
Chapter Five


tina sat cross-legged on the floor, a cigarette dangling from her lips. the sweet aroma of marijuana wafted through the air, mingling with the sound of brick & lace's sultry voices. "love is wicked" pulsed through the speakers, and we both let out a collective sigh.

"ah, this song gets me every time," tina said, her eyes closed, her head bobbing to the beat.

i strummed a few chords on my guitar, adding a harmony to the music. "i know, right? it's like they're singing directly to our souls."

tina opened her eyes, a mischievous glint in them. "girl, you're so deep."

as the song reached its climax, tina jumped up, grabbing my hands. "come on, sherry, let's dance!"

and with that, we lost ourselves in the music, our laughter and movements merging with the rhythm. it was a night to remember, a night to forget our troubles and simply enjoy the beauty of life.

as we danced, the music seemed to transport us to a different world, a world where our worries and heartaches didn't exist. tina spun around, her long hair flying like a whirlwind, and i couldn't help but laugh at her carefree spirit. we twirled and swayed, our feet moving in perfect sync, as if we were one being, united in our joy.

the final notes of "love is wicked" faded away, tina's words tumbled out in a rush, like a dam breaking free. i watched, mesmerized, as her eyes sparkled with a newfound conviction. "sherry, i used to think love was wicked, but now i realize it's not love that's the problem, it's the people we love who can be wicked." her voice was laced with a passion that was both captivating and contagious.

i felt my own heart resonate with her words, like a guitar string vibrating in harmony. i leaned in, my senses heightened, as tina continued to speak. "i mean, think about it, six years ago, i was in a relationship that almost destroyed me. but it wasn't love that hurt me, it was the person i loved who hurt me." her gaze locked onto mine, and i felt like she was sharing a secret, a revelation that only we two understood.

tina continued to speak, her words painted a picture of a past i knew all too well. the memories came flooding back, like a tidal wave crashing against the shore. i remembered the late-night conversations, the tears, the laughter, and the struggles. i remembered the pain of watching her go through it all, feeling helpless as at that time.

but as i looked into her eyes now, i saw a different story. i saw strength, resilience, and a hard-won wisdom. i saw a woman who had emerged from the ashes, phoenix-like, and was ready to spread her wings and soar.

"you're right, tina," i said, my voice barely above a whisper. "love isn't wicked. it's the people who claim to love us who can be wicked."

tina's face lit up with a radiant smile, and she reached out to hug me tightly. "thank you, sherry," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "thank you for understanding, for being here for me." i hugged her back.

we were diving deep into the complexities of love and relationships, sharing our own experiences and insights. tina's words resonated with me, and i found myself nodding along, feeling a sense of solidarity and understanding.

just then, tina's phone rang, shattering the silence. she groaned, rolling her eyes. "sorry, sherry. i have to take this." she answered, her voice switching to a professional tone. "yes, boss b. i'm on my way."

i watched as tina prepared to leave, her movements swift and precise. she was a force to be reckoned with, a warrior honed to perfection. i knew she was ready for this mission, she approached the door, reached into her bag and retrieved her silent pistol, her eyes locked on mine for a brief moment. i knew that look, that gleam in her eye. it was a look that said she was ready for anything.

with a practiced motion, she tucked the pistol back into her bag, her hand brushing against the extra ammo and tools she always carried. her gaze never left mine, her focus unwavering.

next, she reached up to touch her hair, her fingers smoothing out any stray strands. it was a habitual gesture, one that revealed her nervous energy. i knew she was more brutal than she seemed,

she turned to me, her eyes gleaming with a fierce intensity. "all good, sherry. i've got this," she said, her voice low and confident.

i felt a surge of pride and admiration for my friend. she was a true partner, a sister in arms. i knew she would stop at nothing to complete her mission.

"go get the bastard, tina," i said, my voice low and determined. "bring him down."

tina's smile grew wider, her eyes flashing with determination. "you know i will," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

i nodded understandingly, knowing that our conversation would have to wait. i felt a surge of gratitude towards boss b. he had plucked us from the streets, where hunger and desperation had been our constant companions. he had introduced us to a new world, one that was fast-paced and exhilarating.

i thought back to the days when tina and i had struggled to find our next meal, when our bellies had growled with hunger and our futures had seemed bleak. but boss b had seen something in us, something worth cultivating. he had taken us under his wing, teaching us the ways of his world.

and what a world it was! a world of luxury and excess, where money and power were the only currencies that mattered. we had embraced it fully, and it had become our own.

i smiled to myself, feeling a sense of loyalty and appreciation towards boss b. he had given us so much, and we had given him our loyalty and hard work in return. it was a fair trade, if you asked me.

as i settled back into the couch, i felt a sense of contentment wash over me. we had come a long way from our humble beginnings, and i knew that we would always be grateful to boss b for showing us the way.

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