

Reluctantly, Ginelle crossed the spacious room to the vacant spot beside Eloise and lowered herself to the edge of the seat. Immediately warmth began to seep into her weary bones and she felt the tension slightly ease from her muscles.

« How many summers are you, Ginelle ? »

Ginelle bit down on her lower lip, hesitating before replying. « I am fourteen. » A sudden perplexed expression contorted Eloise’s face.

« When was the last time you have eaten ? »

Ginelle paused and that alone answered Eloise’s question as she studied the thin child sitting at her side. She was emaciated, her cheeks sunken with black circles beneath her haunting eyes. Due to her obvious fragile and thin state, she had estimated the child to be at least eight summers but fourteen ? The evident lack of nutrition and warmth had taken its toll on the girl.

« Can you remove your hat ? » Eloise asked gently.

Ginelle waited, contemplating whether she should really remove it. It was her security blanket, her disguise. Slowly, she reached up and removed the hat. It unleashed a long tangled mass of silver-blond hair. The lack of nourishment had done some damage for her hair was thin but it had potential to be radiant. Eloise studied the garments that covered her little frame and wondered what horrid display of protruding bones awaited beneath her swallowing attire.

« Why do you hide your beautiful hair ? »

Ginelle worried her lower lip with her teeth as she looked away. Should she really confide in Eloise ? Her heart ached painfully, wanting desperately to trust someone, anyone. She ached for companionship and a sense of security. Before she could help herself, against her self-discipline, the words began to spill freely.

« My guardian forced me to pick-pocket. » She fell silent, expecting Eloise to scold her but she remained silent, listening intently and so Ginelle slowly continued. « He claimed that I was to amend his good deed in taking me in off the streets. »

« Did he hit you ? » Eloise asked, studying the ugly bruise just below Ginelle’s jaw.

Ginelle lifted a shaky hand to the tender, purple abrasion where he had struck her so forcefully that the blow had sent her reeling backwards. « Aye, many times. »

« And you ran away ? »

Ginelle met that azure gaze filled with such compassion and sympathy that she nearly burst into tears. « He had others plans for me. »

Eloise stiffened, realizing why the child concealed her hair. Even she had mistaken her at first glance for a lad and that had been the purpose of the hat.

« And this man-«  Eloise asked, « Is he dangerous ? »

Ginelle dropped her head knowing that her answer would surely send her on her way. What gentle bred woman would trouble herself with a street rat ? « Aye, milady. » She said softly, her eyes transfixed on the floor.

Eloise reached out and lifted Ginelle’s head so that their eyes interlocked. « I am sorry that this has happened to you. No child should have to endure such cruelty. » Her hand fell away from Ginelle’s face and Eloise turned her head away as if struggling internally with conflicting emotions and troubling thoughts.

She stood and Ginelle watched her pace curiously back and forth, the deep blue of her sapphire skirts in such bold contrast to the lush white carpet beneath her feet. Her abrupt pacing came to a quick halt as she turned and stared down at Ginelle ; her gentle eyes wide with an assertive notion. « I want you to live here. » She said, « With me. »

Struck silent, Ginelle peered up at her as if she didn’t quite fathom what she had just said. She couldn’t possibly be suggesting that she, an impoverished child live among the prosperous ? It wasn’t proper. Was Eloise being cruel ? Was she jesting or simply mocking her pain ? Had she made another mistake in confiding in Eloise ?

« I d-don’t understand. »

Eloise returned to her seat and reached out to grasp Ginelle’s hands in her own. « Please hear me out, sweeting. » She said firmly, « I was once irrevocably happy. I was married to the most charming, handsome man and he and I were deeply in love. » She paused and when she spoke next, her voice cracked with a sudden dispiritedness, « I was to have his child. » She became quiet before adding, « I am widowed. » A heavy silence descended and than she said with a heart-wrenching declaration, « And I am childless. »

Ginelle paled as the deep sadness she had sensed earlier that day was fully displayed on Eloise’s beautiful face. She had lost both her husband and child. Though they both had known complete and utter different worlds, they shared alike in their anguish.

Eloise fingers tightened around Ginelle’s hand as she said, « You were robbed of a childhood by a cruel man. You deserve an education and a chance at life. »

« And ye the chance to be a mother ? » Ginelle asked softly.

Eloise straightened a corner of her mouth lifting as she attempted a smile that didn’t reach her blue eyes. « You and I are alike in our sorrows and I believe together we can mend our sufferings. I know that I can never be your mother but I would like very much for you to stay. »

« I am-«  Ginelle started and than paused as a sturdy knock sounded at the door.

Eloise bid them entry and remained silent as a young girl entered carrying a tray laden with food. Instantly, Ginelle’s stomach rumbled noisily and she eyed the food with a ravenous stare.

After the maid had left, Eloise said, « Stay for some time, Ginelle. At least until the wintry season has passed. Please, consider it ? »

Ginelle bit down on her lower lip, suddenly aware of the bad habit. She dreaded the thought of returning to the dreaded cold and darkened streets of London and most importantly, Pierino. What would it hurt to stay for awhile ? To warm herself and eat aplenty and allow herself just a smidge of companionship that she so desperately yearned for ? She studied the woman sitting across from her. How could she deny Eloise this request when she had done so much for her in just a mere day ? Eloise had truly suffered a terrible loss yet she still had compassion to show upon a mere peasant such as herself ?

Hesitantly, she nodded. She would consider it for a time because for now, she was safe from the frigid weather and the threat of Pierino. He would not think to look for her here.

Eloise smiled with a look of certainty and motioned to the food displayed before them. Within the next hour, Ginelle listened intently as Eloise talked endlessly. She hadn’t quite realized how famished she truly was until she peered down to find the tray completely depleted. She realized than that Eloise had not touched a single thing and she resisted tears for the tray had been sent up specifically for her.

Lucile paced nervously in the corridor as her mistress appeared, closing the chamber door quietly behind her. Immediately, the elderly woman turned to Eloise, her withered face pinched with distress. « Milady, I do not think it wise to bring the child here. Master Dorian will not be pleased. »

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