


The leather of the car seat cooled the warmth radiating from my body. Neal, my Beta, sat across from me, wearing his customary frown.

"What is it now Neal? You look horrible without your smile."

"We should notify the Lily of the Valley pack about our visit," Neal insisted, his voice edged with caution.

I chuckled, the resonance carrying a tinge of mischief. "You've always been opposed to these visits, Neal. You fear the perception it might create among the werewolves. So does it not make sense that a feared man like me damns the rules and just shows up? Adds a little bit of spice to the story and throws off whatever other werewolves already suspect."

Neal nodded, acknowledging my point. "That is true, but this is the last pack on our list. What if the healer you seek isn't here?"

"Have faith in Lycaon," I replied with assurance as the car pulled to a halt.

"We are there, Your Majesty." The driver announced our arrival at the Lily of the Valley pack.

I looked outside and noticed we were still at the gates. There were two sentinels stationed in the front. They looked like fellows who wanted to do their jobs.

One of them walked up to the driver's side and spoke. "State your business."

Their question prompted me to step out. The car was crampy and God did I need to stretch my legs.

The sentinels' guard went up a staggering hundred percent when I stepped out and they immediately pointed their weapons at me.

"Who are you?" They demanded.

I adjusted the fabric of my coat making sure that they saw the insignia of the bleeding moon adorning my attire.

They noticed it immediately and it was satisfying to see them immediately regret their actions.

"I am Dimitri Galdina, King of the–" I didn't even get to finish my sentence.

They immediately bowed, dropping their weapons to the ground.

"We weren't expecting you today, Your Majesty," one of them stuttered out.

"Life throws many surprises," I said with a smirk. "You can go ahead and tell Alpha Lucian that I am here."

The sentinels looked at themselves and then back at me. "We would love to. But..."

"But what?" I quizzed.

"A council summon is currently going on." One of them finally answered, before adding, "It won't take long though. I will send someone to the Alpha as soon as he steps out. We can take you to the lounge while the council summon completes its process."

"I see," I nodded, my curiosity piqued. "And what might the council be deliberating upon?"

The sentinels exchanged uneasy glances. "It's a matter of internal affairs, Your Majesty. We weren't informed about the specifics, but it's a serious session involving Lady Camille, the Alpha's daughter."

A jolt of intrigue surged through me. Lady Camille? The daughter of Alpha Lucian, tangled in the council's discourse? It was an unexpected twist.

I turned to Neal, noticing his intrigue mirrored my own. He leaned in, his voice barely audible as he whispered, "Camille Dumont is the daughter of Alpha Lucian and honorary Luna Bo."

"Bo, the late daughter of the late Abigail De'Crescent, the esteemed healer?" I verified, seeking clarification.

Neal nodded in affirmation.

The revelation only heightened my curiosity about Camille Dumont. I turned back to the guards, maintaining a casual air. "I understand your situation, but there's no need to disturb your Alpha. I've always harboured an interest in werewolf traditions, particularly in observing this council summon you mentioned. Could you perhaps lead the way?"

The sentinels hesitated, grappling with the conflict between protocol and the unusual request I had presented. Eventually, they consented, guiding me towards the site of the council meeting.



In a matter of seconds, I had just been accused of two horrible crimes, both of which I did not commit and rejected. In a span of three months, I had lost everything I was and could be. I looked at my father, expecting him to say or do something. But the man did not even look at me.

My gaze continued to scan the faces of those who stood behind that circular table to judge me. My stepmother was seated. Not a single muscle on her face lifted which proved she could not care less what became of me. She already thought I was pathetic.

My stepsister, Eva was trying her best to hold her laugh in. But it was obvious that she was enjoying this.

Hector Menard, the man who rejected me had somehow managed to paint me as a cheat and a whore. Not to mention, it felt like everyone believed him.

It made me wonder why I was brought back in the first place. If this was how I was going to be treated, why did the Lily of the Valley pack seek me out in the first place?

I was done with it all. I was done with walking on eggshells and looking for love in people and a pack that clearly didn't give two shits about me. I faced the pack and with venom in my tone continued.

"I do not want to wait for a verdict that won't bring me justice. If the council has anything to say, they better say it now. I will gladly accept it."

"Miss Camille," the council head spoke. "I understand that you are angry but I assure you, your outbursts are nothing but stupidity and they will not help your cause. So I suggest–"

"I do not care if I sound stupid to you. I said if you have a verdict, speak it!" I retorted.

"Camille!" My father's voice boomed through the council chamber as he strode up to the front. "This behaviour is unacceptable. You must control yourself or I will take matters into my own hands. Do you think you will walk away from punishment because you are the daughter of an Alpha?" His eyes narrowed threateningly. "If you are found guilty of these offences, you will be punished."

"Oh, I am guilty," I laughed. It was the most hollow thing I had ever heard. "I must be since we have a servant saying I gave the vibes of someone who would kill birds to get even. That does sound like me. I must be a whore too because I am pregnant. I just have been railed by every man I came across. There we have it, father, the Alpha's daughter is a traitor to the pack and a whore. What happens now?"

The words tasted sour on my tongue. My father looked at me with horror in his eyes but he did not back down.

He turned to the rest of the council and spoke. "There you have it, my daughter confesses to killing the birds and being a whore. I do not think we need to wait to serve her verdict. I do hope the council will tender justice with mercy and do well to remember that vile as she is, my daughter is the granddaughter of Abigail De'crescent and could be a major asset to this pack." With that, he bowed.

The council members rose from their seats and began to murmur amongst themselves.

They all seemed shocked. Some shook their heads in disgust while others glared at me.

Finally, the council's head turned to me and spoke. "After careful deliberation, the council has decided that you, Camille Dumont are beyond a doubt guilty of the charges against you and–"

The sentence seemed to pause midway and every person before me seemed to have the look of pure shock on their face. I didn't know why until I turned back myself.

The doors were open and although the light was blinding, I could make out the silhouette of a man. He reeked of power and as the door closed behind him, I got to see his face.

He had a dark full head of hair that seemed almost fluid in the way it flowed around. His chiselled jawline held an air of authority, and his piercing eyes held an intensity that captivated my attention. As his gaze met mine, I felt a peculiar shiver down my spine, as if his very presence carried an unseen weight.

I stood there, perplexed, unable to comprehend why he was here and who he was. He looked vaguely familiar. I just couldn't put my finger on where I remembered him from.

It was however clear he had a purpose.

The man took deliberate steps forward, his aura emanating a potent blend of authority.

Every gaze in the room was fixated on him, and an inexplicable tension enveloped the chamber.

The council head, attempting to regain control, addressed him hesitantly, "King Dimitri, we were not expecting you."

At that point, he was dangerously close to me. I noticed he was clean-shaven and ridiculously handsome and as my memory started to become clear as crystal, who he was.

The council leader calling him King Dimitri had told me immediately that he was the Lycan King who was supposed to visit tomorrow. The one with very particular tastes. But that wasn't where I knew him from.

Dimitri, the Lycan king was the stranger I had shared the night with. The same man whose babies I was carrying.

A faint smile played on the man's lips, and in a voice that resonated with undeniable power, he replied, "Forgive my intrusion, I heard there was a council meeting and wanted to see what it looked like."

His eyes then wandered to mine. There was a flicker in his gaze, a shared recognition that transcended words.

At that moment, the world hushed around us, leaving only the symphony of my heartbeats echoing in the air.

It struck me like a spell. The words lingered on my very tongue but I wouldn't bring myself to say it.


His scent wafted into my nostrils and my knees almost gave. I was fighting for my life but looking into the eyes of the Lycan King made me wonder if he even felt any of the conflicts of emotions I felt or if he was just better at hiding them.

The look on Dimitri's face erased any lingering doubts I had. His expression was indifferent, detached.

"What are her crimes?" Dimitri inquired, his tone measured.

"Irrelevant," my father retorted dismissively, striding toward King Dimitri and, in the process, pushing me aside. "King Dimitri, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," he greeted, extending his hand.

Dimitri seemed taken aback by the Alpha King's abruptness, but he accepted the gesture, though my father appeared more intent on removing me from Dimitri's line of sight.

"The trial is hereby put on hold," my father announced abruptly, seizing my arm and yanking me out of Dimitri's view.

Before I could comprehend what was happening, the guard from earlier grabbed my wrist firmly. "Miss Camille, come with me," he ordered, leaving me no choice but to comply.

I stumbled along, my wrist firmly ensnared in the unyielding grip of the guard.

His strides were purposeful, leading me away from the council hall and deeper into the labyrinthine corridors of the building.

Anxiety coiled in my chest as I attempted to keep pace with his brisk pace.

"Where are you taking me?" I pleaded, my voice tinged with desperation, yet he remained steadfastly silent.

We rounded a corner and arrived at a heavy, iron-clad door flanked by two vigilant sentinels. With a subtle nod from the guard, the sentinels unlocked the door, revealing a dimly lit passage leading to a row of holding cells.

My heart sank as the guard gestured toward one of the cells, a foreboding space with bars that cast eerie shadows across the floor. Dread clenched my stomach and a cold realization settled in as he pushed me forward cruelly.

"I haven't done anything wrong!" I protested, desperation lacing my words, but they fell on deaf ears.

The guard's expression remained stoic, unmoved by my pleas. The heavy door slammed shut behind me with a resounding clang, sealing me within its bleak confines.

"You will remain here until your next trial date is set," the guard declared, his voice devoid of empathy or explanation.


The leather of the car seat cooled the warmth radiating from my body. Neal, my Beta, sat across from me, wearing his customary frown.

"What is it now Neal? You look horrible without your smile."

"We should notify the Lily of the Valley pack about our visit," Neal insisted, his voice edged with caution.

I chuckled, the resonance carrying a tinge of mischief. "You've always been opposed to these visits, Neal. You fear the perception it might create among the werewolves. So does it not make sense that a feared man like me damns the rules and just shows up? Adds a little bit of spice to the story and throws off whatever other werewolves already suspect."

Neal nodded, acknowledging my point. "That is true, but this is the last pack on our list. What if the healer you seek isn't here?"

"Have faith in Lycaon," I replied with assurance as the car pulled to a halt.

"We are there, Your Majesty." The driver announced our arrival at the Lily of the Valley pack.

I looked outside and noticed we were still at the gates. There were two sentinels stationed in the front. They looked like fellows who wanted to do their jobs.

One of them walked up to the driver's side and spoke. "State your business."

Their question prompted me to step out. The car was crampy and God did I need to stretch my legs.

The sentinels' guard went up a staggering hundred percent when I stepped out and they immediately pointed their weapons at me.

"Who are you?" They demanded.

I adjusted the fabric of my coat making sure that they saw the insignia of the bleeding moon adorning my attire.

They noticed it immediately and it was satisfying to see them immediately regret their actions.

"I am Dimitri Galdina, King of the–" I didn't even get to finish my sentence.

They immediately bowed, dropping their weapons to the ground.

"We weren't expecting you today, Your Majesty," one of them stuttered out.

"Life throws many surprises," I said with a smirk. "You can go ahead and tell Alpha Lucian that I am here."

The sentinels looked at themselves and then back at me. "We would love to. But..."

"But what?" I quizzed.

"A council summon is currently going on." One of them finally answered, before adding, "It won't take long though. I will send someone to the Alpha as soon as he steps out. We can take you to the lounge while the council summon completes its process."

"I see," I nodded, my curiosity piqued. "And what might the council be deliberating upon?"

The sentinels exchanged uneasy glances. "It's a matter of internal affairs, Your Majesty. We weren't informed about the specifics, but it's a serious session involving Lady Camille, the Alpha's daughter."

A jolt of intrigue surged through me. Lady Camille? The daughter of Alpha Lucian, tangled in the council's discourse? It was an unexpected twist.

I turned to Neal, noticing his intrigue mirrored my own. He leaned in, his voice barely audible as he whispered, "Camille Dumont is the daughter of Alpha Lucian and honorary Luna Bo."

"Bo, the late daughter of the late Abigail De'Crescent, the esteemed healer?" I verified, seeking clarification.

Neal nodded in affirmation.

The revelation only heightened my curiosity about Camille Dumont. I turned back to the guards, maintaining a casual air. "I understand your situation, but there's no need to disturb your Alpha. I've always harboured an interest in werewolf traditions, particularly in observing this council summon you mentioned. Could you perhaps lead the way?"

The sentinels hesitated, grappling with the conflict between protocol and the unusual request I had presented. Eventually, they consented, guiding me towards the site of the council meeting.



In a matter of seconds, I had just been accused of two horrible crimes, both of which I did not commit and rejected. In a span of three months, I had lost everything I was and could be. I looked at my father, expecting him to say or do something. But the man did not even look at me.

My gaze continued to scan the faces of those who stood behind that circular table to judge me. My stepmother was seated. Not a single muscle on her face lifted which proved she could not care less what became of me. She already thought I was pathetic.

My stepsister, Eva was trying her best to hold her laugh in. But it was obvious that she was enjoying this.

Hector Menard, the man who rejected me had somehow managed to paint me as a cheat and a whore. Not to mention, it felt like everyone believed him.

It made me wonder why I was brought back in the first place. If this was how I was going to be treated, why did the Lily of the Valley pack seek me out in the first place?

I was done with it all. I was done with walking on eggshells and looking for love in people and a pack that clearly didn't give two shits about me. I faced the pack and with venom in my tone continued.

"I do not want to wait for a verdict that won't bring me justice. If the council has anything to say, they better say it now. I will gladly accept it."

"Miss Camille," the council head spoke. "I understand that you are angry but I assure you, your outbursts are nothing but stupidity and they will not help your cause. So I suggest–"

"I do not care if I sound stupid to you. I said if you have a verdict, speak it!" I retorted.

"Camille!" My father's voice boomed through the council chamber as he strode up to the front. "This behaviour is unacceptable. You must control yourself or I will take matters into my own hands. Do you think you will walk away from punishment because you are the daughter of an Alpha?" His eyes narrowed threateningly. "If you are found guilty of these offences, you will be punished."

"Oh, I am guilty," I laughed. It was the most hollow thing I had ever heard. "I must be since we have a servant saying I gave the vibes of someone who would kill birds to get even. That does sound like me. I must be a whore too because I am pregnant. I just have been railed by every man I came across. There we have it, father, the Alpha's daughter is a traitor to the pack and a whore. What happens now?"

The words tasted sour on my tongue. My father looked at me with horror in his eyes but he did not back down.

He turned to the rest of the council and spoke. "There you have it, my daughter confesses to killing the birds and being a whore. I do not think we need to wait to serve her verdict. I do hope the council will tender justice with mercy and do well to remember that vile as she is, my daughter is the granddaughter of Abigail De'crescent and could be a major asset to this pack." With that, he bowed.

The council members rose from their seats and began to murmur amongst themselves.

They all seemed shocked. Some shook their heads in disgust while others glared at me.

Finally, the council's head turned to me and spoke. "After careful deliberation, the council has decided that you, Camille Dumont are beyond a doubt guilty of the charges against you and–"

The sentence seemed to pause midway and every person before me seemed to have the look of pure shock on their face. I didn't know why until I turned back myself.

The doors were open and although the light was blinding, I could make out the silhouette of a man. He reeked of power and as the door closed behind him, I got to see his face.

He had a dark full head of hair that seemed almost fluid in the way it flowed around. His chiselled jawline held an air of authority, and his piercing eyes held an intensity that captivated my attention. As his gaze met mine, I felt a peculiar shiver down my spine, as if his very presence carried an unseen weight.

I stood there, perplexed, unable to comprehend why he was here and who he was. He looked vaguely familiar. I just couldn't put my finger on where I remembered him from.

It was however clear he had a purpose.

The man took deliberate steps forward, his aura emanating a potent blend of authority.

Every gaze in the room was fixated on him, and an inexplicable tension enveloped the chamber.

The council head, attempting to regain control, addressed him hesitantly, "King Dimitri, we were not expecting you."

At that point, he was dangerously close to me. I noticed he was clean-shaven and ridiculously handsome and as my memory started to become clear as crystal, who he was.

The council leader calling him King Dimitri had told me immediately that he was the Lycan King who was supposed to visit tomorrow. The one with very particular tastes. But that wasn't where I knew him from.

Dimitri, the Lycan king was the stranger I had shared the night with. The same man whose babies I was carrying.

A faint smile played on the man's lips, and in a voice that resonated with undeniable power, he replied, "Forgive my intrusion, I heard there was a council meeting and wanted to see what it looked like."

His eyes then wandered to mine. There was a flicker in his gaze, a shared recognition that transcended words.

At that moment, the world hushed around us, leaving only the symphony of my heartbeats echoing in the air.

It struck me like a spell. The words lingered on my very tongue but I wouldn't bring myself to say it.


His scent wafted into my nostrils and my knees almost gave. I was fighting for my life but looking into the eyes of the Lycan King made me wonder if he even felt any of the conflicts of emotions I felt or if he was just better at hiding them.

The look on Dimitri's face erased any lingering doubts I had. His expression was indifferent, detached.

"What are her crimes?" Dimitri inquired, his tone measured.

"Irrelevant," my father retorted dismissively, striding toward King Dimitri and, in the process, pushing me aside. "King Dimitri, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," he greeted, extending his hand.

Dimitri seemed taken aback by the Alpha King's abruptness, but he accepted the gesture, though my father appeared more intent on removing me from Dimitri's line of sight.

"The trial is hereby put on hold," my father announced abruptly, seizing my arm and yanking me out of Dimitri's view.

Before I could comprehend what was happening, the guard from earlier grabbed my wrist firmly. "Miss Camille, come with me," he ordered, leaving me no choice but to comply.

I stumbled along, my wrist firmly ensnared in the unyielding grip of the guard.

His strides were purposeful, leading me away from the council hall and deeper into the labyrinthine corridors of the building.

Anxiety coiled in my chest as I attempted to keep pace with his brisk pace.

"Where are you taking me?" I pleaded, my voice tinged with desperation, yet he remained steadfastly silent.

We rounded a corner and arrived at a heavy, iron-clad door flanked by two vigilant sentinels. With a subtle nod from the guard, the sentinels unlocked the door, revealing a dimly lit passage leading to a row of holding cells.

My heart sank as the guard gestured toward one of the cells, a foreboding space with bars that cast eerie shadows across the floor. Dread clenched my stomach and a cold realization settled in as he pushed me forward cruelly.

"I haven't done anything wrong!" I protested, desperation lacing my words, but they fell on deaf ears.

The guard's expression remained stoic, unmoved by my pleas. The heavy door slammed shut behind me with a resounding clang, sealing me within its bleak confines.

"You will remain here until your next trial date is set," the guard declared, his voice devoid of empathy or explanation.

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