
A Battle for Revenge

94.0K · Ongoing
Lizzy W.


Tina's world was shattered when her husband, Sabastine, abandoned her and their children, leaving them penniless. Tragedy struck again when her children were taken from her by death, leading Tina down a dangerous path of drug smuggling and money laundering for a powerful mafia lord. Years later, on a mission in France, Tina spots Sabastine living a new life with a teenage son who is a spitting image of her lost children. Consumed by rage and revenge, Tina hunts down her estranged husband and his family. But she's not the only one seeking vengeance - a notorious gang seeks to avenge the death of their boss, "Papa J", at Tina's hands. In a deadly game of cat and mouse, who will escape death - Tina or Sabastine?. . . . *********WARNING!!!****** Reader discretion is advised. This story contains mature themes, graphic violence, and explicit content, including: - Gun violence and shootings - Killings and murder - Drug smuggling and money laundering - Mature language and situations If you are sensitive to these topics or prefer a more gentle reading experience, please proceed with caution or consider a different story. However, if you're ready for a thrilling and intense ride, let's dive in!

Female leadMafiaRevenge

Chapter One


I rushed through the hospital doors, my heart racing with fear. My baby, my sweet little angel, was lying limp in her stroller, her tiny chest rising and falling with each labored breath. Sabastine pushed the stroller frantically, his eyes fixed on our daughter's pale face.

We had been at home, enjoying a lazy morning, when suddenly our baby's temperature spiked and she began to convulse. We didn't hesitate, grabbing our little one and speeding to the hospital.

As we burst through the doors, a nurse intercepted us, her expression stern. "Stop, please! You can't go in there!" She said, carrying princess from us.

I felt a surge of panic, my mind racing with worst-case scenarios. "What do you mean?."

The nurse's face softened, and she gently placed a hand on my arm. "I know, ma'am. The doctor will see you soon. Please, just wait."

I felt like collapsing, my legs trembling beneath me. Sabastine wrapped his arms around me, holding me up as we waited anxiously for what felt like an eternity. Finally, the doctor emerged, his expression grave. "Tina, Sabastine, please come with me."

My heart sank, my mind reeling with dread. What was wrong with our baby? And why did the doctor look so serious?

I followed the doctor to his office, my heart heavy with worry. Sabastine's hand was clasped tightly in mine, we had been waiting for what felt like an eternity, our anxiety building with each passing moment.

The doctor motioned for us to take a seat, his expression somber.

"What is it, Doctor?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

The doctor's eyes locked onto mine, his gaze filled with compassion. "Tina, Sabastine, your daughter's condition is critical. She needs immediate surgery to survive."

My world came crashing down around me. Surgery? Critical condition? No, this couldn't be happening. Not to our little angel.

Sabastine's grip on my hand tightened as I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes. " long do we have?" I stammered.

The doctor's expression was grim. "We need to operate within the next two weeks. Any longer, and...I'm sorry, Tina. We can't guarantee her survival."

My mind reeled, my heart shattering into a million pieces. Two weeks. That's all we had to save our baby's life.

I sat in the hospital room, my heart racing with fear. Sabastine held my hand, his eyes fixed on the doctor who stood before us. Our baby, our precious little one, lay motionless in her bed, surrounded by beeping machines and tangled tubes.

The doctor's words were a blur, but I caught the gist. Our daughter's condition was critical. She needed immediate surgery to survive. I felt like I was drowning, suffocating under the weight of his words.

I glanced at Sabastine, his face pale and worried. We exchanged a terrified glance, our minds reeling with the same thought: what if we lose our baby?

The doctor's voice brought me back to reality. "I'll have a nurse escort you to your daughter's room in the ICU."

I nodded, my throat constricting. I couldn't speak. I couldn't breathe. All I could do was follow the nurse, my heart heavy with fear, my mind racing with worst-case scenarios.

I trailed behind the nurse, my feet heavy with grief. Sabastine's hand was clasped tightly in mine, his eyes fixed on our daughter's fragile form. We entered the ICU, the beeping of machines and soft whispers of the nurses enveloping us.

My eyes landed on our baby, surrounded by wires and tubes. Her tiny chest rose and fell with each labored breath. I felt a sob escape my lips, my body shaking with anguish.

Sabastine wrapped his arms around me, holding me close as I cried uncontrollably. I couldn't bear the thought of losing our child. The machines beeped relentlessly, a harsh reminder of her fragile state.

I pulled back, gazing at our daughter's pale face. Her tiny hands were clenched into fists, her eyelids closed as if sleeping. I longed to hold her close, to feel her warm embrace. But the machines and wires held her captive,

I stood beside our daughter's bed, my tears falling like rain. Sabastine's arms encircled me, his warmth a comforting embrace.

The nurse approached, her eyes filled with compassion. "We need to prepare her for surgery. It's her only chance."

I nodded, my throat constricting. Sabastine's grip tightened, his voice a gentle whisper. "We'll get through this, Tina. We have to."

I turned to him, my eyes pleading. "What if...what if we lose her?"

Sabastine's face contorted in pain, but he remained silent. He stood strong, a rock anchoring me to reality. His eyes, filled with tears, reflected his own pain, but he remained silent, letting me release my anguish.

Finally, I pulled back, my sobs subsiding into hiccup-like gasps. Sabastine's face was etched with worry, but he forced a gentle smile. "We need to go pick up Jerry from school, Tina."

I nodded, my mind foggy. Jerry, our son, needed us, and we couldn't fall apart. Sabastine's strength gave me the courage to face the next challenge. I took a deep breath, wiping my tears away. "You're right. Just go I'll stay here"

As he prepared to leave the hospital, Sabastine turned to me with a thoughtful expression. "Tina, do you have any money set aside, aside from our joint account?"

I nodded, my mind racing with the implications. "Yes, I do. My cards are in my purse, in the drawer at home. The PIN is 2-4-7-9. All three cards have the same PIN."

Sabastine nodded, his eyes locked onto mine. "Okay, I'll take care of it. I'll make sure to deposit the funds for the surgery."

As he turned to leave, I called out, my voice firm. "Sabastine, don't forget to come back to the hospital early. We need to make sure the deposit is made in time for the surgery."

He nodded, his expression resolute. "I won't forget, Tina. I promise. I'll be back soon."

With that, he turned and walked out of the room, leaving me to my thoughts and worries. But I knew I had to be strong, for our family's sake. I took a deep breath and steeled myself for the challenges ahead.