
4. Mate

Aurora's Pov

I felt some movement in the background. More werewolves. My senses were on alert as soon as I recognized them. It was getting clearer with every second. The continuous thudding of paws against the wet soil. In a few seconds they stopped behind me. I heard a few bones breaking knowing that they all shifted back.

The girl, whose name I still don't know moved away from me to have a view of what was happening. I was yet to see who were these people who just arrived.

"Jacob!" The girl exclaimed happily before throwing herself at what I'm assuming was her mate. I smiled lightly knowing everything's alright.

"Oh my God ! Haley! Are you crazy? You know what could have happened to you? Do you realize what could have happened to me if something would have happened to you? Never do that again. I swear. Never Haley! Never!" Her mate exclaimed in worry. It looked as if he was going to cry any moment now. Well good thing he isn't. But all this while I felt restless feeling someone's eyes on me. My wolf was itching to come out and I had to use considerable strength to put her at bay.

What are you doing? Do you want to blow up our cover? Stay put. I scolded her, hearing her whimper.

"Oh Jacob. I am so sorry. I should have informed you before leaving. But you need to thank her!" She pointed at my back, "She's the one who saved me." Haley broke the news. I sighed knowing it was my cue to finally get up and face them. And so that what I did. Getting up slowly, I turned around to finally face them.

"Oh no! I didn't technically save her. I just um….kind of stayed with her till she got up..." I trailed.

"Thank you so much for even staying with her. You don't know how thankful I am. She would have been scared to find herself alone in this situation." Jacob stated with relief.

"That's not a problem." I smiled lightly.

"But if you don't mind me asking, how did you take these wolves down alone?" Jacob questioned. Here it comes.

"Oh I didn't. They were already dead before I came here. Someone would have killed them." I lied casually. I just hope they buy it. They looked at me curiously but let it slip.

"She told me her friend is a werewolf so she knows about us," Haley added explaining further that I am indeed a human.

Now that I looked properly, they were four wolves exactly. One was Jacob and with the little aura around him so I guessed he has some important rank in the pack. He was a fine man with dirty blonde hair and a nice body.

Next to him was another one with Ash grey hair and he was quite a handsome man screaming power. A beta I'm guessing. Behind them was one of their warriors I think. But there was one who had taken the chance to move behind me while I was busy with the conversation with Haley and Jacob. That person was the reason for my nervousness that I was feeling until now. I could feel his hard gaze piercing holes through my body, making me slightly at the sensation. I don't know why but there was an immense power and an aura radiating from him. Something I've never felt before.

I don't know why but I couldn't find it in myself to turn around and look at him. Why was I acting this way? I've never been scared. Even now I wasn't. It was just this weird feeling that had spread throughout my body and it was causing my wolf to come out but I kept her at bay. Not wanting to be questioned anymore I decided it was best if I get out of here.

"I guess I'll keep going then. Goodbye." Just as I turned around to go back, I came in view with a chest. A glistening chest to be precise. And boy was it a sight to see. Perfectly built with muscles right on spot. "Umm..." Was the only thing that came out of my mouth while I slowly moved my gaze up from his body to his face. Just then my eyes landed on his blue orbs that held me captive for a few minutes. What the hell was happening to me? What was this power that kept my body in some sort of a trance that I was finding awkwardly hard to get out of? I observed him while he was looking directly in my eyes with some emotion I couldn't decipher.

Why is he so handsome? I mean his face! His perfectly sharp jawline ready to slice anything! His jet black hair slightly ruffled! I've seen some handsome men before but I've never felt like this. So intimidated or nervous. He definitely topped the other three men that were now standing behind me.

Before I knew what was happening, I saw him stretching his hand towards my face. Slowly and cautiously he placed it on my cheek and very gently cupped my face while running soothing circles on it with his thumb.

As soon as his hand made contact with my skin I felt electricity jolt up my body. Sparks. Literal Sparks was what I felt. Just what in the world was he doing? Is he some kind of a magician or something that had me under a spell? He looked at me with adoration? But why? I finally decided that I had enough! I need to get out of here. Just as I was about to make a move he said one thing that made shivers ran down my body. Shivers of dread and my spine ran cold.


"What?" I whispered almost breathlessly.

" Mate." He announced once more with a bright smile on his face.

No! It can't be!

Ok now I get what was happening. I found my mate? How the hell did he recognize my scent? I made sure to hide it! Or at least I thought I did.

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