
Chapter Six


The terror Squad gathers in the abandoned warehouse, the dim lighting setting the tone for the night's events. Baron'D'gee stands tall, his presence commanding the room. Dan, his trusted right-hand man and our official driver, stands by his side, ready to carry out our boss's instructions.

We bow our heads as a sign of respect for the leadership. , everyone waited with bated breath knowing that new tasks and instructions are about to be handed down. "Listen up, everyone," Boss B's firm voice commands attention. "New business needs to be taken care of." His gaze sweeps across the room, ensuring everyone is focused. "Dan will hand out the details. Get to work, and don't disappoint."

We nod in unison, the atmosphere becomes charged with expectation on our faces. Dan begins to hand out bags containing instructions and supplies. Each member receiving their assignment. But one person stands out and that one person is me. I did not receive any bag.

A sense of unease grows inside me, I think deeply, trying to remember any fault I may have made in my previous assignments but none. The others seem to have a purpose, a task to complete. But not me. I feel left out, like a spare tire. The silence is deafening, sounds of rustling of bags and murmurs of confusion were heard.

Boss B's gaze sweeps across the room, his eyes pausing on me for a moment before moving on. The message is clear: i'm not part of this operation. The realization stings, like a slap to the face. Tina's mind races, wondering what she did wrong.

Boss B's voice rings out, addressing the squad. "California, Malaysia, and the local clubs are our targets. Dan will give you the details." His eyes scan the room, ensuring everyone understands. "This is a big operation. Don't screw up."

The squad nods, their faces set with determination. Dan begins to hand out folders containing instructions and photos. Each member studies their assignment, their eyes scanning the details.

Boss B's voice breaks the silence, his eyes fixed on Tina. "Tina, come here." The room falls silent, all eyes on her. "Come with me."

Boss B leads me to the front of the room, the squad's eyes following us. "Flora, your skills have earned you a new nickname - The Tigress." He pauses, a small smile playing on his lips. "You've proven yourself to be fierce and deadly. This nickname is a badge of honor."

The squad erupts into applause, their faces filled with admiration. My heart swells with pride, the recognition feeling sweet. I bow my head, accepting the praise.

"From now on, you'll be known as The Tigress," Boss B says, his voice filled with respect. "You've earned your place among us." The squad cheers louder, their whistles and shouts filling the room.

Boss B hands Tina a briefcase filled with cash, a smile spreading across his face. "The Tigress, you've earned this. Your skills are worth every penny." The squad cheers again, their voices echoing off the warehouse walls.

Taking the briefcase, I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing I've earned my higher place among the Terror Squad. The weight of the briefcase is substantial, the money a tangible reward for my hard work.

Boss B pats my back, his eyes gleaming with approval. "You're one of my executives now, Tigress. You'll never be left out again." The squad nods in agreement, their faces filled with respect.

The squad applaud, congratulating me on my new nickname and reward. The warehouse echoes with laughter and shouts, the meeting replaced with joy and celebration.

Dan stretches forth his hand shaking me, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Welcome to the executive family, Tigress. You deserve it." The others gather around, offering words of praise and admiration to me.


I sit atop a rooftop, gazing out at the city I've sworn to dominate. My mind wanders back to the streets where I fought to survive, where my journey began. I think about the missions I've undertaken, the dangers I've faced, and the victories I've achieved. It's hard to believe it's all led to this moment, where I'm known as "The Tigress" - a name that commands respect and fear.

I remember the early days, when I was small and scrappy, but refused to back down. I used my quick wit and sharp instincts to outmaneuver my opponents, earning a reputation as a force to be reckoned with. With each success, my legend grew, and my name became synonymous with bravery and cunning.

I think about the fortress I infiltrated, the crime lord I took down, and the lives I've changed. My heart swells with pride and a sense of purpose. I know I've made a difference, and that's what drives me forward.

As I look out at the city, I feel a sense of responsibility wash over me. I know there will be more battles to fight, more missions to undertake. But I'm ready. I'm "The Tigress", a warrior with a heart of gold and a spirit of steel. And I'll keep fighting, for dominance, for strength, and for the people who need me the most. The Terror Squad - my family, my everything. We may be a team of deadly people, but to me, they're so much more. They're the ones who have seen me at my worst and still choose to stand by me. We've been through hell and back together, fought side by side, and bled for each other. They're the reason I keep going, the reason I keep fighting. We're not just a team, we're a family - a family that would die for each other without hesitation. And I would do the same for them, without a second thought. They're my everything, my reason for being. I love them more than life itself, and I know they feel the same way. We're a family bound by blood, sweat, and determination- a family that will never be broken.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of my own voice, whispering in my ear. "You're a true warrior, Tina. A champion of justice, and a beacon of hope." I smile, knowing it's true. I am "The Tigress", and I'll always stand watch, ready to defend those who need me.

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