


"Did you see that?" I demanded Hector answer as he dragged me out of the council room. He didn't and no matter how hard I tried to pull away from his hold, he wouldn't let me go. "unhand me, you brute."

When we were out of sight, Hector finally let my hand go and faced me. "Are you crazy?" He asked me. Without waiting for a response, he continued. "You are about to explode in that council room and for what!?"

"My father protected her!" I retorted.

"Alpha Lucian did not do such a thing."

Hector was a fanboy of the Alpha so of course he was going to protect the man. I didn't expect any less from him. He was used to kissing the feet of those stronger than him. That weakness probably stemmed from his daddy issues.

"He didn't?" My scoff came naturally. "...remember that vile as she is, my daughter is the granddaughter of Abigail De'crescent and could be a major asset to this pack. Did that not sound like protection to you?"

"No. Alpha Lucian sounded like someone who was looking out for the future of the pack. Your jealousy is really starting—"

He didn't get to finish his sentence. I would never let him. My palms swung for his face. It was like hitting a brick wall but it did the job. It kept his ugly mouth shut. "Don't you dare!" I warned. "I am not jealous of that runt. I just want justice and if the council will keep kissing my father's feet instead of enacting justice. We should get it ourselves."

"What are you saying, Eva?"

Hector was a weakling. I knew he wouldn't give in to my demands so easily. But I had to try.

"She killed the pheasants out of blind rage. If you ask me, probably because she found out we were together," I began, cradling his face to effectively send the message across. "If she gets out of this, who knows what she will do to us to get revenge? We need to act now. We need to—"

Hector's face twisted into disgust. "Kill her?" He completed. "Eva, have you gone mad?"

"This is what disgusts me about you, Hector. For the son of this pack's beta, you are unbelievably soft. Camille will not grant us the same mercy when she gets out of this bender."

"No, I know Camille. She is not like that."

My eye twitched from rage. I wanted to hit him again for how difficult he was being but I needed to be nice. I just needed to appeal to his emotions. He loved me. He would do anything for me. Anything. I just needed to know the buttons to touch.

"You sound protective of her." I choked out, retreating from him. "Are you going to abandon me like the rest of them?"

It worked just like I had intended. Hector tried to touch me but I flinched away. "I am not the original after all. Your political position can soar higher if you side with her."

"I just rejected her, Eva." He told me. "I did that to be with you and you alone. Of course, I love you."

"Then prove it." I cut in, closing the space between us. He was hesitant. Murder was going too far for him. But I couldn't let this continue. Camille was a threat to my position in the Dumont house. Sure, I had the grace of the relationships I had built growing up in the Lily of the Valley pack, but there was no way any of them would choose a relationship over a true bloodline. "Hector, you are the son of this pack's Beta and powerful in your own right. The sentinels of this pack would listen to you. They would do anything you command. You don't have to use your hands. Just use them."

"Use Sentinels who have sworn loyalty to this pack to kill the Alpha's biological daughter? That is beyond madness, Eva."

He tried to pull away but I wouldn't let him. He was my trump card. His father was influential with the sentinels of the pack. Soldiers listened to orders. Soldiers would carry out the vilest of them if they were rewarded just as equally. "A daughter that put the pack in jeopardy. She killed the pheasants for the Lycan King and now the Lycan King pays up a visit when we do not have an alternative. It's like she wants the pack to burn. If the sentinels are loyal to the pack, if they are true to their oath, they would kill her. She is a threat to our pack."

"Killing her is still a bit too—"

Goddess. Goading him was getting exhausting. I released him from my hold. "Then, what use are you by my side?"

"Eva, you are still Alpha Lucian's daughter. He raised you like his own. You aren't a fake and even if Fate decides to be cruel to you, I wouldn't. I will stand by your side because I love you."

"If you had any love for me at all, you wouldn't let fate attempt to wrap its cruel hands around me. You would cut it down now. You saw the state Camille was in, if she hanged herself in her cell now with the Lycan King visiting, no one would suspect a thing. I would get to keep my position. I would get to keep you and when the time is right, you could be an honorary Alpha. Doesn't that sound right?"

"It does but–"

"But, it will not be possible if Camille is still alive."

I was certain that was the moment I hit the nail on the head. The mention of becoming an honorary Alpha was when I knew I had him. Hector's obsession with my father had been a weakness I knew to exploit. It all came full circle when I realized it wasn't my father he cherished. It was the title itself and all it had to offer.

"Being Alpha does sound good." Hector's eyes flickered with a mixture of desire and conflicted emotions.

I could sense his internal struggle, torn between his love for me, his ambition to attain power and that paralysing fear his father had coddled him with.

The game I was playing was a delicate dance, one I had practised masterfully over the years to manipulate those around me.

"But Eva, it's not just about power. It's about loyalty, trust, and the responsibility that comes with being an Alpha," Hector finally spoke, his voice tinged with that same uncertainty.

I took a step closer, closing the distance between us, my eyes locked with his. "And who better to uphold those ideals than someone who has proven their loyalty time and time again?" I whispered seductively, emphasizing every word. "You would make a phenomenal Alpha. One I would feel honoured to stand beside as his Luna. Those who make history were never ethical. They were people who took what they wanted, damning the consequences. I have a life planned for us Hector. You can either choose that life and choose me or choose to stand on the other side of history. You will forfeit me though."

His gaze softened, and he reached out, gently taking hold of my hand. "You know I would do anything for you, Eva," he admitted, his voice filled with both devotion and resignation. "But we must tread cautiously. Killing Camille would bring unnecessary suspicion upon us. We need to be patient and plan our moves carefully."

Patience. That word grated on my nerves. I had been patient for far too long, enduring the whims of fate and watching as others took what should rightfully be mine. Camille would take it all away whether it was her intention or not. She just needed to prove she was gifted like her grandmother and the rest would fall in place. I wouldn't sit by and wait for that to happen before I took action.

"Hector, if we wait for the opportune moment, it may never come. Fate has a way of twisting things beyond our control. We cannot afford to be passive spectators any longer," I urged, my voice filled with determination.

His grip on my hand tightened, his eyes reflecting a mix of fear and desire. "I understand your frustrations, my love. But we must strategize and create the illusion of innocence. Once we have gathered enough evidence against Camille, we can expose her true nature and take control of the pack in a way that won't raise any suspicion. In a way that is just."

If killing Camille wasn't necessary for what came next, I would see the logic in his words.

Hector had always been the cautious one, the voice of reason that balanced out my impulsive nature. Together, we were formidable. But I had outgrown him now. I needed to spread my wings and fly, especially with the Lycan King here.

"Very well," I conceded, offering him a wry smile. "You choose to be on the other side of history. You choose to forfeit me." I pulled my hand away from him, hiding the smirk threatening to tear out of my mouth as I watched his eyes darken in horror.

"No," He practically yelled, holding my hands in place. "If you want her dead so much, I'll do it. I'll do anything for you."

"You will?"

"Of course," he told me. "I would do anything for you."

I brought him closer and planted a kiss on his quivering mouth. He was afraid. Deadly afraid. But Hector would do it. He loved like a fool. And Goddess was I glad he did.

"I knew you would choose me."

"I should go," Hector continued. He was starting to look green now and it was repulsive to look out. But I could stomach it. Soon enough, I wouldn't have to see his face.

I nodded and stood in place as he walked away. Soon enough, he was out of sight and Adele, my stepmother propped out of the woodwork with a wicked smile playing on her lips.

"Ah, Eva, my dear daughter," she said, a prideful tone threading through her voice, "you have truly mastered the art of manipulation."

My gaze locked with hers and a smirk mirroring her own formed on my face. "Yes, Mother," I replied, "I learned from the best."

"Is he your fall guy?" She demanded, her voice bubbling with satisfaction.

"Of course, what other gullible idiot do you know?"

"Don't be mean now, child."

"The hitmen are in the palace, I trust?"

"Sure, Hector should find them and convince them to commit treason alongside him with ease," Adele answered.


The thrill of seeing my plans fall into place danced inside me. "And the explosives, Mother? Are they ready?"

Her eyes widened even more. "Oh, they are ready," she confirmed, relishing in the anticipation of what was to come. "We have placed them strategically throughout the banquet hall. Once I give the signal, chaos will reign."

Adrenaline coursed through my veins, pulsating with each beat of my heart. All the years of careful plotting, the web of secrets and lies I had spun, were finally reaching their climax. The power that I had yearned for, the sweet taste of revenge that I craved, was within my grasp. And I would stop at nothing to seize them.

"Excellent," I whispered. "This shall be the downfall of my father and this pack for daring to scorn me. We will rise, Mother, and they will fall."



The floors of the holding cell were cold and unforgiving. The seconds felt like hours and all I could really see was darkness.

Eventually, my sights adjusted to the dark but that did not make any of it feel better. Seeing my new home with clearer sights made me sick to the stomach.

The stones were covered in moss and algae. There were bones scattered around and the rats didn't have a care in the world whether I saw them or not.

Tears clouded my vision and I cursed the day I was discovered. I was better off as Camille Gallagher, daughter of a retired sentinel and the girl with simple prospects in life.

The life I had now should have it all but I had nothing at all. Knowing that to be true made me want to die. The goddess must have heard my request because as I wallowed in my despair, the sound of footsteps brought me back to my grim reality.

My heart pounded in my chest as the heavy metallic door creaked open, revealing the silhouettes of two men. Their harsh whispers echoed through the tiny cell, sending shivers down my spine.

"This is her, isn't it?"

Fear coursed through my veins because I knew a day hadn't passed and with the Lycan King in the Lily of the Valley pack territory, I would be fine for today.

I quickly wiped my tears away, steeling myself for answers.

With a trembling voice, I mustered the courage to speak. "Who are you? What do you want?"

The larger of the two men, a hulking figure with a scarred face, sneered at me. "Doesn't matter who we are, little girl. Your time has come."

I assessed their appearance, searching for any sign of weakness or a possible means of escape. But they seemed like men who had stared death in the face many times and lived.

"Help!" I shrieked in the loudest voice I could muster. I heard my voice echo back three times before it dawned on me that there was no help to be found within these walls.

When the men moved closer, I noticed the glint of steel in their hands. They intended to end my life, and I had to act swiftly.

Channelling the survival instincts instilled in me by my sentinel 'father', I braced myself for the fight that was coming.

With a sudden burst of speed and agility, I lunged towards the first man, aiming for his vulnerable knee joint. My target screamed out in pain as his leg buckled beneath him. Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly snatched the fallen man's weapon, a small, razor-sharp dagger.

Turning my attention to the second attacker, I saw him charging towards me, his rage fueling his every move. I dodged his clumsy strikes, using my smaller frame to my advantage. With each nimble step, I aimed my strikes at his exposed areas, managing to graze my blade against his arm and thigh.

But the fight was far from over. Despite my best efforts, their combined strength gave them an advantage. One of them managed to grab me from behind, restraining my movements. I struggled frantically, trying to break free, as the other prepared to deliver a fatal blow.

In my desperation, I summoned every ounce of strength and defiance left within me. With a final surge of adrenaline, I twisted my body, breaking free from my captor's grasp. In that split second, I redirected his own attack towards his companion.

The blade sunk deep into the second man's chest, eliciting a gut-wrenching cry of pain. Blood stained his shirt, and his eyes widened with shock as life slowly drained from him. I withdrew the dagger, my hand trembling with the weight of what I had just done.

That moment of weakness gave the surviving one an opportunity to knock the dagger out of my hand. I was stunned and before I could react. His burly hands grabbed my face and slammed it against the cold hard wall.

It felt like my brain rattled in its little box. My body lost its mobility as the man proceeded to slam my head again and again into the wall.

"I was told to make you look like you died by suicide. But you killed him. My brother in arms. Now, I see why your stepmother wanted you dead. You bitch! I'll kill you!"

My vision was starting to dim. I could feel warm liquid trailing down from the back of my head. Was this it? I wondered. Was this how I was going to die?

Then the strangest thing happened. Another man walked in. His steps were barely audible. The monster bashing my head against the wall didn't see him coming until it was too late.

There was a scream and it wasn't from me or the new stranger.

Despite the excruciating pain surging through my body, I refused to let go of my will to survive. I fought back the encroaching darkness clouding my vision. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, fueling a desperate surge of strength.

With a surge of defiance, I twisted my body, using the momentum to break free from the assailant's grip. As he stumbled backwards, clutching his broken hand, I seized the opportunity to retrieve the fallen dagger from the floor.

The new arrival, a tall and imposing figure, stared at the scene unfolding before him with an intensity mirrored only by the fire burning in his eyes. He wasted no time assessing the situation.

I struggled to maintain my balance with the dagger in my hand. Blood was trickling down my face from the relentless assault on the wall. Despite the haze of pain and disorientation, I recognized in the newcomer's gaze a momentary flicker of recognition, perhaps even sympathy.

The man who wanted to kill me withdrew a gun from his side and pointed it in my direction.

"Die, whore!"

His fingers fit into the trigger but before the loud bang that would solidify my end registered, the stranger lunged forward, his movements fluid and deliberate.

He expertly disarmed the other man, breaking his grip and rendering him immobile.

The assailant's cries of pain merged with the desperate gasps escaping my lips, forming an orchestra of pain in the desolate room.

Unlike me, there was no hesitation in the stranger's attack. As soon as the man was immobile, the stranger grabbed the man's neck and tore it open with sheer strength.

I looked into his eyes at that moment. Sheer horror was evident in my gaze and then I noticed his blood-red irises. He was Lycan. Acknowledging that made me realize who I was staring at.

He was the one who was behind Dimitri.

As the atmosphere grew still, I met the Lycan stranger's gaze, now softened with compassion.

He extended a hand toward me, offering assistance. The look in his eyes told me that he expected that I would take it.

Gritting my teeth, I accepted his support, the weight of my battered body leaning heavily upon him.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"Neal Galdina."

"Who sent you?" I followed up, each word accompanied by searing pain. "Why did.. why did you help me?" I winced, struggling to catch my breath.

"I work for my King. Dimitri Galdina." He replied, leading me out of the holding cell.

The way he said it made me believe that Dimitri recognized me too. Or perhaps it was the mate bond. "Did King Dimitri ask you to save me?" I asked.

He didn't answer. But I would be damned if I put my life in the hands of a complete stranger.

I pulled my hands away, a surge of defiance coursing through me. Anger flashed in my eyes as I stared at the man who claimed to be saving me. "Why are you doing this?" I demanded, my tone laced with scepticism. "I demand an answer."

The man met my gaze unwaveringly, his expression unreadable. "Camille," he began, his voice calm yet tinged with urgency, "as the descendant of a healer bloodline, you possess a unique gift, one that holds immense value to those who understand its true potential."

I narrowed my eyes, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension. He knew my name. He was yapping about my mother's heritage too. The heritage that seemed to have put me in this predicament in the first place.

"Gift? What are you talking about? And what do you even know about my lineage?"

The man sighed, his gaze softening slightly. "Camille, there are forces at play that you cannot yet comprehend. I know your grandmother was a powerful healer, respected and revered in her time. She possessed extraordinary abilities to mend wounds and cure ailments that confounded others. We believe her power flowed through her bloodline, and it now resides within you."

"No, it doesn't." I retorted. "And what does any of this have to do with King Dimitri?" I continued, still wary of his intentions.

The man's voice turned grave. "King Dimitri is aware of your ancestry and the potential it holds. His motives are none of your concern. So you need not worry about it. He never explicitly asked me to save you, but he intends to ensure that your life is protected, for the sake of the bloodline that flows within your veins."

A mix of emotions swirled within me: confusion, fear, and a spark of curiosity. Could this really be true? Could I hold such power within?

"And if I refuse the kindness of the Lycan King? What happens?"

The man's gaze softened, and he took a step closer, his every movement imbued with a solemn sincerity. "Individuals in your pack want you dead. Will you stand by them or will you take the hand of a monster that is honest? We want to use you Camille because you have the potential to bring about positive change, Camille, and I believe that is why your life is worth saving. It was why I stepped in without a second thought. That said, my people do not offer free favours. You owe me one and demand you pay me back in full."

"What do you want then?"

"I want you to help my Kingdom." He replied.

A cocktail of doubt and hope wrestled within me. Could I trust him? Could I trust anyone in this strange and intricate web of power struggles? But even amidst my uncertainty, I couldn't ignore the instinctual pull within me. He was asking for my help. He was honest with his intention. Unlike my family who stole me away under false pretenses and manipulation.

He offered his hand again, "Help me, Camille Dumont."

This time, I reached out and grasped it firmly. It was a symbol of trust, a precarious bridge I was willing to trust. Because anywhere was better than here.

"If you can get me out of here, I promise to help your kingdom."EVA'S POV

"Did you see that?" I demanded Hector answer as he dragged me out of the council room. He didn't and no matter how hard I tried to pull away from his hold, he wouldn't let me go. "unhand me, you brute."

When we were out of sight, Hector finally let my hand go and faced me. "Are you crazy?" He asked me. Without waiting for a response, he continued. "You are about to explode in that council room and for what!?"

"My father protected her!" I retorted.

"Alpha Lucian did not do such a thing."

Hector was a fanboy of the Alpha so of course he was going to protect the man. I didn't expect any less from him. He was used to kissing the feet of those stronger than him. That weakness probably stemmed from his daddy issues.

"He didn't?" My scoff came naturally. "...remember that vile as she is, my daughter is the granddaughter of Abigail De'crescent and could be a major asset to this pack. Did that not sound like protection to you?"

"No. Alpha Lucian sounded like someone who was looking out for the future of the pack. Your jealousy is really starting—"

He didn't get to finish his sentence. I would never let him. My palms swung for his face. It was like hitting a brick wall but it did the job. It kept his ugly mouth shut. "Don't you dare!" I warned. "I am not jealous of that runt. I just want justice and if the council will keep kissing my father's feet instead of enacting justice. We should get it ourselves."

"What are you saying, Eva?"

Hector was a weakling. I knew he wouldn't give in to my demands so easily. But I had to try.

"She killed the pheasants out of blind rage. If you ask me, probably because she found out we were together," I began, cradling his face to effectively send the message across. "If she gets out of this, who knows what she will do to us to get revenge? We need to act now. We need to—"

Hector's face twisted into disgust. "Kill her?" He completed. "Eva, have you gone mad?"

"This is what disgusts me about you, Hector. For the son of this pack's beta, you are unbelievably soft. Camille will not grant us the same mercy when she gets out of this bender."

"No, I know Camille. She is not like that."

My eye twitched from rage. I wanted to hit him again for how difficult he was being but I needed to be nice. I just needed to appeal to his emotions. He loved me. He would do anything for me. Anything. I just needed to know the buttons to touch.

"You sound protective of her." I choked out, retreating from him. "Are you going to abandon me like the rest of them?"

It worked just like I had intended. Hector tried to touch me but I flinched away. "I am not the original after all. Your political position can soar higher if you side with her."

"I just rejected her, Eva." He told me. "I did that to be with you and you alone. Of course, I love you."

"Then prove it." I cut in, closing the space between us. He was hesitant. Murder was going too far for him. But I couldn't let this continue. Camille was a threat to my position in the Dumont house. Sure, I had the grace of the relationships I had built growing up in the Lily of the Valley pack, but there was no way any of them would choose a relationship over a true bloodline. "Hector, you are the son of this pack's Beta and powerful in your own right. The sentinels of this pack would listen to you. They would do anything you command. You don't have to use your hands. Just use them."

"Use Sentinels who have sworn loyalty to this pack to kill the Alpha's biological daughter? That is beyond madness, Eva."

He tried to pull away but I wouldn't let him. He was my trump card. His father was influential with the sentinels of the pack. Soldiers listened to orders. Soldiers would carry out the vilest of them if they were rewarded just as equally. "A daughter that put the pack in jeopardy. She killed the pheasants for the Lycan King and now the Lycan King pays up a visit when we do not have an alternative. It's like she wants the pack to burn. If the sentinels are loyal to the pack, if they are true to their oath, they would kill her. She is a threat to our pack."

"Killing her is still a bit too—"

Goddess. Goading him was getting exhausting. I released him from my hold. "Then, what use are you by my side?"

"Eva, you are still Alpha Lucian's daughter. He raised you like his own. You aren't a fake and even if Fate decides to be cruel to you, I wouldn't. I will stand by your side because I love you."

"If you had any love for me at all, you wouldn't let fate attempt to wrap its cruel hands around me. You would cut it down now. You saw the state Camille was in, if she hanged herself in her cell now with the Lycan King visiting, no one would suspect a thing. I would get to keep my position. I would get to keep you and when the time is right, you could be an honorary Alpha. Doesn't that sound right?"

"It does but–"

"But, it will not be possible if Camille is still alive."

I was certain that was the moment I hit the nail on the head. The mention of becoming an honorary Alpha was when I knew I had him. Hector's obsession with my father had been a weakness I knew to exploit. It all came full circle when I realized it wasn't my father he cherished. It was the title itself and all it had to offer.

"Being Alpha does sound good." Hector's eyes flickered with a mixture of desire and conflicted emotions.

I could sense his internal struggle, torn between his love for me, his ambition to attain power and that paralysing fear his father had coddled him with.

The game I was playing was a delicate dance, one I had practised masterfully over the years to manipulate those around me.

"But Eva, it's not just about power. It's about loyalty, trust, and the responsibility that comes with being an Alpha," Hector finally spoke, his voice tinged with that same uncertainty.

I took a step closer, closing the distance between us, my eyes locked with his. "And who better to uphold those ideals than someone who has proven their loyalty time and time again?" I whispered seductively, emphasizing every word. "You would make a phenomenal Alpha. One I would feel honoured to stand beside as his Luna. Those who make history were never ethical. They were people who took what they wanted, damning the consequences. I have a life planned for us Hector. You can either choose that life and choose me or choose to stand on the other side of history. You will forfeit me though."

His gaze softened, and he reached out, gently taking hold of my hand. "You know I would do anything for you, Eva," he admitted, his voice filled with both devotion and resignation. "But we must tread cautiously. Killing Camille would bring unnecessary suspicion upon us. We need to be patient and plan our moves carefully."

Patience. That word grated on my nerves. I had been patient for far too long, enduring the whims of fate and watching as others took what should rightfully be mine. Camille would take it all away whether it was her intention or not. She just needed to prove she was gifted like her grandmother and the rest would fall in place. I wouldn't sit by and wait for that to happen before I took action.

"Hector, if we wait for the opportune moment, it may never come. Fate has a way of twisting things beyond our control. We cannot afford to be passive spectators any longer," I urged, my voice filled with determination.

His grip on my hand tightened, his eyes reflecting a mix of fear and desire. "I understand your frustrations, my love. But we must strategize and create the illusion of innocence. Once we have gathered enough evidence against Camille, we can expose her true nature and take control of the pack in a way that won't raise any suspicion. In a way that is just."

If killing Camille wasn't necessary for what came next, I would see the logic in his words.

Hector had always been the cautious one, the voice of reason that balanced out my impulsive nature. Together, we were formidable. But I had outgrown him now. I needed to spread my wings and fly, especially with the Lycan King here.

"Very well," I conceded, offering him a wry smile. "You choose to be on the other side of history. You choose to forfeit me." I pulled my hand away from him, hiding the smirk threatening to tear out of my mouth as I watched his eyes darken in horror.

"No," He practically yelled, holding my hands in place. "If you want her dead so much, I'll do it. I'll do anything for you."

"You will?"

"Of course," he told me. "I would do anything for you."

I brought him closer and planted a kiss on his quivering mouth. He was afraid. Deadly afraid. But Hector would do it. He loved like a fool. And Goddess was I glad he did.

"I knew you would choose me."

"I should go," Hector continued. He was starting to look green now and it was repulsive to look out. But I could stomach it. Soon enough, I wouldn't have to see his face.

I nodded and stood in place as he walked away. Soon enough, he was out of sight and Adele, my stepmother propped out of the woodwork with a wicked smile playing on her lips.

"Ah, Eva, my dear daughter," she said, a prideful tone threading through her voice, "you have truly mastered the art of manipulation."

My gaze locked with hers and a smirk mirroring her own formed on my face. "Yes, Mother," I replied, "I learned from the best."

"Is he your fall guy?" She demanded, her voice bubbling with satisfaction.

"Of course, what other gullible idiot do you know?"

"Don't be mean now, child."

"The hitmen are in the palace, I trust?"

"Sure, Hector should find them and convince them to commit treason alongside him with ease," Adele answered.


The thrill of seeing my plans fall into place danced inside me. "And the explosives, Mother? Are they ready?"

Her eyes widened even more. "Oh, they are ready," she confirmed, relishing in the anticipation of what was to come. "We have placed them strategically throughout the banquet hall. Once I give the signal, chaos will reign."

Adrenaline coursed through my veins, pulsating with each beat of my heart. All the years of careful plotting, the web of secrets and lies I had spun, were finally reaching their climax. The power that I had yearned for, the sweet taste of revenge that I craved, was within my grasp. And I would stop at nothing to seize them.

"Excellent," I whispered. "This shall be the downfall of my father and this pack for daring to scorn me. We will rise, Mother, and they will fall."



The floors of the holding cell were cold and unforgiving. The seconds felt like hours and all I could really see was darkness.

Eventually, my sights adjusted to the dark but that did not make any of it feel better. Seeing my new home with clearer sights made me sick to the stomach.

The stones were covered in moss and algae. There were bones scattered around and the rats didn't have a care in the world whether I saw them or not.

Tears clouded my vision and I cursed the day I was discovered. I was better off as Camille Gallagher, daughter of a retired sentinel and the girl with simple prospects in life.

The life I had now should have it all but I had nothing at all. Knowing that to be true made me want to die. The goddess must have heard my request because as I wallowed in my despair, the sound of footsteps brought me back to my grim reality.

My heart pounded in my chest as the heavy metallic door creaked open, revealing the silhouettes of two men. Their harsh whispers echoed through the tiny cell, sending shivers down my spine.

"This is her, isn't it?"

Fear coursed through my veins because I knew a day hadn't passed and with the Lycan King in the Lily of the Valley pack territory, I would be fine for today.

I quickly wiped my tears away, steeling myself for answers.

With a trembling voice, I mustered the courage to speak. "Who are you? What do you want?"

The larger of the two men, a hulking figure with a scarred face, sneered at me. "Doesn't matter who we are, little girl. Your time has come."

I assessed their appearance, searching for any sign of weakness or a possible means of escape. But they seemed like men who had stared death in the face many times and lived.

"Help!" I shrieked in the loudest voice I could muster. I heard my voice echo back three times before it dawned on me that there was no help to be found within these walls.

When the men moved closer, I noticed the glint of steel in their hands. They intended to end my life, and I had to act swiftly.

Channelling the survival instincts instilled in me by my sentinel 'father', I braced myself for the fight that was coming.

With a sudden burst of speed and agility, I lunged towards the first man, aiming for his vulnerable knee joint. My target screamed out in pain as his leg buckled beneath him. Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly snatched the fallen man's weapon, a small, razor-sharp dagger.

Turning my attention to the second attacker, I saw him charging towards me, his rage fueling his every move. I dodged his clumsy strikes, using my smaller frame to my advantage. With each nimble step, I aimed my strikes at his exposed areas, managing to graze my blade against his arm and thigh.

But the fight was far from over. Despite my best efforts, their combined strength gave them an advantage. One of them managed to grab me from behind, restraining my movements. I struggled frantically, trying to break free, as the other prepared to deliver a fatal blow.

In my desperation, I summoned every ounce of strength and defiance left within me. With a final surge of adrenaline, I twisted my body, breaking free from my captor's grasp. In that split second, I redirected his own attack towards his companion.

The blade sunk deep into the second man's chest, eliciting a gut-wrenching cry of pain. Blood stained his shirt, and his eyes widened with shock as life slowly drained from him. I withdrew the dagger, my hand trembling with the weight of what I had just done.

That moment of weakness gave the surviving one an opportunity to knock the dagger out of my hand. I was stunned and before I could react. His burly hands grabbed my face and slammed it against the cold hard wall.

It felt like my brain rattled in its little box. My body lost its mobility as the man proceeded to slam my head again and again into the wall.

"I was told to make you look like you died by suicide. But you killed him. My brother in arms. Now, I see why your stepmother wanted you dead. You bitch! I'll kill you!"

My vision was starting to dim. I could feel warm liquid trailing down from the back of my head. Was this it? I wondered. Was this how I was going to die?

Then the strangest thing happened. Another man walked in. His steps were barely audible. The monster bashing my head against the wall didn't see him coming until it was too late.

There was a scream and it wasn't from me or the new stranger.

Despite the excruciating pain surging through my body, I refused to let go of my will to survive. I fought back the encroaching darkness clouding my vision. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, fueling a desperate surge of strength.

With a surge of defiance, I twisted my body, using the momentum to break free from the assailant's grip. As he stumbled backwards, clutching his broken hand, I seized the opportunity to retrieve the fallen dagger from the floor.

The new arrival, a tall and imposing figure, stared at the scene unfolding before him with an intensity mirrored only by the fire burning in his eyes. He wasted no time assessing the situation.

I struggled to maintain my balance with the dagger in my hand. Blood was trickling down my face from the relentless assault on the wall. Despite the haze of pain and disorientation, I recognized in the newcomer's gaze a momentary flicker of recognition, perhaps even sympathy.

The man who wanted to kill me withdrew a gun from his side and pointed it in my direction.

"Die, whore!"

His fingers fit into the trigger but before the loud bang that would solidify my end registered, the stranger lunged forward, his movements fluid and deliberate.

He expertly disarmed the other man, breaking his grip and rendering him immobile.

The assailant's cries of pain merged with the desperate gasps escaping my lips, forming an orchestra of pain in the desolate room.

Unlike me, there was no hesitation in the stranger's attack. As soon as the man was immobile, the stranger grabbed the man's neck and tore it open with sheer strength.

I looked into his eyes at that moment. Sheer horror was evident in my gaze and then I noticed his blood-red irises. He was Lycan. Acknowledging that made me realize who I was staring at.

He was the one who was behind Dimitri.

As the atmosphere grew still, I met the Lycan stranger's gaze, now softened with compassion.

He extended a hand toward me, offering assistance. The look in his eyes told me that he expected that I would take it.

Gritting my teeth, I accepted his support, the weight of my battered body leaning heavily upon him.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"Neal Galdina."

"Who sent you?" I followed up, each word accompanied by searing pain. "Why did.. why did you help me?" I winced, struggling to catch my breath.

"I work for my King. Dimitri Galdina." He replied, leading me out of the holding cell.

The way he said it made me believe that Dimitri recognized me too. Or perhaps it was the mate bond. "Did King Dimitri ask you to save me?" I asked.

He didn't answer. But I would be damned if I put my life in the hands of a complete stranger.

I pulled my hands away, a surge of defiance coursing through me. Anger flashed in my eyes as I stared at the man who claimed to be saving me. "Why are you doing this?" I demanded, my tone laced with scepticism. "I demand an answer."

The man met my gaze unwaveringly, his expression unreadable. "Camille," he began, his voice calm yet tinged with urgency, "as the descendant of a healer bloodline, you possess a unique gift, one that holds immense value to those who understand its true potential."

I narrowed my eyes, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension. He knew my name. He was yapping about my mother's heritage too. The heritage that seemed to have put me in this predicament in the first place.

"Gift? What are you talking about? And what do you even know about my lineage?"

The man sighed, his gaze softening slightly. "Camille, there are forces at play that you cannot yet comprehend. I know your grandmother was a powerful healer, respected and revered in her time. She possessed extraordinary abilities to mend wounds and cure ailments that confounded others. We believe her power flowed through her bloodline, and it now resides within you."

"No, it doesn't." I retorted. "And what does any of this have to do with King Dimitri?" I continued, still wary of his intentions.

The man's voice turned grave. "King Dimitri is aware of your ancestry and the potential it holds. His motives are none of your concern. So you need not worry about it. He never explicitly asked me to save you, but he intends to ensure that your life is protected, for the sake of the bloodline that flows within your veins."

A mix of emotions swirled within me: confusion, fear, and a spark of curiosity. Could this really be true? Could I hold such power within?

"And if I refuse the kindness of the Lycan King? What happens?"

The man's gaze softened, and he took a step closer, his every movement imbued with a solemn sincerity. "Individuals in your pack want you dead. Will you stand by them or will you take the hand of a monster that is honest? We want to use you Camille because you have the potential to bring about positive change, Camille, and I believe that is why your life is worth saving. It was why I stepped in without a second thought. That said, my people do not offer free favours. You owe me one and demand you pay me back in full."

"What do you want then?"

"I want you to help my Kingdom." He replied.

A cocktail of doubt and hope wrestled within me. Could I trust him? Could I trust anyone in this strange and intricate web of power struggles? But even amidst my uncertainty, I couldn't ignore the instinctual pull within me. He was asking for my help. He was honest with his intention. Unlike my family who stole me away under false pretenses and manipulation.

He offered his hand again, "Help me, Camille Dumont."

This time, I reached out and grasped it firmly. It was a symbol of trust, a precarious bridge I was willing to trust. Because anywhere was better than here.

"If you can get me out of here, I promise to help your kingdom."

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