
Chapter Seven


I'm sleeping peacefully in my room, the darkness of the night calming my mind, when my phone suddenly rings. I groggily reach for it, my eyes half-open, and see Boss B's name flashing on the screen, quickly sitting up and answering the call. "Yes, Boss?" I say, my voice still husky from sleep.

"Tina, I've received information that some men are trying to smuggle drugs into the city through the woods," Boss B's voice is firm and serious. "I want you to hijack the shipment. We can't let anyone else control the drug trade in our city. Terror Squad must be the only ones selling drugs here, no matter what it takes." His words are laced with a sense of urgency and power. Without processing the mission, I know that hijacking a drug shipment is a dangerous task, but I know I'm up for the challenge. I'm The Tigress, after all. "Got it, Boss," I reply, my voice firm and confident. "I'll take care of it."

The line goes dead, and I'm left sitting in the darkness, my mind thinking of plans and strategies. I know I need to move quickly, gather my team, and get to work. The woods are no place to linger, especially at night. I throw off the covers and get out of bed, quickly dialing Dan's number, my mind already racing with the details of the mission. He answers on the first ring, his voice groggy from sleep. "Dan, we have a job. Meet me at the warehouse in thirty minutes." I give him a quick rundown of the mission, and he's instantly alert, his tone focused.

I arrive at the warehouse before Dan, my eyes scanning the dimly lit space. It's quiet, except for the distant hum of the city. I pace back and forth, my mind working overtime. Dan arrives shortly, his face set in a determined expression. "Let's get to work, Tigress," he says, his voice low and serious.

We sit down at a makeshift table, spreading out a map of the woods and the expected route of the smugglers. Dan points out potential entry and exit points, and we discuss our strategy. Our conversation is swift and efficient, our minds in sync. We've worked together long enough to know each other's strengths and weaknesses.


We arrive at the woods, our vehicle blending into the shadows. Dan and I sit in silence, our eyes fixed on the route ahead. The darkness overshadows us, the only sound the distant hum of crickets and the occasional hoot of an owl. We're waiting for the smugglers, our senses on high alert.

The hours tick by, my hand instinctively reaching for my gun. Dan's eyes meet mine, his expression calm and focused.

Suddenly, a faint light appears in the distance. Our heads snap to attention. The light grows brighter, illuminating the outline of a truck. My grip on my gun tightens, my finger hovering over the trigger. This is it. This is the moment.

The truck slows, its engine sputtering. Dan and I exchange a glance, our signal to move. We slip out of our hide out our footsteps silent on the forest floor. The smugglers are unaware of our presence, their guards down. We're about to change that.

I peer through the scope of my rifle, my finger resting on the trigger. Dan is by my side, his eyes fixed on the truck's tires. Our team is spread out around us, our guns trained on the smugglers. We're ready.

The truck comes into view, its headlights illuminating the dark woods. I take a deep breath, my heart racing with anticipation. This is it. This is the moment we've been waiting for.

"Take out the tires!" I yell, squeezing the trigger.

My bullet hits its mark, shattering the truck's front tire. Dan takes out the back tire, and the truck swerves, its engine sputtering. The smugglers return fire, their bullets whizzing past our heads. We take cover behind nearby rocks, our guns blazing as we exchange shots with the smugglers.

I feel excited as I take out one of the smugglers, my aim true. Dan yells out, his voice triumphant, as he takes out another. We're gaining the upper hand.

But the smugglers refuse to back down, their bullets flying fast and furious. I feel a bullet graze my arm, and I grit my teeth, my heart pounding. Dan yells out, "Tina, get down!" and I duck behind a rock, my gun still firing.

The shootout is intense, the sound of gunfire echoing through the woods. I pop out from behind the rock, my gun blazing, and take out another smuggler. Dan and the others flank them, taking out their guns and pinning them down.

The smugglers finally surrender, their hands raised in defeat. We've got them. We've got the shipment. And we've got the upper hand.

I stand up, my gun still trained on the smugglers, my heart racing with excitement. We did it. We took out the smugglers and secured the shipment. I glance over at Dan, and he grins, his eyes shining with pride. One after the other I personally kill all of them.

Dan and the others are already moving, securing the shipment and disabling the truck's communication devices. They load it into our own vehicles. I keep my eyes on the woods, my finger resting on the trigger. I know this people we took down are dangerous, and I'm not going to let my guard down unconsciously.

Suddenly, A backup team, hidden in the woods, are moving in. Dan and the others are caught off guard, and we're outnumbered.

"Take cover!" I yell, my gun blazing as I take out the first backup shooter.

Dan and the others follow my lead, our guns firing in unison as we take out the backup team. The hijacking is over, and we've secured the shipment. Dan and the others are already in the vehicles, ready to make our escape. I glance around, my eyes scanning the woods for any signs of more backup.

"Let's move!" I yell, jumping into the truck.

Dan floors it, the tires screeching as we speed away from the ambush site. I keep my eyes on alert.

We speed through the woods, our vehicles weaving in and out of the trees. I can hear the sound of sirens in the distance, and I know we need to move fast.

Suddenly, a bullet shatters the windshield, and I feel a searing pain in my shoulder. I grit my teeth, my vision blurring.

"Dan, I'm hit again!" I yell.

Dan's face is set in a grim expression, his eyes fixed on the road. "Hold on, Tina, I've got you!"

He floors it, the truck surging forward. I feel a jolt of adrenaline, my vision clearing. I glance back, seeing the cops closing in.

"We need to lose them, now!" I yell.

Dan takes a sharp turn, the truck skidding on the gravel. I feel a jolt of pain, my shoulder screaming in agony. But I know we can't stop now.

We speed through the woods, our vehicles taking a beating. But we finally manage to stop them shooting all their tires flat, and we make our way back to our hideout.

As we pull in, I feel a wave of relief wash over me. We made it. We got away.

But as I look down at my shoulder,

I grit my teeth as Dan helps me out of the truck, my shoulder throbbing in agony. We make our way into the hideout, the others gathering around us.

"Go check if Sherry is in!" Dan yells, his voice echoing off the walls.

I feel a wave of dizziness wash over me, my vision blurring. The next thing I know, I'm lying on a makeshift bed, Sherry tending to my wound.

"You're going to be okay, Tina," she says, her voice soft. "You lost a lot of blood, but we got the bullet out."

I nod as I drift off to sleep, I feel a sense of relief wash over me. We made it out alive.

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