
6. You Are Beautiful

Aurora's Pov

Okay, this can't be happening! Why do I even have a mate? I mean even if I do then why now? That too an alpha! What am I supposed to do now? How will I escape him? My throat was literally dry and no words came out of my mouth. Maybe he sensed my distress and so decided to break the silence.

"You are beautiful."

"Umm…." is all that came out of my mouth. "Yeah. Um.... Right. I'll be just on my way then." I replied after swallowing the lump in my throat. What was I even thinking? Before I could leave, he grabbed my hand and again those stupid tingles ran down body making me quiver a little.

"Where are you going?" He asked in surprise. Of course he wouldn’t let me go like that.

"To my house obviously," I replied in a duh tone.

"I'm sorry dear but we can't have that. You will have to come to the pack house with me. You are my mate after all. I have waited for you my entire life." He said so many emotions that I couldn't decide what to do next. Honestly, my heart felt alive after a long time just looking at him. But I had to stay under control and not risk anything. So I went on with my lame excuses.

"But I don't even know you. For all I know you could be a killer. A vicious murderer! How can I even trust you? I don't even know your name!" I exclaimed. I know that was stupid. Gosh what was I thinking? But what did he do? He laughed. He actually laughed. I mean ok I agree I was being a little unreasonable but the decency of this man! Laughing at his own mate! Now this is unacceptable!

"Okay," he said after taking a break from his fit. "Okay I agree that we don't know each but, I mean we have the rest of our lives to know each other right? We are mates and that is what mates do normally. As for my name, it's Alexander knight." He responded with a smile, "what's yours?"

Should I tell him my name?

Of course you do you idiot! He is our mate. Tell him your name and then give him a warm hug. I can't wait to mate him. My wolf said feeling all giddy.

Shut up you idiot. We can't do that and you know why. He can't know who we really are otherwise he too will take advantage of us. Just like everyone else. He can't know you exist Snow! And I'm doing this for everyone. If we go with him then we are going to put him and his pack in danger as well. My wolf whimpered knowing I was right. We can't mess up anything.

"Angel? I still don't know your name," He brought me out of my daze. Should I tell him or not? I mean it's just my name


"Aurora." I sighed, preparing myself for whatever was going to happen next.

"Aurora." He repeated breathlessly. "It's beautiful, just like you," he said while tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. I felt excited hearing my name from those sweet lips of his. Goodness what am I thinking? I'm surely going nuts.

"Aurora, do you mind if we continue with our journey back to the pack house?" He questioned while raising one of his eyebrow. Of course I mind. I pondered over the consequences. And after much thinking I came to a conclusion. I'll go with him for now because I'm sure I can't escape right now. But as soon as I get a chance after reaching the pack house, I'll do what I'm best at doing. I'll run away from him and hide. That is the only way of keeping him and his people safe from my troubles. And for that I will have to come up with foolproof plan. Piece of cake. After sighing I responded.

"Lead the way."

On our way back, I remember he told me his name. Alexander Knight. Why does this sound familiar. I definitely rings a bell. Wait is he ... No! He is Alexander knight! As in the last Alpha Alexander Knight of blood Moon pack? Sure he was famous for his doings. O should I say infamous? He is a killer! I have heard those stories of how he has killed many packs ruthlessly without thinking twice. Heck I have to come up with a plan soon. I can't stay with him.

"I can see the wheels turning in your head. What's wrong?" He asked

"Nothing," I lied. He didn't buy it but didn’t question.

"So what were you doing on my territory?" He tried digging in.

"I was just passing by when I heard someone from your pack screaming for help so I just went to check."

"How did you take down the rogues. That too all alone?"

"I didn't. Remember I'm a human? They were already dead when I reached there," seriously Aurora? I mentally smacked myself. I can't think straight when he is around. I know he still didn't buy that. I mean the way he was assessing me definitely felt like he was getting second thoughts about me being a human. Hell, How am I to get out of this? I've never felt this helpless in my life. He only smirked knowing I'm lying but thank goodness didn't interrogate me any further.

"Well I have to thank you for being there for my gamma female." I lightly shrugged saying it was not a problem. He is literally distracting me. I mean his handsomeness, his scent, God his everything!

"What are you Aurora?" He mumbled letting his curiosity finally be known.

"I'm a girl. If that's what you're asking?" Why was I being so lame.

"You don't smell like a human. How do you even know about our kind?"

"Well like your gamma told you I have a friend, my best friend who doesn't hide anything from me and happens to be a werewolf. Don’t you pay attention?"

We came to a stop in front of the pack house and boy was it beautiful! I have never seen something as pretty as this. It was more like a castle with its high walls almost wanting to touch the sky. White fences caged the property and I could see a few people lingering around along with a few guards. I looked at Alexander from the corner of my eye smiling at the people and they returned it with their pleasant smiles.

"Let’s get going," was all he said before we stepped in the pack house . Let's see what life has in store for me now.

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