
3. You're Welcome

Aurora' Pov

I let the cool breeze unravel my hair as a ghost of a smile lingered on my face. The fresh air allowed my thoughts to run free. Sitting all alone in the peaceful serene environment, leaning against the same huge rock I have been coming to for the past 2 years, I closed my eyes and heard the waves crash against the shore. The soft breeze hustled while a few birds sang their melody. Why couldn’t my life be like this all the time? I wondered. Just as I was enjoying my time alone, my phone shrilled bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Where are you? I've been waiting for like forty minutes now!" my friend Arya exclaimed. She was not really anyone close to me, heck no one was. She was just an old high school mate who took an immediate liking to me and hence declared us friends.

"Take a chill pill buddy. I'm on my way. You know the traffic in this city is just horrible. I'll be there in 10." I replied smiling to myself knowing the reality.

"You better be Aurora!"

"Ok see you," I hung up.

Let’s see what is the news that my oh-so-lovely friend has been dying to announce since yesterday. With that, I sat in my car taking off to the destination.

"What took you so long?" Was the first thing I was greeted with as soon as I entered our usual diner.

"Told you, got caught up in some traffic. Anyways what was the news that you have been dying to tell me and couldn't wait for even a few minutes?" I asked curiously


"So you know I applied to my dream University right? " She looked at me with happiness clearly dancing in her eyes.

"No way! You got accepted! Congratulations buddy. I'm so happy for you!" I exclaimed while getting up to hug her tightly. I knew how much this girl wanted to go to Yale. I have seen her working hard for it and I'm so happy she finally got what she deserved.

"Yeah I am too, but I'm sad at the same time. I'm going to miss you."

"Awl that's ok. You know we can always talk on the phone right?" She nodded sadly. "Anyways, when are you leaving?"

"Next week."

"Next week?" Okay that's pretty soon now. I didn't think she would be leaving this early but what can I say. Life wants me to be alone! Or maybe it has something better planned for me. I really hope it's the latter.

After I was done with her, I was making my way back to my apartment when my wolf nudged me.

‘Can we please go out for a run? I feel like I've been trapped forever!’

That's my wolf, Snow. Honestly I feel bad for her. But it's not really my fault I have to roam around disguised as a human. We know what can happen if we slip up. It is very easy for my wolf to cover up her scent though, one of the perks of being a White Wolf. After thinking about it, I decided to let her out for a few hours.

Ok buddy. Today is your day then. But not here you know. Let's go to somewhere more private.

‘Finally,’ she purred.

I arrived at the usual forest I chose to run every time. It has this very calming sensation that always pulls me towards itself. Strange, I know. As I passed a few trees, I finally saw a suitable place to take my clothes off. I shimmied out my floral dress and gave all the control to my wolf. She took over effortlessly, carrying my dress in my jaw to use it for later and after a few seconds, I was on all fours. Although I let my wolf out some times, I'm usually the one in control. I only let her take full control when it's completely necessary like when I have to heal someone or when I have to take down a few wolves. Rogues mostly.

I went hurtling through the forest passing the trees in mere seconds. I was enjoying the run until I heard someone screaming for help. On alert, I dashed my way to the voice just wishing that whoever it was, wasn't hurt. The reason I'm always ready to help anyone in danger is my mother. Every time someone asks for help, I never turn it down because it takes my back to the day when my mother died. I wonder how she also would have screamed for someone to help her but unfortunately there was really no one. I don't want anyone to die the same way. Completely helpless.

I finally reached the source of the voice and saw two rogues had attacked a she wolf nearly my age. She was sprawled on the ground, unmoving. One of the rogues lunged at her again but before that, I dropped my dress from my jaw and pounced on him. Immediately I let my sharp teeth dig deep into his shoulder drawing immense blood out of it. I shoved him in the tree letting my canines sunk in deeper, before snapping his neck. I turned to face the other one who looked terrified. Of course I was the white wolf. Why wouldn't he be? He tried scurrying away while showing his neck in submission. Oh no not so fast buddy! You will have the same fate as your friend.

I lunged at him letting my claws slash his chest. He tried fighting back but wasn't up to the mark. Very soon with another snap I killed him. I shifted back and immediately put my dress on. Making my way to the girl lying on the ground I kneeled before her.

She was dying. Her breathing was shallow and her pulse rarely there. I had to save her. She had lost a lot of blood. An image of my mother in the same condition flashed in front of me but I pushed it aside. The only difference was that she was already dead by the time I reached her but the girl had some life left in her.

I had to focus. Without thinking twice I gave my wolf complete control. My blue eyes glowed as I concentrated on bringing all my attention and energy to my palm. My eyes went completely white as my palm also started emitting white light. I felt light headed as I let that sensation take over me completely. I then rubbed my palm on her chest slightly and soon she was engulfed in that aura. Her body glowed as the fresh blood now started fading away along with her scratches.

I waited until I felt some movement in her body and that’s when I stopped. Letting my eyes go back to normal, I brought my hand forward to gently shake her. She opened her eyes slowly, taking in her surroundings. As if she felt a current, she jolted up to her feet making me stand up along with her. She observed her surroundings carefully, fear consuming her.

"They..they almost killed me." She whispered, still traumatized by the events that happened minutes ago.

"It's ok. It's ok. You are alright now," I tried comforting her. I mean I didn't exactly know how to talk to her knowing that I was never in this situation before where I had to talk to the person I healed minutes before.

"I found you lying here and saw those dead wolves nearby. Thought someone would have already taken care of them but forget that you were also here, leaving you behind," I implied that I didn't kill the rouges as it would then blow up my cover of how I was able to take them down and blah blah. I had to stay hidden at any cost.

"Why am I not bleeding? I'm not hurt? How?" At that point I quickly worked up my brain to come up with another excuse.

"Oh I guess those things just knocked you off which made you faint temporarily. And before they could attack you, somebody already took care of those werewolves."

"You are human? How do you know about wolves? Werewolves I mean? You do know that those animals there aren't just normal wolves right?" She asked still confused and the slight tremble in her voice gave away that she was still a little scared of everything that happened to her. I mentally smacked myself for letting my tongue slip.

"I ..uh.. well I have a friend who is a werewolf and since she is my bestie, we don't really hide things from each other so yeah I know everything about werewolves. Like literally everything so I guess I know how this thing works," I lied not so sure if she was going to buy it.

Without any warning, she engulfed me in a tight hug. "Thank you so much for saving my life. My mate would have been worried sick. I can't even think what would have happened to him if I would have died!” This was a little unexpected. I really wasn’t a hugger kind of person knowing I never actually had many people to hug. I realized how pathetic my life has been so far.

"Oh ..I ..I didn't save you actually. I just kinda stayed here trying to wake you up so you were not alone in this situation. I understand it can be scary," I trialed off.

"Still! Thank you for staying with me!" She hadn’t let go of the hug just yet and I really didn't know how to respond to it. I mean her hug, it meant so much but so weird at the same time as I was not used to it. Like ever! But it also made me feel for the first time my existence was for a purpose. I mean I have helped people before but this kind of appreciation is something I always longed for. She felt like family. I let a small smile grace my lips.

"You’re welcome," I whispered finally hugging her back.

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