
Chapter Four


I sit alone in the cemetery, surrounded by the silence of the dead. The sun beats down upon my face, but I feel no warmth. My heart is cold, my soul is numb. Before me lie the graves of my two children, Jerry and Princess. Their names are etched in stone, a permanent reminder of the joy they brought to my life, and the pain their loss has left me with.

As I gaze upon their graves, memories of their laughter and smiles flood my mind. I remember the way Jerry's eyes sparkled when he told me about his dreams, and the way Princess's hair curled when she slept. I remember the way they used to fight over toys, and the way they used to hug me tight. I remember the way they used to make me feel, like I was the most important person in the world.

But those memories are bittersweet now. They remind me of what I've lost, of what I'll never have again. My children are gone, taken from me by a cruel fate. And I'm left behind, alone and bereft.

As I sit there, the tears begin to fall. I cry for my children, for the life we had, for the future we'll never have. I cry for the pain and suffering we endured, for the betrayal and abandonment we faced. I cry for the what-ifs and the whys, for the questions that will never be answered.

My mind wanders to Sabastine, the man who was supposed to love and protect us. I think about how he disappeared, leaving us with nothing. No money, no home, no hope. I wonder what we did to deserve such treatment, what we did to make him leave us behind.

The tears continue to flow as I think about the life we had, and the future we'll never have. I'm consumed by grief and regret, I sit there, surrounded by the silence of the cemetery, I realize that I'll never find peace, never find closure. The pain of losing my children, of being betrayed by the one person I trusted, will stay with me forever. It's a burden I'll carry to my grave, a reminder of the joy and the sorrow that life has brought me.

My mind is a jumble of emotions, my thoughts racing with memories of the past. I remember the day Sabastine left us, the day my world came crashing down. I was left with nothing, no money, no home, no hope. I was forced to start over, to rebuild my life from scratch.

My thoughts are a tangled mess of sorrow and longing. I replay the memories of my children's laughter, their bright smiles, and their warm embraces. I relive the moments we shared, the triumphs and the struggles, the joy and the heartache.

I am consumed by a deep sense of loss, a gnawing ache that refuses to subside. I mourn the future we will never have, the milestones we will never reach, the memories we will never make.

Sabastine lied to us, pretending to be our savior. But behind his nice words and smile, he had bad intentions. He took advantage of my trust and love, promising us a better life but causing only harm.

His actions hurt me deeply, like a sharp knife to the heart. He disappeared, leaving us with nothing but broken dreams and painful memories. I am still haunted by the thought of what he did, wondering why and how I trusted him so much.

As I sit here, surrounded by the silence of the cemetery, I am forced to confront the harsh reality of Sabastine's betrayal. I am faced with the brutal truth that I was blinded by my love and trust, that I ignored the warning signs and dismissed the doubts that crept into my mind.

I am consumed by a sense of regret, a deep sorrow that I did not see the truth sooner. I regret the days I spent loving him, the nights I spent in his arms, the moments I shared my heart with him. I regret the trust I placed in him, the faith I had in him, the love I gave him.

But most of all, I regret the pain he inflicted on my children, the suffering he brought upon us, the destruction he wrought on our lives. I regret that I could not protect them, that I could not save them from his cruelty.

As the tears fall, as the grief washes over me, I know that I will never be the same again. I will never love again, never trust again, never believe in the goodness of another human being again. Sabastine's betrayal has shattered me, has broken me, has left me a shell of the woman I once was.

I gazed at their names, etched in stone: "Jerry" and "Princess". My beautiful, innocent babies. I felt a lump form in my throat as I knelt down, gently removing the dried flowers from their graves. The dust and dirt of time had settled on the petals, but my love for them remained unwavering.

With tender care, I replaced the old flowers with new ones, vibrant and full of life. The colors seemed to dance in the sunlight, a fitting tribute to the joy my children had brought me.

As I worked, memories flooded my mind. Laughter, tears, first steps, and whispered secrets. Oh, how I missed them! But I knew they were watching over me, their spirits free from pain and suffering.

I took a deep breath, my voice barely above a whisper. "My darlings, Mommy will always love you. I promise to avenge your deaths, to make sure your father pays for his crimes." I paused, my eyes welling up with tears. "Stay happy in heaven, my loves. Watch over me, and know that I'll join you soon."

With one last glance, I blew kisses to their graves, the wind carrying my love and devotion to the heavens. I stood up, my resolve strengthened. I would see justice done, no matter the cost. For Jerry and Princess I would fight on.

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