
Chapter 7: You Will Regret Your Decision!

"I practice traditional medicine and don't work at a hospital, but I believe I can cure your father," Leo said, shifting his gaze from the elderly man on the bed to Harry.

"Traditional medicine?" Harry's skepticism deepened. "There's no way such a young person could be a doctor. Venus, have you been deceived? I've already brought in the best physician from the United States. Ask him to leave."

"Young man, I'm sorry, but please leave," Venus said to Leo, looking helpless.

Since he had been asked to leave, Leo couldn't stay. He sighed and turned to leave.

At that moment, the elderly man on the bed began convulsing violently, emitting strange sounds from his throat, with his eyes rolling back in a terrifying manner.

This sight frightened Harry and Venus. "Dad, what's wrong? Don't scare me! Dr. Carlos, please check on my father. What's happening?" Harry hurriedly asked the doctor for help.

Carlos, alarmed by the sudden symptoms, hurried over to examine the old man.

Leo, who had been about to leave, stopped and turned back, frowning as he watched the convulsing patient.

The atmosphere in the room grew tense and fearful. Harry no longer cared whether Leo had left or not.

After a brief examination, Carlos turned to Harry. "Mr. Toby, don't worry. Your father's symptoms are due to an abnormal heart rhythm. I'll administer a sedative, and the symptoms should subside."

"Dr. Carlos, please hurry," Harry urged, unable to bear seeing his father in such pain.

Carlos nodded, grabbed a syringe, and a vial of medication from a nearby table.

Just as Carlos was about to inject the sedative into the old man's vein, Leo shouted, "Stop! The problem is with his heart. If you inject that, his heart will stop. You'll be killing him!"

Leo spoke firmly to ensure Carlos understood. He didn't want to offend Dr. Carlos, but he had to stop this since the doctor was making a wrong decision.

Carlos paused, looking at Leo in surprise.

"Who do you think you are? Are you questioning Dr. Carlos, one of the top physicians in the United States? Get out!" Harry shouted, furious.

Venus's expression turned icy. She had given Leo enough respect, but Leo didn't leave and even questioned an expert. She thought Leo was just bragging.

"Leave now, or I'll call security!" Venus threatened coldly.

"Fine, I'll go. But you will regret your decision," Leo said, turning to leave the room.

"Stupid guy!" As Leo left, Harry cursed behind Leo.

Outside, Leo encountered Jessica and the others.

Jessica and Tina looked cold, Sophia was angry, and Gilbert was gloating.

"Got kicked out, didn't you? Think you can cure some blemishes and suddenly perform miracles?" Tina mocked.

"A loser is a loser, no matter what. Even if he can talk now, he's still a loser," Gilbert sneered.

"Gilbert, watch your mouth. Even if I don't marry Leo, I'll never be with you!" Sophia snapped, feeling frustrated.

"Sophia, I..." Gilbert stammered, embarrassed. He thought Leo was an easy target, but apparently, Sophia disagreed.

"Leo, why are you still standing here? Get back home," Jessica ordered, her anger boiling over after wasting time following Leo here.

At that moment, heart-wrenching screams erupted from the hospital room. "Dad, what's wrong? Don't scare me! Dad, wake up!"

The door was ajar, and Leo could hear the urgent beeping of the heart monitor.

The elderly man on the bed had stopped convulsing and was lying still, barely breathing.

"This shouldn't be happening," Carlos muttered, panic creeping into his voice. In all his years of practice, he had never encountered such a situation.

"Doctor, please help!" Venus cried, frantically pressing the call button by the bed.

Due to the patient's critical condition and high profile, almost every physician in the hospital was on standby. Hearing Venus's cries, five doctors rushed in.

They began resuscitation efforts, using chest compressions and a defibrillator, but the heart monitor continued its downward trend...

Carlos wiped sweat from his forehead and looked at Harry. "Mr. Toby, I'm sorry. I couldn't save your father's life. Please accept my condolences."

This declaration felt like the death sentence of his father to Harry, who collapsed into a chair.

This son, who deeply loved his father, was overwhelmed by the grief of losing his father.

Venus clung to the old man, sobbing in grievance.

Her father, who had been fine yesterday, was now leaving her forever.

Leo turned and rushed back into the room, shouting, "Let me in!"

He pushed through to the bed, placed his right index finger on the center of the old man's chest, and channeled his mysterious internal energy into the patient.

Venus was initially stunned, and then screamed, "What are you doing?"

Harry was ready to stop Leo with a kick.

HE suddenly paused as the heart monitor emitted a distinct beep.

Everyone's attention shifted to the display, where the previously flat line began to climb, stabilizing at eighty beats per minute.

Though the heart rate was stable, the old man's breathing was still faint.

Harry, who was stunned by the scene, realized what was happening. He got excited and dropped to his knees before Leo.

"Young man, please save my father!"

Witnessing the miracle, Harry chose to believe in Leo.

Leo quickly helped Harry up. "Mr. Toby, calm down. Since I've started, I won't stop until he's saved. Now, please get me a set of acupuncture needles."

Harry glanced at one of the doctors in the room.

The doctor nodded and rushed out, returning within a minute with a set of silver needles.

Leo uncovered the old man's chest and began inserting the needles into specific acupuncture points, infusing each one with a bit of his energy.

He inserted a total of nine needles.

"Is this the traditional acupuncture in the legend?" Carlos muttered, curious but skeptical. "This treatment method has no scientific basis. It won't work."

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