

« Ye petty pilferer ! » her eyes widened as his grip tightened around the bone of her wrist, forcing a whimper from her throat. « Ye will not cheat me ! » she watched in profound horror as he reached within the folds of his withered vest and withdrew a dirk with a sharp intended blade.

She felt a flood of terror wash over her as the sun glinted off the acute blade poised above her wrist entangled in the vendor’s iron-grasp.

Suddenly, a firm feminine voice rang out from the crowd and the vendor’s body stiffened as his hand gripping the ugly knife paused in his vengeance. Ginelle remained riveted with terror, her eyes barely leaving the blade hovering above her delicate bone.

« Sir ! » that solid, methodic voice called again, catching Ginelle’s attention and she cautiously turned her wary gaze from the blade to survey a woman approaching with an elderly maid trailing at her heels.

She was tall for a woman with dark, raven curls piled high atop her head with several wayward strands framing her oval face. Her eyes were a deep azure blue, darkened from the obvious display of anger etched into her refined, graceful features. The woman was beautiful draped in a thick, velvet cloak as she stood proud, her gaze unwavering as she studied the vendor in evident disapproval. She was equipped in a lovely gown of sapphire satin, the color enhancing the dark, smoky gaze glaring relentlessly at her captor.

« Milady-«  the vendor started only to be abruptly dismissed as the woman’s resolute voice interrupted.

« Unhand the child. » She stated firmly, her unyielding voice catching the attention of spectators nearby.

The vendor’s grip tightened a fraction and Ginelle winced as she peered helplessly up at the woman, the only civilized being to ever show a smidge of kindness to her well being since her father. She saw a sudden realization form in the deep-set of the blue eyes staring back at her but it quickly disappeared as she turned her full attention back to the merchant.

« Tis but a mere child that takes an apple from your stand. » She said, « Whatever the cost of your precious fruit, I’ll gladly bear the expense. »

« I grow weary of these streets rats ! » the man hissed through clenched teeth as he jerked on Ginelle’s wrist, forcing another cry from her throat.

Ginelle watched as the woman reached within a soft, leather pouch and withdrew several gold coins and extended the generous pile to the merchant’s ravenous gaze. « I believe this is a sufficient amount to compensate for the lack of one apple and a satchel of your fruit. » The man hesitated and she added, « If the amount is not agreeable to your acquisitive taste than I shall find a more willing peddler. » She slowly began to turn away and any hope that had flared within Ginelle’s chest suddenly diminished.

« Wait ! » cried the vendor and the woman turned back to him, a quizzical brow arching as her hand hovered between them.

The merchant shoved Ginelle away and she stumbled roughly before falling to the cobblestone.

Lady Eloise Ashford stiffened as the small child hit the ground, painfully scraping her palms along the roughened street as she attempted to catch her fall. Her eyes narrowed on the short man staring vigorously at the coin in her hand. She thrust the money into his greedy hands and he turned to bag a portion of fruit. Eloise handed the fruit to Lucile and moved to kneel before the child as she slowly collected herself.

Instantly, the child tensed as her attentive gaze swept over Eloise. She sensed a flight-or-fight state and sought quickly to ease her fears. « You need not be afraid. » She said soothingly, reaching out to push a strand of hair aside that had fallen free from the cap. The skittish child jerked beneath her tender gesture and eased back onto her haunches, ready to flee if necessary.

When she had first set eyes on the child entangled in the vendor’s grip, she had mistaken the child for a lad that is until she had stared into a pair of haunting, brown eyes, eyes so large and beautiful that they couldn’t possibly be thought of a young boy. She could see such heart-wrenching sorrow in those eyes that it had nearly stolen the very air from her lungs, a sorrow so deep that it matched the capacity of her own suffering.

The child was donned in nothing but rags and filth, the linen cap concealing a mass of tangled hair. She couldn’t be more than nine summers ; mayhap younger for the clothes nearly engulfed her petite frame. It was than she noticed the ugly bruise just below her jaw line where a large hand had struck her.

Her chest ached with concern at the child’s vulnerability and innocence. One so young should never endure a life of poverty and hardship. The child belonged to someone and she of all people knew the extreme of heartache when losing a loved one. She couldn’t bear the thought of leaving her to the streets, to fall prey to those like the merchant, or worse, forced to deal with the ugliness that surely waited among these dangerous streets at night.

« Are you hungry ? » she asked softly, simultaneously catching a spark of light in her soft eyes. Yet, the child remained cautious, her stance indicating her reluctance. Evidently the child had been through many hardships and was understandably guarded.

She smiled at the child and motioned to the bag of fruit cradled in Lucile’s arms, a disgruntled look plastered to the older woman’s face as she observed her mistress. « I have plenty of fruit to share. » Eloise paused as those brown eyes glanced at the bundle. A dark brow lifted as Eloise continued, « Or mayhap you would prefer a warm meal ? »

As if on cue, her treacherous stomach growled nosily and Ginelle cringed on the inside. She wanted desperately to trust this woman whose kindness struck her nonplussed. Why would a woman of her stature show any concern to an orphan such as herself unless she had ulterior motives ? She wanted willingly to go with this gentle woman with her beautiful smile and glinting blue eyes, but years of neglect and abuse forced her to be cautious. She had made the mistake of trusting a stranger once ; never would she make that mistake twice. Yet, it had been days since she had eaten and she didn’t know how much longer she could continue without putting something in her belly.

Those deep, azure eyes softened as the woman continued, « My name is Eloise. What is your name, little one ? »

Ginelle bit down on her lower lip for she was unable to resist the gentle lilt of that voice and her name slipped out. « Ginelle. » She said it so faintly, fearful that someone passing by might hear of it and inform Pierino of her whereabouts. Immediately she regretted giving her name for it would be a grave mistake to give out her name so carelessly.

Eloise face broadened with a triumphant smile as she said, « That is a beautiful name. I would really appreciate your company for luncheon, Ginelle. Would you be so kind as to oblige my wish and have tea with me ? »

Ginelle bit down on the automatic ‘aye’ that surfaced in her throat and studied the woman kneeling before her and then cast a wary glance at the elderly woman standing a few feet behind, clearly displeased by her pinched expression.

She felt a deep, sinking feeling in her chest as her eyes averted to the bag of fruit in the maid’s hands and she turned tearfully back to Eloise. « I c-cannot repay ye for the fruit. » She said solemnly.

Eloise features contorted in disbelief that the child would concern herself with such a petty matter that was of no significance to her. « Can we be friends ? » she asked gently.

Ginelle was hesitant but the possibility of befriending this compassionate, enchanting woman, even for a brief moment forced an automatic nod. Eloise smiled, « Than as companions can I not favor you with apples ? »

Ginelle smiled tentatively.

Eloise smile widened, « Now, will you come with me so that we may get that warm meal ? »

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