
5. The First Meeting

Alexander's Pov

Sitting comfortably on my recliner, focusing on the paperwork I had was just another normal day for me. I was just setting out the records of the new members who joined my pack. The strongest pack that is out there and a pack that instills fear into the hearts of my enemies.

The blood moon pack.

But the fear is mostly because of me and the stories that I'm famous for. Everyone knows that those stories are not just rumors because they know what I'm capable of. I had to take over my pack just when I was 16 after my parents' death. I was bestowed with the honor of being the alpha and ruling a pack, but also with immense responsibilities which I've got to admit was sometimes very tiring. But I proved myself to the people. I proved myself to everyone and showed that I was very much capable.

I know how my people actually shiver when my name is mentioned. After all my beast is one powerful and dreadful creature and you may just not want to be on his bad side. Otherwise you won't even have enough time to regret before you find yourself lying dead.

There was a knock on my office that brought me out of my trance.

"Come in." I replied without any emotion.

"Alpha," My beta Lucas entered as he bowed down in respect.

"The news on the borders Lucas?" I asked without raising my head from the work I had in hand.

“Everything is alright Alpha. I'm just coming back from the patrol." He answered.

"Good. How's Emily?" I asked him.

He was going to be a father soon and I was happy for him. After all he is my best friend.

"Oh she is doing pretty well Alpha. Except for the mood swings and weird cravings, everything is completely under control," He replied laughing a little. I nodded with a small smile.

"Great. There's nothing else I want at the moment. You can go back to your mate."

"Thank you Alpha ." He bowed once before leaving the room.


This one word keeps repeating in my mind. My better half. When will I find her? Will I even find her? What the people say about me, is it true? Is it true that I'm such a monster that I'm cursed to not have a mate? Sometimes I get jealous watching my beta and gamma happily enjoying their lives with their mates. I agree that I am a monster but only to people who are a threat to me or my pack. All I ever wished for was to have a mate. I grew up with the thought that one day I will have someone to love and cherish. Someone to protect. Someone to live for. To wake up to every morning. Heck I have never even been in any kind of relationships or never even been intimate with any girl. I only want my mate. I want to do everything with her. To surprise her when she least expects it. To kiss her when she feels low or to have her kiss me when I'm down. I want to do so many things to her. To make her feel like the most special girl in this world. I know it sounds very surprising as how the big bad Alpha would go all mushy for his mate but it's the truth. That is what we wolves are like.

I'm ready to do anything for her. Just let me meet her moon goddess. Please! I've waited for years now. I just want her in my arms soon. Have you even paired me up with someone? Or is this one of your ways of punishing me? My wolf whimpered a little on the thought of not having a mate but I consoled him with the same word I use every time.


I was brought out of my trance when my gamma Jacob bursted in my office. He looked panicked. I immediately sprang off my chair. "What's wrong Jacob?"

"Alpha! Haley... She…. she hasn't returned to the pack house yet. Alpha she left 2 hours before saying she will be back in half an hour but still hasn't returned. I can't even mind link her. I have this weird feeling Alpha. She's is in danger and I don't know what to do!"

I immediately mind linked Lucas and one of my warrior that we have to leave to look for her at once. I even mind linked my men at the borders to keep their eyes open and inform me if anything happens.

"It's okay, we are going to find her Jacob. She'll be alright." I said before we dashed into the woods shifting into our wolves.

We sped through the forest, keeping our eyes open for anything unusual.

" I smell her alpha I think we are close." Jacob mind-linked me.

I could smell her too by now but there was another smell with her. A different one . A pleasant one to be exact.

"There is someone else with her as well. I can smell it." I pointed.

"But I don't smell anything Alpha," Jacob replied. That got me a little confused. The smell only grew stronger as we were nearing the spot. It smelled like lavender and chocolate. To be honest it was a very mouthwatering smell. I couldn't really wrap my head around it until two figures came in our view. One was Haley for sure but she was hugging another girl around her age. The girl had white hair was all I could see. We immediately surrounded them.

Mate! My wolf cheered.

No way. Is this real? Is this really what I think this is or am I just dreaming? Did I really just find my mate?

Haley, after sensing our presence pounced on Jacob while my eyes stayed on the beauty who was looking at them happily. Without her noticing, I made my way behind her. I saw two rogues lying dead near us. So this is what happened. Haley was attacked. But how is that no one sensed the rogues? That's because they hid their scents well. I made a mental note that I'll have to deal with this later. My eyes moved back to the beauty that was standing in front of me.

"Oh my Goodness! Haley! Are you crazy? You know what could have happened to you? Do you realize what could have happened to me if something would have happened to you? Never do that again. I swear. Never Haley! Never!" I heard Jacob exclaim in worry.

"Oh Jacob you know you have to thank her! She's the one who saved me." Haley replied.

"Thank you so much for saving my mate. You don't know how thankful I am." Jacob stated.

"That's not a problem." My mate smiled lightly.

"But if you don't mind me asking how did you take them down alone?" Jacob questioned. Quite honestly I thought that too. I couldn't smell her wolf but at the same time I knew she wasn't human. My beast had sensed that while I was sure the others would have ignored the different aura oozing out of her. What was she?

"Oh I didn't. They were already dead before I came here. Someone would have killed them." I could point out the hesitation in her voice and for some reason didn't want to buy what she was saying. Something was definitely up.

"She told me her friend is a werewolf so she knows about us," Haley added explaining further that she is indeed a human. It was clear by the way the rogues were lying dead, they were killed by someone. Someone like us. What are you hiding my mate?

I felt her grow a little tense as she sensed my presence behind her. I smirked mentally for the affect I had on her. When she "tried" escaping from the situation, she only got trapped in it once again. Ha gotcha. She had nowhere to escape as I was blocking her view. After admiring my chest for some time, she finally looked up into my eyes. That's when the time stopped and I was left flabbergasted. Her beauty was something that was beyond words. And Goddess her eyes! They were a very deep blue with specks of white in them. It was like I was hypnotized and couldn't look away. She was simply gorgeous. I couldn't believe the moon goddess blessed me with a goddess herself. I mind linked everyone around to leave us alone. From their expressions I could guess they understood the situation. They scurried away while I stood admiring and adoring the beauty in front of me.

At the same time she was also busy looking at my face. It was like time stopped for the both of us. Her skin was so smooth, I was tempted to touch it. How badly my hands were itching to touch her. To have her in my embrace. Before I knew what was happening, my palm rested on her cheek while I gently cupped her face as if she was the most fragile thing in my life. As soon as my hand made contact with her skin, Sparks erupted and electricity jolted up my body and it was confirmed she was indeed my mate and I was not dreaming. I know she felt the sparks too guessing by her reaction.

I could not stop the words flowing out of my mouth.....


"What?" She questioned as if she was very confused with whatever just happened. And so in order to clear up any confusion that was left I whispered again...

"Mate," as a genuine smile graced my lips after years.

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