« My waiting list is long, there’s no way that-« I didn’t want to say the word survive, it’s a brutal, insensitive way to discuss it.
« He’ll persevere. » I finished my sentence.
« That’s what I thought you might say. » She pointed her finger up as she nods her head, her lips fell in a thin line.
Three guys appeared behind her, exiting the van. I took steps back bumping into my car, I tried reaching in my bag for my taser but unfortunately they’ve already gotten to me. She smiled while making her way to the passenger seat, one of the men stared at me in a daunting way.
« Otpustite menya, gluptsy. » I thrash around in their arms trying to get free. (Translation : let go of me, fools.)
When I’m nervous, or upset I tend to talk in my native tongue.
My chest was heaving up and down, she gave them a nod causing one of them to place a white cloth over my nose and mouth. I mumbled angrily but before I knew it my eyes were starting to close and my body felt fuzzy. I hazily pushed away one of the men that were holding me down, I tried running but my legs felt like they were sinking in the ground.
« Laurie won’t be happy about this. » One of the men told her, she shrugged her shoulders.
« She’s his last hope. »
My eyes completely shut and the world went silent.
A memory of my mother passed through my mind, her words repeating. We’ll meet again —I spun out of bed with a blanket over my chest, my breathing was heavy and my chest was rapidly moving up and down. I glanced around, the room was completely dark but I almost immediately noticed that this wasn’t my room.
She’s his last hope, I remember everything now. I was kidnapped by a lunatic blonde women. I felt a soft material rubbing against my skin, I had on a black nightgown which I was not wearing when I was thrown in the back of a van.
My foot slowly reached for the wooden floor, I instantly got the shivers from the coldness. I took many steps towards the closest window, I pecked out the huge window. It was daytime, I tried looking for any clue to where I was at but all I seen was trees and flowers.
My ears perked at the sound of the door opening, I turned around just in time to face my kidnapper. Her blonde hair was swept in a high bun, and her clothes looked completely different than her attire last night. I noticed that she was holding my medical bag which I left at home for emergencies behind my couch.
« You entered my home. » I growled.
« Eff off, won’t ya. » She said as she rolls her blue eyes, she tossed my bag on the bed.
« You know I have clients today that need saving, instead you want to be selfish. » I pointed out, today I had two heart transplants that I needed to do and instead of being at the hospital I’m being held against my will.
« Save my brother and than you can go back to playing doctor. »
There was no point in arguing with her so I instead gave up, I simply nodded in agreement. ‘Playing doctor’ was offensive, I spent my whole life training to do what I do and not once did I get help for it.
She tossed my stethoscope towards me and I caught it in the palm of my hand. She cocked her eyebrow up at me, impressed on my catching skills. I picked up my bag and followed quickly behind her, I kept my head low and tried not to look around, the less I know the more likely I am to be release.
« There’s a few rules, don’t make direct eye contact with him, don’t ask him about his scar, don’t speak if you’re not spoken too. » She tells me.
Are you kidding me ? He wants my help yet I can’t even ask him questions about his health.
We entered a room, the smell of cigars filled my nose. The room was basically hotboxed, there was so much smoke in the room that the blonde girl had to crack open a window. I waved my hand in front of my face trying not to get secondhand smoke, I settled my eyes on the office. It was dark and had a lifeless atmosphere but filled with paintings, they were sad paintings but they still had some color to them.
« I told you to stop smoking. » She speaks, I wasn’t sure who she was talking to till the chair in front of the desk spun around.
« I’m dying anyways. » His accent was thicker than the girl, his voice was flat and shown no emotion just like his cold carmel eyes.
His blonde hair shines under the bright sunlight, his skin was pale and needed sunlight desperately. I wanted to run my fingers through his blonde curls but I held back that urge. I shifted my eyes to the ground, I remembered perfectly what she just had told me about not making eye contact.
« This is Dr. Ivanov, she’s going to be your doctor from now on. » She says.
« I thought you had said her list was filled. » His voice made me want to run and hide, something just didn’t sit right in my stomach about him.
« I made arrangements. »
« Kidnapping is an arrangement for you ? » I caught myself saying, her head snapped around to face mine.
My eyes met his, he stared blankly in to mine. He looked me up and down slowly, his head tilted slowly.
« Diana, is this true ? » His voice was directed towards the blonde but to my understanding her name is Diana.
« I did what any sane sister would do. » Diana says.
I bit my lip trying to hold back my sassy comment. His eyes were on me the whole time, they didn’t flaunt away.
« Now do your job and I swear to god if you can’t save him, it’ll cost you your life. » She growled at me, this was clearly not a threat but a promise. I gulped at her words, she exited the office slamming the door behind her.
I stood there on my two left feet unsure on how to approach this patient, he was definitely intimidating. I felt naked under his heavy eyes, my fingers tighten around my bag. I pictured an older women and I magically became okay with walking towards him, I sat my bag on top of his desk.
« Take your shirt off. » I told him, while grabbing a pair of blue gloves out of my bag.
I grabbed my stethoscope from around my neck, I turned back around to face him. His shirt was completely off leaving him with just his Celtic cross necklace dangling from around his neck. He had a tattoo on his side, it was like a crescent of some sort. I wanted to run my tongue across his six pack but I shook my head coming back to reality.
I noticed the sliver band wrapped around his ring finger, he’s married.
I gently placed on the diaphragm on the left of his chest, I listened carefully. A slow beat was sounded but it was hardly anything, I tried moving it to his back. It was a bit louder but still very hollow, he stared straight at the wall in front of us.
« Crappy heart, I know. » He whispers sarcastically.
I pull off the eartip and wrapped it back around my neck, I didn’t say anything. He was definitely right, he had a horrible heart. I had to examine his chest, for some reason my hands were shaking. I bit my tongue and had my hands roam his chest, his chest was unexpectedly warm compared to my icy cold hands.