The bonfire was an enjoyable evening overall, if you forget Bonnie's praise of Jace. Few middle schoolers attended, probably too intimidated to be with older people. It was a funny experience, at least for me. High school in Los Angeles was much more serious about school parties. Each party had to be chaperoned by an adult and not exceed one o'clock in the morning, except for the prom, which was an exception. Last night was different. No adult was on the horizon and I even thought I saw alcohol passing through the hands of a few stubborn students.
However, listening to Bonnie talk about my new roommate quickly got tiresome. I muted his voice at first, but that only got more annoying. So I went to bed, claiming to be tired from the long journey I had to make to come here.
Unfortunately, I could not fall into a very deep sleep since I was suddenly awakened barely an hour later. Giggles echoed through the hallway, objects fell to the floor, and a fake voice was heard.
Worried by this sudden intrusion, I dragged my still sleeping body towards the direction of the noise, I was however ready to intervene in risk of danger.
My eyes widened and I paused when I saw Jace...with company. The scene in front of me was rather uncomfortable as Jace was languidly kissing what appeared to be his girlfriend, Hailey, if I remember correctly.
The couple were leaning against the wall of the entrance, and they did not fail to drop a lamp in their tracks. Their kisses were fiery and Jace's hands were lifting Hailey's legs dangerously. It was obviously clear that the duo hadn't seen me yet, since the temperature between them was only rising.
I did not know what to do. The situation was extremely awkward and I didn't want to risk being seen. My whole body was firmly fixed on the ground, my mouth sealed and my breath suddenly longer. I didn't need to be spotted. My attention shifted to the couple when I heard chuckles from Hailey.
I panicked for a moment, thinking I had been spotted, but the tall brunette's giggles seemed to be one of the many effects Jace's lips had on her. Relieved, I decided that now was a good time to sneak back to my room. It was a good plan, until my clumsy soul decided to reappear and trip me over the corner of the couch. My fall was rather loud and I didn't even have to look behind me to know that I had interrupted the intense session between Jace and Hailey.
-Jace! came a shrill voice after I fell.
I stood up and turned to the couple, a sorry smile on my lips. Hailey was no longer - glued to Jace, but she wasn't very far away, since her arms were still entwined around Jace's neck. The latter wore a neutral expression in the face of the situation.
- Who are you ? asked the tall brunette in a tone that didn't really inspire me with confidence.
- I-I, um..., far too embarrassed, I didn't know what to say.
Jace spoke for me:
- She's my roommate. No need to make introductions, he said in a flat voice.
Ignoring Jace's words, I waved to the couple and went to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.
Waking up was hard. It must be said that the wedding serenade of Jace and Hailey took away a few hours of sleep. My eyes were heavy and my body didn't seem to want to leave my cozy bed.
However, today is a big day. This is the start of classes. Who can't wait to go to class you say? Well, I am. I can't wait to discover the places and make new friends.
Finally decided to get up, I took my courage in both hands and opened my closet. I had obviously taken care to prepare my back-to-school outfit before coming here. That's why I didn't think twice and grabbed my blue sweater which was way too big for me and my black jeans.
After applying a little mascara to my lashes, I tied my blond hair in a ponytail. I barely had time to grab an apple when the clock told me it was time to leave. I quickly grabbed my bag and headed for my first class of the day.
Strangely, I found the History room without a hitch. Although the buildings are large, there are not as many classrooms as one might think.
Taking a deep breath, I walked through the door and into the classroom. Eyes turned to me for a moment out of curiosity, but very quickly everyone resumed what they had to do. The class was already almost full, however there were only about fifteen students. I walked to the back of the classroom, the only place where desks seemed to be empty, and took a seat near the window.
- Hey, I barely heard sitting down.
I turned my head and put a face to the voice. It was a boy with slightly curly hair. His eyes were an impressive blue and his face properly sculpted.
- Hey!
- Are you new here? He narrowed his eyes, waiting for an answer from me.
- Hum hum, I nodded, intimidated and uncomfortable.
Lucky has always been better than me in these situations. He was always the more sociable of the two. He manages to make friends very quickly, that's why I don't worry about his social life here. On the other hand, as far as I'm concerned, I'm shy. Not excessively, but I find it hard to strike up a conversation with a stranger.
- Welcome in this case, the boy smiles. Oh, I'm Matt Clark, by the way, he adds, extending his hand to me.
- Thank you, I replied, shaking his hand. My name is Elena Collins.
Matt gave me a charming smile and was about to say something when the professor entered the room.
- Hello and welcome back everyone!
He greeted us as he walked through the door. It was a man, probably in his fifties. He wore a dark blue sweater and a red tie around his neck.
Matt remained silent throughout the lesson, a blue pen between his lips. I was surprised by his friendliness and kindness.
The rest of the class was very boring, probably because history is a subject that I don't particularly like. But my morning was still enjoyable. The other courses, much more interesting than history, took place without surprise. Now was the time to deal with the cafeteria chaos.
I pushed open the two large doors separating the long hallways and the cafeteria. A huge ruckus was heard from the moment I walked through the door. The calm of the corridors was no more and was now replaced by incessant conversations aloud.
I trotted to the restaurant and started queuing. The menu seemed to be particularly varied since different dishes were offered. There was something for everyone: pizza, hamburger, lasagna, potatoes, but also Caesar salad, turkey, and seafood. I was satisfied with simple potatoes with a little salad.
My tray in hand, I scanned the great room in search of a quiet place. A small table was in a corner of the cafeteria, I decided to sit there.
- Hey, Elena! Bonnie exclaimed, scaring me to death.
I put a hand over my heart, hoping to calm my pulse.
- I almost had a heart attack, I sneered in front of Bonnie's wide eyes.
- Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Are you eating alone? she asked me.
I nodded, a little embarrassed by his observation.
- My friends and I can sit with you, so I can introduce them to you, Bonnie offered.
- With pleasure, I smile.
Shortly after, the table was filled with six other people, including Bonnie. The group smiled at me even more.
- Hi ! exclaimed a girl with fire-colored hair.
- Hi, I say in my turn.
- I'm Aubrey, she informs me.
"Elena," I informed her.
She nodded, Hmmm, I know. Bonnie told us about you.
Bonnie winks at me.
- He's Ron..., continued Bonnie, pointing to a half-breed boy with curly hair. His eyes were such a bright green they almost drifted into the blue.
He waved at me, while I simply nodded up and down.
- Then there's Alice and Jasper. (Bonnie pointed to two blond heads), brother and sister, she added.
- Unfortunately, Jasper breathed, rolling his eyes, which made me laugh.
- Hey, Alice looked offended - I heard !
- Awesome ! You're not deaf, Jasper replied in a voice higher than his own.
Their bickering reminds me of Lucky and me.
- Still bickering those two, Bonnie sighed as she took a fry from her plate. Once Jasper replaced Alice's shampoo with toothpaste. I'm not telling you the damage! Her hair was in a state! Bonnie recounted.
I smile at the anecdote.
- I had good reasons to do that! Jasper exclaimed, pointing a dangerous finger at Bonnie. She cut all my t-shirts in half!
Alice objected: - I only did this because you deserved it! And anyway who uses foundation for their science project!
Jasper answered immediately: - I mistook your makeup for paint, I didn't do it on purpose!
Their bickering continues but I no longer paid attention to it. The Hollywood arrival of Jace and Haylay stormed my attention. The cafeteria seemed much less noisy all of a sudden. Some curious ones like me stare at the duo, but Jace's murderous eyes make them look away immediately. His bearing was proud and assured. He walked over to the largest table in the cafeteria, and for a brief moment his eyes met mine as he passed our table.
His table was by far the largest, busiest, and noisiest in the cafeteria. Quite a cliche.
- Elena? Bonnie exclaims, confused.
- Um... yes... uh, I..., I tried to find my words desperately.
- You were looking at your roommate and you were like - wow, I'm lucky, Bonnie said, resting her head in her hands and going back to her cloud.
She had it all wrong, I was by no means lucky to share my cabin with Jace.
"Jace always has that effect on him," Ron told me, leaning back in his chair even more relaxed.
- I think that's what you would have said if you had to share your cabin with this guy, but it's not the case for me, I say to Bonnie letting a laugh escape me when I see that she was totally high.
She didn't answer me and continued to look at Jace who was now facing away from us.
Everyone looked away at Bonnie in despair. Bonnie had gone away, her body was well and truly among us, but her spirit seemed to have flown away to JaceLand.
"She's crazy," Jasper said, putting his hands behind his head.
I chuckled slightly at my friend then focused back on my meal.
- So, Jace Moonhood is your roommate? Alice asked me with a smile on her face.
- Unfortunately, I breathed already exasperated to have to spend a year with Jace.
Jasper sneered, as if he was currently mocking my unfortunate fate.
- I understand you..., said Alice to me, putting a fry between her teeth.
- It's true, I mean, I don't know what they all find in him, she began. He's just a super pretentious guy who thinks he's allowed anything, because his father owns part of the school, she observed Jace. I agree with you... You're out of luck, old lady, sighed Alice, taking a fry from her brother's plate, this time he slapped her hand and she released it immediately with a sigh.
Bonnie came down from her cloud at the magic word - Jace . She seemed much more attentive this time around.
- I don't agree, she's so lucky, I'm willing to share my cabin with Jace Moonhood! Bonnie disagrees a little too loudly for my liking.
- Speak less loudly, your Greek god could hear you, mocked Ron, an amused smile on the end of his lips.
- Have you already spoken to him at least? I ask Bonnie trying to figure out what she finds for him.
- Nah, never! she exclaimed, irritated.
- So, believe me, he's arrogant and certainly doesn't deserve the attention of a girl like you, I say calmly taking his hand.
Bonnie wore a confused expression, as if she was currently considering my words.
- But I deserve it, she said proudly.
The whole table let out a sigh of disappointment. It seems that Bonnie is cross of wood, cross of iron in love with Jace.
I made a promise to myself to try to change his mind during this year.
- Guess who it is ? asked a girl behind us, putting her hands over Bonnie's eyes.
I had seen this girl before... Jessica. She was present at the bonfire, she had come to see us and told us that she had to join a certain Kol. Jessica was accompanied by a boy.
- I ss ! Bonnie guessed right away.
The young woman removed her hands from Bonnie's eyes and stood beside the boy who seemed to be intimidating.
- Elena, this is Jessica, and Kol, Bonnie introduced me mentioning the duo.
Jess gave me a fake smile and grabbed Kol's arm tightly. It was all strange.
- Hi, I say shyly.
- Hi, replied Jess curtly.
Kol didn't move an eyelash, he didn't say anything either. His gaze fixed on me makes me feel more and more uncomfortable. Do I have something on my face?
The ringing snaps me out of my thoughts. I grabbed my bag and my tray and dashed off to class faster than the others, glancing behind me to catch the confused gaze of Bonnie and the rest of the group.
- I have to go, I have to um... go through my locker, I say while walking towards the exit of the cafeteria. The truth is that I couldn't bear Kol's heavy gaze on me anymore, I was really uncomfortable. The bell fell off.
The faces of the group soften at my response except Jess's. She doesn't seem to like me very much. I wonder why. She and her boyfriend had really had a weird attitude towards me. It's almost rude. Maybe they had the same first impression as Jace about me? Still, I don't feel like I did anything wrong.
The rest of the day went well, for a first day. Bonnie is with me in French, and the boy I met this morning, Matt, is with me in Biology. Everything seemed to have started well.
6:00 p.m., end of classes for the day.
I returned to the chalet slowly to be able to enjoy the sunset. As I walk the small path that leads to the camp, where the accommodations are, many thoughts overwhelm me. Had Lucky met anyone at the party last night? Did his first day go well? Has he made any friends? I was also thinking about what I had to do. I had to call my parents, then do my homework and get my things ready for tomorrow.
Hardly had I time to think about all this, that I had already arrived in front of my chalet. When I walked in, I didn't see anyone in the living room, much to my relief. I decided to go take a shower, then I would do my homework. This first day was exhausting. My back hurts and my eyes only cry out for sleep.
I let the water run over my back for a moment, letting my muscles relax.
After spending a good quarter of an hour in the shower, I went out and went to change.
How lucky to have your own bathroom in your room!
Once dressed, I took my course books and went to sit around the small coffee table in the living room which is directly in front of the fireplace.
A royal silence reigned until I heard a door slam.
This is the door to his bedroom. It seems that he does not know how to close a door gently.
He entered the warm living room and headed for the music station. He turned it on and put on a Drake song, which I think has been on the radio way too many times.
He then collapsed on the couch with his phone in his hands. He didn't look at me, preferring to completely ignore me.
Impossible for me to concentrate on my homework if there is noise around. I started to get really annoyed by this song. I then decided to get up to turn off the sound system, then I went back to sit at my table.
He glared at me, his phone still in his hands. Then he got up to turn on the sound system, turning up the sound before resting his buttocks on the sofa and gluing his eyes back to his iPhone.
This is starting to really piss me off. Not only did he totally ignore me, but he didn't even respect the fact that, unlike him, I'm working to pass my year of study. No way am I going to let myself be walked on.
I got up with a determined step and turned off the sound system once and for all, unplugging it.
- What are you doing ? Jace asked me, looking bewildered.
- I'm trying to do my homework, and besides, I think you noticed it. I can't concentrate with the music, so this PA is going to stay off until I finish my homework! I say really sure of myself this time.
- Yeah of course sweetheart, he scoffed. He shook his head from side to side, amused by my little outburst.
His little nickname has no effect on me, except that it irritates me even more.
- Hey! I questioned him.
"One, this sound system is going to stay off so I can do this damn homework," I exclaimed, annoyed that he's making fun of me.
"And two... never call me 'sweetheart' again," I insisted.
His gaze changed from mocking to annoyed, his pupils dilating in a fraction of a second, his mocking smile disappeared. He slowly got up from the sofa, approached me dangerously, but I didn't back down.
He just wants to intimidate me, and that won't work with me. I don't let myself be walked on even if deep inside I'm scared to death. He is much taller than me. The warmth of his body makes me notice his closeness. His size intimidated me, but I had to be neutral, fearless.
Our bodies could almost touch, but I still wouldn't back down. I didn't want him to think I was afraid of him.
He might take advantage of this weakness to my disadvantage.
Her square jaw was so tight she could have cut ice. For a moment, I allowed myself to admire him. Her tousled raven hair seemed to be slightly wet, her skin was flawless, her emerald green eyes were as well. Yet he is so detestable.
- Don't venture into this area, you could quickly regret it Elena..., he began in a slow voice - stay in your place he said very seriously, his jaw clenched. His eyes seemed to throw knives in my direction.
He sat back on the couch with his phone while I grabbed my things and went to my room without saying a word.
He let out a proud laugh as I walked past him. By leaving like that, I had let him win. I was aware of it. But it is useless to argue with someone like him. That would be equal to talking to a brick wall.
- Work my heart well, he called from the couch. His remark made me walk even faster in my room. His tone was almost evil.
I now had to control my anger and my frustration at not having answered anything. He had made me so angry, I wanted to explode.
I hate being walked all over, let alone by such an arrogant boy.
I decided to call my parents to take my mind off things, I'll finish my homework when I've calmed down.
- Hello, darling? cried my mother on the phone. Hearing his voice was a real relief. A weight lifts off my shoulders with every sound that comes out of his mouth.
"Hello mum, how are you? I said, letting out a tired sigh.
The tender and sweet voice of my mother does me the greatest good and calms me instantly.
- How are you darling ? she asked.
- Oh well, my first day of class went well I anticipated my mother's question.
- Have you made any friends? she asked me afterwards.
- Yes, some, I said in a low voice. I don't really want to talk. I just wanted to hear my mother's melodious voice.
- Is everything okay, Elena? my mother asked with a hint of concern in her voice. It is impossible to hide anything from him.
I didn't want to tell her anything about Jace's behavior. My mother would risk making a big deal out of it and worrying too much about me. I didn't want her to have that kind of worry when I'm only on my first day here.
- No, no, everything is fine, I assure you, with these words my mother found her voice so light.
- I called your brother earlier, he told me that the school had a kind of tradition and that they had organized a bonfire to welcome the newcomers my mother informs me, even if I was already aware.
- Yes I know, I went with Bonnie, I say, laying my head on my pillow.
- Who is Bonnie? asked my mother, looking calm and serene.
- Hm, she's my friend, well I think, I admitted, frowning.
"I'm glad you made friends so quickly," my mother told me.
- Yes, that's pretty cool, I say, yawning.
I'm exhausted, I need a real night, a night without unpleasant noises in my roommate's room. But I still have to finish my homework.
"Mom, I haven't finished my homework, I'm going to have to leave you, I'll call you tomorrow, kiss dad," I explained to my mother on the phone.
- Okay sweetie, have a good night, I'll be sure to kiss your father for you, I love you darling, she said to me.
- - THANKS. I love you too mom, very much, I finished the conversation, relieved that everything is going well on their side.
After talking on the phone with my mother, I settled on my bed with all my notebooks and my things to work on. It was getting really late and my eyes were getting really heavy really fast. After trying to fight off sleep, I finally fell into the arms of Morpheus, my notebooks all around me