

Ginelle struggled with impulse as she contemplated her rising fears. Surely it wouldn’t hurt to spend just a little time with this woman whom she wanted desperately to trust but her instincts warned her to be cautious.

Eloise extended a hand to her and said reassuringly, « You can trust me, Ginelle. »

Ginelle hesitantly lifted a small hand to that larger one and froze as she turned her palm over to inspect the gush of blood seeping from a deep gash along the inside of her hand. She gasped and wrenched her hand back, pressing the wound against her chest, in fear that she would ruin Eloise’s beautiful gown.

Sensing her inward thoughts, Eloise reached out and pried open her small fist to inspect the ugly gash. « I can apply a little salve to heal that right up. » Her hand moved to Ginelle’s elbow and pulled her gently to her feet.

Eloise reached within her cloak and withdrew a cream handkerchief and gently dabbed away the blood. « I’ve ruined it. » Ginelle said morosely.

Eloise laughed softly, « Do not fret, sweeting. I’ve plenty. » She wrapped the delicate cloth around her wounded hand and got to her feet. « Come, let us get out of this dreadful weather. »

Ginelle timidly accepted her offered hand, her fears warning her that she was making a mistake, yet this woman had rescued her from a fate that could have left her with a severed hand. She sensed a maternal nature and a lasting sadness buried behind the depths of her blue eyes. Ginelle had suffered many hardships to recognize another grieving soul and as much as her fears advised her to be mindful of the consequences of her carelessness in trusting a stranger, she was intrigued to know more about Lady Eloise Ashford.

It wasn’t until they left the outskirts of the city behind that she began to panic. Ginelle gripped the leather seat as the carriage rocked precariously from side to side, heightening her fears.

Sensing her unease, Eloise said reassuringly, « You need not be afraid, Ginelle. The carriage is perfectly safe. » Then another thought occurred, « You’ve never been to the country, have you ? »

« We’re going to the country ? » Ginelle questioned nervously.

Eloise nodded, « Yes, to my manor. »

« Tis the Ashford plantation. » The elderly maid added her voice stern and quite direct.

Ginelle frowned for she knew there was some significance to the older woman’s statement but the thought quickly diminished as the carriage turned onto a winding, dirt road leading up to the most magnificent structure enclosed in a valley of oak trees. The white manor was built in brilliant sophisticated construction, laid out along the northern boundaries. The massive plantation house was surrounded in thick vegetation and outlined in lush greenery that stretched for miles.

« Ye live here ? » she asked in awe.

Eloise nodded, « I am the Lady of the manor. »

« Lord Ashford is master here. » The maid stated and Ginelle sensed a warning beneath the older woman’s somber tone.

Ginelle turned to study the maid just as Eloise cast the elderly woman a look of exasperation. « Is he yer husband ? »

Eloise suddenly laughed, « Dear no, he is my brother. »

« Master Dorian is a prominent businessman. » The elderly maid said.

« What does he do ? » Ginelle asked, curious to know more about Eloise and her family. Was he anything like his sister ? She couldn’t imagine a man, any man for that matter to be as kind and gentle-natured as Lady Eloise.

« He grows and exports tobacco. I do not particularly approve all that which it entails but it is a profitable business. » Eloise stated.

Ginelle frowned, « Entails ? »

« Our plantation is one of the largest with the finest crops among the region. My brother is gone for several months, even years at a time, tending to business. Even as we speak he is away on a transatlantic trade. The business is quite demanding. »

They rolled to an abrupt halt and Eloise descended from the carriage with the assistance of a footman, followed by her dutiful, sour maid. Eloise extended a hand to Ginelle, mindful that she would not accept the footman’s assistance. Ginelle gingerly allowed Eloise to assist her from the carriage and fell in at her side as the two older women made their way inside, Eloise tugged lightly on Ginelle, keenly aware of her reluctance to follow. Inside they were greeted by the steward, a tall slender man with sharp inquisitive eyes that swept over Ginelle intently.

« Good evening, Bogart. My guest and I will take our luncheon in my room, if you will have Noelle send us a tray, please. »

« Aye, milady. » Bogart replied, tipping his head with considerable courtesy.

Eloise led Ginelle upstairs, laughing softly as Ginelle lingered behind to study the enormous manor with its rich, mahogany furniture and beautifully polished floors. She caught several displays of art lining the corridors and thick tapestries along the walls.

Ginelle never imagined that she would come in contact with such a lavish home made of fine material and admirable collections of certain wealth.

They made their way up a winding stairway and down several corridors until they finally came to a door. Ginelle gasped as Eloise opened the door and stepped into the room. The chamber itself was larger than the mere shack she and Pierino had shared. The balcony drapes had been pulled aside so that the evening sun could paint gentle hues of gold across the charming cream, canopy bed with a wide headboard done in intricate detail of vines and leaves. Four posts supported a sheer white material to drape around the extravagant bed supporting a high mattress with a number of feather-stuffed pillows and thick white coverlets. Beautiful white furniture was dispersed throughout the room which too displayed the same design of vines and leaves etched into the smooth wood. A marble mantel took up most of the right wall where a maid had already stoked a fire, the flames crackling in defiance to warm the slightly chilled room.

Eloise crossed the room and removed her velvet cloak and placed it on the bed. Ginelle remained in the doorway, unable to move, fearful that she would ruin the beautiful carpet that covered a large portion of the floor.

« Come, warm yourself by the fire. » Eloise said, motioning to the hearth.

Ginelle stiffened as impulse urged her to do just that. Her bones ached for the warmth of a fire and the plush cushions of the white sofa occupying the center of the room. She peered down at her bedraggled attire and retreated a few paces.

Eloise frowned, « Will you not come and sit with me ? I would like very much to enjoy your company for the evening. »

Ginelle’s hand entwined nervously as she stared down at her sooty boots. « I am unclean. » She stated, embarrassed.

Eloise moved to stand above her and gently lifted her downcast face. « Do not concern yourself with materialistic items. » She stepped away and moved to sit on the sofa and patted the cushion next to her.

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