestian smiled and got out of the car. He then walked around and opened the door for Allen. Allen gave him a shy smile as she got out and followed Sebestian to the back of the car to get her things. When Allen reached out for her bag (She didn't bring much), Sebestian gently slapped her hand away and grabbed her bag instead. Allen tried to protest, saying she could carry it herself, but Sebestian just laughed and started to head towards the door. When Sebestian took a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door, he walked in and waited until Allen was inside before shutting the door.

"Alright, let me give you the grand tour. This room is the living room, and over there is the kitchen." Sebestian said, pointing over at the kitchen.

Allen just nodded as she followed Sebestian around. He showed her the three guest rooms inside his house, or more like a mansion; he showed her the guest bathroom; and then they stopped at a gorgeous blue door. Sebestian looked at Allen as he placed his hand on the doorknob and smirked. When he opened it, he allowed Allen to step in first.

"And this, darling, is our bedroom."

"Wow," Allen replied as she walked around. She saw Sebestian place her bag down and follow her around inside the room. Allen sat down on the bed and sighed when she felt how soft and big it was. Her bed back home was terrible and springy. When she got up, she walked around and saw there was a bathroom connected to the room, and when she walked inside, her eyes widened. The shower was huge, and there was a separate bathtub that was also huge. There were two sinks and two closets.

When she walked out of the bathroom, she saw Sebestian sitting on the bed, looking at her. Before Allen knew it, Sebestian got off the bed and walked right up to Allen, standing in front of her. Sebestian then wrapped his arms around the omega and rested his head on Allen's shoulder, placing his nose up against Allen's neck.

"You smell so good. You're going to be the death of me." Sebestian growled. He then placed a kiss on Allen's pulse point, where he had given Allen the mating bite, and Allen couldn't help but shiver. Sebestian smiled and placed another kiss on Allen's neck. "I can't believe you're mine. All mine."

"Sebestian..." Allen whispered.

Sebestian placed one last kiss on Allen's pulse point before lifting his head up. He then brought a hand up and placed it on Allen's cheek.

"You're gorgeous. Has anybody ever told you that?" Sebestian whispered back.

Allen closed her eyes and shook her head. "No."

Sebestian could feel Allen shaking, so he hugged Allen tighter to himself.

"Allen, darling, tell me what's wrong."

"What does this mean? Are you my alpha? Are we mates now?" Allen asked.

"Yes, I am your alpha now, but we're not fully mated. The mating bite was the first step, and once we complete the second step, then we will be fully mated."

"The second step?" Allen asked.

"Yes, when you go into heat, and if you want me to help you, that's when we complete the second step. There will be another mating bite involved as well."

Allen closed her eyes. "I've never had anyone help me through my heat before." Allen whispered.

"Never? You're joking, right?"

Allen shook her head and felt ashamed of herself. She was embarrassed, and she was worried that once she told Sebestian, he would surely kick her out.

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