


My life had once been an oyster. Who didn't know Eva Dumont, the only daughter of Alpha Lucian Dumont? I had it all. Power. Beauty and grace. All of it just had to be tarnished by the existence of some girl named Camille.

Apparently, I was an usurper who was switched with the original and I was just supposed to be content with the fact that despite being a false child, the Dumont family still wanted to keep me. I knew how these sorts of things went, as soon as Camille had gotten the chance to assimilate, I would slowly be scrubbed out of the picture and I wouldn't stand and watch as some wretched stepsister took the life I had curated for myself.

In the quiet confines of our room, the scent of Hector lingered, mingling with the stale air that clung to the sheets. His irritation over the dead pheasants wafted through the room like a storm, and I couldn't escape the brewing tempest.

My life, once a pristine tapestry of privilege and adoration, now felt tarnished by the presence of that wretched stepsister, Camille. I sank into the bed, trying to block out Hector's frustrated muttering, as memories of a time when everything was perfect flooded my mind.

My hell had started four months ago, on the eve of my twentieth birthday. I had been born with the idea that I was the granddaughter of Abigail De'crescent, the strongest healer the supernatural world has ever known. My mother allegedly did not follow in her footsteps but talent always skipped a generation. With great legacies on both sides of my family, I had basked in the anticipation of being recognized as the pack's healer.

It was supposed to be a celebration of my prowess, a confirmation of my rightful place as the Alpha's daughter.

Little did I know, that night would become the catalyst for the unravelling of my perfect existence.

I still remember the gory details. It was in the dead of night and under the dim glow of the moon, surrounded by the pack druid, my father and the curious eyes of the council as I underwent the test that would seal my destiny.

One of the council member's children was dying from a genetic disease and with my healer bloodline, this was supposed to be child's play.

However, the results were not what I expected. I failed.

The revelation was a searing wound, a stain on the impeccable legacy of the Dumonts. I felt the eyes of the pack on me, their disappointment and whispers echoing in my ears.

It was also revealed that night that Eva Dumont, the Alpha's daughter, was not Lucian Dumont's true blood — the healer they sought.

The pack's druid revealed that there was another, a true healer born of the Alpha's blood, somewhere out there. The mere existence of this elusive figure threatened to dethrone me from the coveted position I thought was rightfully mine.

The search for this mysterious healer led them to Camille Gallagher, the intruder who dared to disrupt the harmony of my life.

My failure pushed them to seek an alternative, a replacement to salvage the pack's pride.

But I wasn't about to let some goody-litte-two-shoes fuck me over. I wasn't going down without a fight.

The war had begun and Camille was probably clueless about it. The poisoned birds were only the beginning.

Hector pulled closer, most likely to pacify himself from my father's scolding. His irritation over the dead pheasants wafted through the room like a storm, and I couldn't help but smile because if he was this pissed, I could only wonder how my father was doing.

"Alpha Lucian will probably fire me," He grumbled.

"My Dad isn't going to fire you over some dead birds," I promised him.

In truth, I didn't know. I wasn't even sure I cared. But I knew the birds were a big deal for my father. A Lycan King was paying us a visit. Out of the blue too. None knew why he was hopping from pack to pack with his envoys but since no one wanted another war, they were doing their best to impress the beast. What better way to impress a beast than through his stomach? It was why I had to go big. To the detriment of many. Camille Gallagher was enemy number one and she had to be taken out of the picture.

"But isn't this crime enough to get her to face the council?" I asked, my voice dripping with disdain.

Hector's scowl deepened, "I wish, But I don't even give a shit about that bitch at the moment. All I can think about is my position. Dad is going to hate me when I Iose my job as your father's personal assistant." Hector continued to grumble.

I didn't care for his myopic point of view. He seemed to only really think about himself when he should be looking at the big picture.

"She killed the pheasants that would be used in the feast for King Dimitri. Surely she should be punished for putting the safety of the pack in jeopardy."

"She's protected," Hector muttered, as if that explained everything.

"Protected? What, is she the pack's golden child now?" I scoffed, my frustration bubbling to the surface. "Camille hasn't even faced her trial yet. How convenient is it that my father is making the process of making her go through the same trail I went through 'organic' so it would not seem to Camille that the only reason she was brought home was political."

Hector's brow furrowed in confusion, clearly torn between loyalty to my father and the unsettling truth I was revealing.

"She's the granddaughter of Abigail," he finally admitted. "The greatest healer to walk the earth. Of course, she is the pack's golden child."

Hector's admission cut through the air, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. Camille, the supposed golden child, the granddaughter of the legendary Abigail. It was a role I'd always assumed was mine by birthright. That was supposed to be me.

"You know what, I don't even think losing my job would be what would cause my father to hate me. It would be the chasm that would now be between him and the Alpha that would do the trick." Hector's voice carried a weight of genuine concern.

"Your father would survive a spat with the Alpha," I reassured him, sliding my fingers through his hair. "And, if it comes to that, I'll make sure it doesn't cost you more than your job."

Hector sighed, still visibly troubled. "You don't know how my father is. He lives for the pack, and if I jeopardize that, he won't look at me the same way again."

"Well, then, we better make sure it doesn't come to that," I declared, leaning in for a kiss.

Our moment was interrupted by a sharp knock on the door.

I got up to answer it and found a servant on the other side.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"I have information that might be of help to you, Lady Eva," she said hesitantly. "I suspect Lady Camille is pregnant."

My eyes widened at the revelation. Pregnant? That was interesting.

Smirking, I gestured for the servant to come in, eager to hear the details.

"Tell Hector here what you told me," I instructed, turning to Hector with a wicked smile.

The servant nervously repeated her findings, mentioning how she suspected Camille's pregnancy due to her observations.

"I thought you told me you never had carnal relations with Camille," I said to Hector, my voice cold and accusing.

Hector stood his ground. "I've tried, but she rejected my advances each time."

Turning back to the servant, I questioned, "How sure are you about these claims?"

"Well, Lady Camille, she... uh, she vomited on the carpet in her room. I was called in to clean up the mess. While cleaning, I asked her about her last period. It was clear that she didn't want to talk about it at first, but then she asked me to go to the drugstore and get her a pregnancy test. So I put the lines together. I knew it couldn't be Sir Hector's because the timeframe didn't any sense."

I was intrigued no doubt. But the accusations were big. I liked big but not this big, especially when there was no proof.

"So you came to me?" I teased. "Why? You could be beheaded for slander?"

"Because I want to be on your side. The winning side." The servant replied.

I liked her. She was smart. "It would be so great if you had the test here to show us that your claims are true."

"I do," she replied.

The servant then proceeded to produce the test.

I took it from her hands and as I glanced at the positive result, a triumphant smile spread across my face.

"Well, well, Hector. Seems like Lady Camille has been keeping quite the secret," I chuckled.

If the dead pheasants weren't enough to rile the pack up, this was sure to do the trick. If there was anything a pack of men hated more, It was a slut.



The air in my room hung heavy with the weight of recent revelations.

I traced patterns on the window while I tried to make a decision on the next step to take.

After what the servant said, I had gotten her to go to the drugstore and get me a pregnancy test. The same pregnancy that had come out positive.

There was no point in lying. I was probably already three months gone. While an abortion was not out of the question, I didn't want to kill the life growing in me.

The existence of the pregnancy only fueled the urgency to end things with Hector as soon as I could.

I also thought about how things were going outside my room considering I was now on room arrest. It had been two days since I had stepped outside. Each time I tried, the guard that Alpha Lucian put in charge of me would escort me back in and lock the door behind him to punish me.

I had three square meals but that was it. I was a prisoner in my own room.

A knock on the door was enough to interrupt my train of thought.

"Yes?" I responded, turning my attention towards the source of the interruption.

"Miss Camille, are you dressed?" the guard inquired, announcing his intention to enter.

"I am," I replied, and he entered the room.

"You have been summoned to the council," the guard informed me with stoic gravity.

The council? My mind raced with possibilities. Could this be about the pheasants? A surge of anxiety quickened my heart, making each beat resonate with trepidation.

Attempting to conceal the tremor in my hands, I adjusted my posture. However, my gesture seemed inconsequential to the unyielding figure before me.

"Grant me a moment to change into something more appropriate," I requested, acknowledging the gravity of the summons.

The guard nodded, and I turned to prepare myself for a confrontation with the infamous council.

I quickly moved to change into something more fitting for the council, a mix of anxiety and curiosity swirling within me.

After making the necessary adjustments to my appearance, I approached the door and knocked, to which the guard opened promptly.

"I am ready," I told him.

Stepping out of the room even if it was for something as grimly as a council summon still felt refreshing even when the air seemed to thicken with a sense of impending gravity and doom.

My eyes widened when I noticed the guard was holding an object that resembled a collar.

"What is that for?" I asked, my voice revealing apprehension.

The guard met my gaze impassively. "It's a precautionary measure. The collar is designed to prevent you from shifting during the council proceedings."

A shiver ran down my spine as the reality of the situation sank in. This was no ordinary meeting; I was being treated like a criminal who had performed crimes against humanity.

"I hardly think the collar is necessary for accusations about dead birds." I protested, my voice carrying a mixture of defiance and confusion.

The guard remained stoic, unmoved by my objections. "Orders are orders, Miss Camille. The council wants to ensure the proceedings go smoothly."

Reluctantly, I extended my neck to allow him to fasten the collar around it.

The cold metal against my skin served as a constant reminder of the precarious position I now found myself in. As the guard secured the restraint, I couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter would be a turning point, an event that would shape the trajectory of my life within the pack. I was no psychic but somehow I knew.

Once the collar was in place, the guard gestured for me to follow him. As we walked through the corridors, the weight of the collar bore down on me, both physically and mentally.

The unknown awaited me in the council chamber, and I steeled myself for what was to come.

The Council Chamber was a place I'd only heard about in hushed tones and seen in passing glances. Two stone throws away from the Dumont house, it was still a distinct part of the Lily of the Valley pack grounds.

From the outside, it was an imposing structure, crafted from ancient stones.

As we approached, the heavy wooden doors swung open, revealing a dimly lit room with a large circular table at its centre.

Arrayed around it were the council members, their faces cast in shadows, creating an aura of both authority and mystery.

The council chamber greeted me with austere grandeur, its walls lined with the gravity of decisions that shaped lives and destinies.

The werewolf council, a formidable assembly of elders and leaders, observed my entrance with stern expressions.

Alpha Lucian, my father, stood as a testament to familial betrayal. His gaze which I never once remembered as warm now held a dispassionate distance.

I swallowed hard, standing before the council, an unwitting defendant in a trial I knew nothing about.

The council leader, a figure draped in wisdom and authority, spoke. "Lady Camille, you stand accused of disrupting pack peace and violating the sacred tenets of matehood. How do you plead?"

I took my place in the centre of the chamber, the collar a constant reminder of my restricted freedom.

I searched for answers in the sea of unfamiliar faces. The air felt charged, thick with tension. My voice wavered as I replied, "I plead ignorance, for I am unaware of the charges against me."

The council's collective gaze bore into me, dissecting my every nuance. I could tell they could not buy a word I was saying despite the fact that they did not know me.

"Are you saying you did not kill the birds being bred for the visit of the Lycan King, Dimitri Galdina to spite your father and the pack nor did you break the tenets of matehood by cheating on your significant other and getting pregnant?" The council leader asked.

I took a steadying breath, meeting the eyes of the council leader. "I did not kill the pheasants, nor did I intentionally break the tenets of matehood. As for the pregnancy, it was unplanned, and I intended to reveal it at an appropriate time."

A murmur rippled through the council, and I could feel the weight of scepticism in their gazes.

It was a delicate dance, defending myself against accusations that seemed carefully crafted to paint me as a threat to the pack's stability.

"The evidence presented against you is compelling," another council member interjected. "The dead pheasants, the rumours of your romantic involvement with another pack member, and now this unexpected pregnancy. It paints a troubling picture. You are the daughter of this pack's Alpha and if anything, you are supposed to be an example to all."

"Romantic involvement with a pack member?" I stuttered. "I assure you, I have not had an affair with anybody in this pack. The pregnancy was a result of a one-night stand."

There was a gasp amidst the council. That was when I noticed my stepmother, Eva and Hector were also present. Hector stood there with a stoic expression, his eyes hinting at betrayal when he knew damn well. Eva, on the other hand, wore a triumphant smirk.

"Are you telling the council that you had a one-night stand and got pregnant?" The council leader raised an incredulous eyebrow.

I nodded. "Yes, but I didn't deliberately break any tenets of matehood. I didn't know Hector when that happened and he was not my mate at the time."

Eva interrupted with a mocking tone, "Convenient, isn't it? Claiming ignorance after the fact."

I shot her a glare, but she seemed to revel in my discomfort. The council leader motioned for silence.

"Bring in the servants who fed the birds regularly." The council leader ordered.

The guards then ushered in the servants who had been responsible for the care of the pheasants. Their faces were the perfect picture of terror.

The council leader addressed them sternly, "You have been accused of incompetence, leading to the death of very valuable birds. If Lady Camille is innocent, then you must speak the truth. Did she have any involvement in the demise of the pheasants?"

One of the servants, a middle-aged woman, stepped forward nervously. "We do not know for sure, Elder. When we came to feed the pheasants, Lady Camille was already there. I noticed that she looked disturbed, as if someone had freshly angered her. She was also very adamant about feeding the birds."

Tears welled up in the servant's eyes, and her voice quivered with a mix of fear and guilt. "I do not want to point an accusing finger. But the birds all died soon after she fed them. We were going to feed the pheasants new rations late in the afternoon when we discovered that they were all dead."

The council chamber fell silent for a moment before the leader spoke again.

"Lady Camille, do you have anything to say in your defence?"

I took a deep breath, my mind racing to find the right words. "I did feed the pheasants, but I did not harm them. I was trying to contribute, to be a part of this pack. I never intended for any harm to come to those birds. As for the rumours of a romantic involvement, I swear again, I have not betrayed my mate. If anything, Hector is the–"

Eva scoffed, rolling her eyes dramatically as she cut me off. "Your honour, how convenient that Lady Camille, the long-lost daughter of the Dumont family, suddenly appears and all these troubles follow."

The council leader raised a hand to silence her. "We will consider all the evidence presented and reach a verdict. Lady Camille, you will be informed of our decision shortly. Until then, you will remain under house arrest."

As the guards approached me to lead me away, I completely snapped. "No! I am not leaving this room without clearing my name! Damn you! Damn you all!"

My outburst echoed in the chamber, but before I could say more, Hector walked up to me, his expression a mix of frustration and disappointment. In the tense silence, he raised his hand and delivered a resounding slap across my face. The sharp sting silenced me instantly.

"You're hell-bent on being a stain on this pack and the Dumont family, aren't you?" he spat.

I scoffed, my cheek throbbing. "And what will you do about it?"

Hector's eyes hardened. "Camille Dumont, I reject you."

The words hung in the air, and the weight of them hit me like a physical blow. I fell to my knees, the sting of his rejection cutting deep. The pain was more than physical; it was a deep, searing ache that spread through every fibre of my being. The man I thought was my mate had just severed our bond, and the repercussions of that rejection were supposed to echo through my life in ways I couldn't yet comprehend. But as much as it hurt, I was grateful to have one less poison beside me.

Gritting my teeth, I looked up at Hector and forced the words out, "Hector Menard, I accept your rejection."EVA'S POV

My life had once been an oyster. Who didn't know Eva Dumont, the only daughter of Alpha Lucian Dumont? I had it all. Power. Beauty and grace. All of it just had to be tarnished by the existence of some girl named Camille.

Apparently, I was an usurper who was switched with the original and I was just supposed to be content with the fact that despite being a false child, the Dumont family still wanted to keep me. I knew how these sorts of things went, as soon as Camille had gotten the chance to assimilate, I would slowly be scrubbed out of the picture and I wouldn't stand and watch as some wretched stepsister took the life I had curated for myself.

In the quiet confines of our room, the scent of Hector lingered, mingling with the stale air that clung to the sheets. His irritation over the dead pheasants wafted through the room like a storm, and I couldn't escape the brewing tempest.

My life, once a pristine tapestry of privilege and adoration, now felt tarnished by the presence of that wretched stepsister, Camille. I sank into the bed, trying to block out Hector's frustrated muttering, as memories of a time when everything was perfect flooded my mind.

My hell had started four months ago, on the eve of my twentieth birthday. I had been born with the idea that I was the granddaughter of Abigail De'crescent, the strongest healer the supernatural world has ever known. My mother allegedly did not follow in her footsteps but talent always skipped a generation. With great legacies on both sides of my family, I had basked in the anticipation of being recognized as the pack's healer.

It was supposed to be a celebration of my prowess, a confirmation of my rightful place as the Alpha's daughter.

Little did I know, that night would become the catalyst for the unravelling of my perfect existence.

I still remember the gory details. It was in the dead of night and under the dim glow of the moon, surrounded by the pack druid, my father and the curious eyes of the council as I underwent the test that would seal my destiny.

One of the council member's children was dying from a genetic disease and with my healer bloodline, this was supposed to be child's play.

However, the results were not what I expected. I failed.

The revelation was a searing wound, a stain on the impeccable legacy of the Dumonts. I felt the eyes of the pack on me, their disappointment and whispers echoing in my ears.

It was also revealed that night that Eva Dumont, the Alpha's daughter, was not Lucian Dumont's true blood — the healer they sought.

The pack's druid revealed that there was another, a true healer born of the Alpha's blood, somewhere out there. The mere existence of this elusive figure threatened to dethrone me from the coveted position I thought was rightfully mine.

The search for this mysterious healer led them to Camille Gallagher, the intruder who dared to disrupt the harmony of my life.

My failure pushed them to seek an alternative, a replacement to salvage the pack's pride.

But I wasn't about to let some goody-litte-two-shoes fuck me over. I wasn't going down without a fight.

The war had begun and Camille was probably clueless about it. The poisoned birds were only the beginning.

Hector pulled closer, most likely to pacify himself from my father's scolding. His irritation over the dead pheasants wafted through the room like a storm, and I couldn't help but smile because if he was this pissed, I could only wonder how my father was doing.

"Alpha Lucian will probably fire me," He grumbled.

"My Dad isn't going to fire you over some dead birds," I promised him.

In truth, I didn't know. I wasn't even sure I cared. But I knew the birds were a big deal for my father. A Lycan King was paying us a visit. Out of the blue too. None knew why he was hopping from pack to pack with his envoys but since no one wanted another war, they were doing their best to impress the beast. What better way to impress a beast than through his stomach? It was why I had to go big. To the detriment of many. Camille Gallagher was enemy number one and she had to be taken out of the picture.

"But isn't this crime enough to get her to face the council?" I asked, my voice dripping with disdain.

Hector's scowl deepened, "I wish, But I don't even give a shit about that bitch at the moment. All I can think about is my position. Dad is going to hate me when I Iose my job as your father's personal assistant." Hector continued to grumble.

I didn't care for his myopic point of view. He seemed to only really think about himself when he should be looking at the big picture.

"She killed the pheasants that would be used in the feast for King Dimitri. Surely she should be punished for putting the safety of the pack in jeopardy."

"She's protected," Hector muttered, as if that explained everything.

"Protected? What, is she the pack's golden child now?" I scoffed, my frustration bubbling to the surface. "Camille hasn't even faced her trial yet. How convenient is it that my father is making the process of making her go through the same trail I went through 'organic' so it would not seem to Camille that the only reason she was brought home was political."

Hector's brow furrowed in confusion, clearly torn between loyalty to my father and the unsettling truth I was revealing.

"She's the granddaughter of Abigail," he finally admitted. "The greatest healer to walk the earth. Of course, she is the pack's golden child."

Hector's admission cut through the air, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. Camille, the supposed golden child, the granddaughter of the legendary Abigail. It was a role I'd always assumed was mine by birthright. That was supposed to be me.

"You know what, I don't even think losing my job would be what would cause my father to hate me. It would be the chasm that would now be between him and the Alpha that would do the trick." Hector's voice carried a weight of genuine concern.

"Your father would survive a spat with the Alpha," I reassured him, sliding my fingers through his hair. "And, if it comes to that, I'll make sure it doesn't cost you more than your job."

Hector sighed, still visibly troubled. "You don't know how my father is. He lives for the pack, and if I jeopardize that, he won't look at me the same way again."

"Well, then, we better make sure it doesn't come to that," I declared, leaning in for a kiss.

Our moment was interrupted by a sharp knock on the door.

I got up to answer it and found a servant on the other side.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"I have information that might be of help to you, Lady Eva," she said hesitantly. "I suspect Lady Camille is pregnant."

My eyes widened at the revelation. Pregnant? That was interesting.

Smirking, I gestured for the servant to come in, eager to hear the details.

"Tell Hector here what you told me," I instructed, turning to Hector with a wicked smile.

The servant nervously repeated her findings, mentioning how she suspected Camille's pregnancy due to her observations.

"I thought you told me you never had carnal relations with Camille," I said to Hector, my voice cold and accusing.

Hector stood his ground. "I've tried, but she rejected my advances each time."

Turning back to the servant, I questioned, "How sure are you about these claims?"

"Well, Lady Camille, she... uh, she vomited on the carpet in her room. I was called in to clean up the mess. While cleaning, I asked her about her last period. It was clear that she didn't want to talk about it at first, but then she asked me to go to the drugstore and get her a pregnancy test. So I put the lines together. I knew it couldn't be Sir Hector's because the timeframe didn't any sense."

I was intrigued no doubt. But the accusations were big. I liked big but not this big, especially when there was no proof.

"So you came to me?" I teased. "Why? You could be beheaded for slander?"

"Because I want to be on your side. The winning side." The servant replied.

I liked her. She was smart. "It would be so great if you had the test here to show us that your claims are true."

"I do," she replied.

The servant then proceeded to produce the test.

I took it from her hands and as I glanced at the positive result, a triumphant smile spread across my face.

"Well, well, Hector. Seems like Lady Camille has been keeping quite the secret," I chuckled.

If the dead pheasants weren't enough to rile the pack up, this was sure to do the trick. If there was anything a pack of men hated more, It was a slut.



The air in my room hung heavy with the weight of recent revelations.

I traced patterns on the window while I tried to make a decision on the next step to take.

After what the servant said, I had gotten her to go to the drugstore and get me a pregnancy test. The same pregnancy that had come out positive.

There was no point in lying. I was probably already three months gone. While an abortion was not out of the question, I didn't want to kill the life growing in me.

The existence of the pregnancy only fueled the urgency to end things with Hector as soon as I could.

I also thought about how things were going outside my room considering I was now on room arrest. It had been two days since I had stepped outside. Each time I tried, the guard that Alpha Lucian put in charge of me would escort me back in and lock the door behind him to punish me.

I had three square meals but that was it. I was a prisoner in my own room.

A knock on the door was enough to interrupt my train of thought.

"Yes?" I responded, turning my attention towards the source of the interruption.

"Miss Camille, are you dressed?" the guard inquired, announcing his intention to enter.

"I am," I replied, and he entered the room.

"You have been summoned to the council," the guard informed me with stoic gravity.

The council? My mind raced with possibilities. Could this be about the pheasants? A surge of anxiety quickened my heart, making each beat resonate with trepidation.

Attempting to conceal the tremor in my hands, I adjusted my posture. However, my gesture seemed inconsequential to the unyielding figure before me.

"Grant me a moment to change into something more appropriate," I requested, acknowledging the gravity of the summons.

The guard nodded, and I turned to prepare myself for a confrontation with the infamous council.

I quickly moved to change into something more fitting for the council, a mix of anxiety and curiosity swirling within me.

After making the necessary adjustments to my appearance, I approached the door and knocked, to which the guard opened promptly.

"I am ready," I told him.

Stepping out of the room even if it was for something as grimly as a council summon still felt refreshing even when the air seemed to thicken with a sense of impending gravity and doom.

My eyes widened when I noticed the guard was holding an object that resembled a collar.

"What is that for?" I asked, my voice revealing apprehension.

The guard met my gaze impassively. "It's a precautionary measure. The collar is designed to prevent you from shifting during the council proceedings."

A shiver ran down my spine as the reality of the situation sank in. This was no ordinary meeting; I was being treated like a criminal who had performed crimes against humanity.

"I hardly think the collar is necessary for accusations about dead birds." I protested, my voice carrying a mixture of defiance and confusion.

The guard remained stoic, unmoved by my objections. "Orders are orders, Miss Camille. The council wants to ensure the proceedings go smoothly."

Reluctantly, I extended my neck to allow him to fasten the collar around it.

The cold metal against my skin served as a constant reminder of the precarious position I now found myself in. As the guard secured the restraint, I couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter would be a turning point, an event that would shape the trajectory of my life within the pack. I was no psychic but somehow I knew.

Once the collar was in place, the guard gestured for me to follow him. As we walked through the corridors, the weight of the collar bore down on me, both physically and mentally.

The unknown awaited me in the council chamber, and I steeled myself for what was to come.

The Council Chamber was a place I'd only heard about in hushed tones and seen in passing glances. Two stone throws away from the Dumont house, it was still a distinct part of the Lily of the Valley pack grounds.

From the outside, it was an imposing structure, crafted from ancient stones.

As we approached, the heavy wooden doors swung open, revealing a dimly lit room with a large circular table at its centre.

Arrayed around it were the council members, their faces cast in shadows, creating an aura of both authority and mystery.

The council chamber greeted me with austere grandeur, its walls lined with the gravity of decisions that shaped lives and destinies.

The werewolf council, a formidable assembly of elders and leaders, observed my entrance with stern expressions.

Alpha Lucian, my father, stood as a testament to familial betrayal. His gaze which I never once remembered as warm now held a dispassionate distance.

I swallowed hard, standing before the council, an unwitting defendant in a trial I knew nothing about.

The council leader, a figure draped in wisdom and authority, spoke. "Lady Camille, you stand accused of disrupting pack peace and violating the sacred tenets of matehood. How do you plead?"

I took my place in the centre of the chamber, the collar a constant reminder of my restricted freedom.

I searched for answers in the sea of unfamiliar faces. The air felt charged, thick with tension. My voice wavered as I replied, "I plead ignorance, for I am unaware of the charges against me."

The council's collective gaze bore into me, dissecting my every nuance. I could tell they could not buy a word I was saying despite the fact that they did not know me.

"Are you saying you did not kill the birds being bred for the visit of the Lycan King, Dimitri Galdina to spite your father and the pack nor did you break the tenets of matehood by cheating on your significant other and getting pregnant?" The council leader asked.

I took a steadying breath, meeting the eyes of the council leader. "I did not kill the pheasants, nor did I intentionally break the tenets of matehood. As for the pregnancy, it was unplanned, and I intended to reveal it at an appropriate time."

A murmur rippled through the council, and I could feel the weight of scepticism in their gazes.

It was a delicate dance, defending myself against accusations that seemed carefully crafted to paint me as a threat to the pack's stability.

"The evidence presented against you is compelling," another council member interjected. "The dead pheasants, the rumours of your romantic involvement with another pack member, and now this unexpected pregnancy. It paints a troubling picture. You are the daughter of this pack's Alpha and if anything, you are supposed to be an example to all."

"Romantic involvement with a pack member?" I stuttered. "I assure you, I have not had an affair with anybody in this pack. The pregnancy was a result of a one-night stand."

There was a gasp amidst the council. That was when I noticed my stepmother, Eva and Hector were also present. Hector stood there with a stoic expression, his eyes hinting at betrayal when he knew damn well. Eva, on the other hand, wore a triumphant smirk.

"Are you telling the council that you had a one-night stand and got pregnant?" The council leader raised an incredulous eyebrow.

I nodded. "Yes, but I didn't deliberately break any tenets of matehood. I didn't know Hector when that happened and he was not my mate at the time."

Eva interrupted with a mocking tone, "Convenient, isn't it? Claiming ignorance after the fact."

I shot her a glare, but she seemed to revel in my discomfort. The council leader motioned for silence.

"Bring in the servants who fed the birds regularly." The council leader ordered.

The guards then ushered in the servants who had been responsible for the care of the pheasants. Their faces were the perfect picture of terror.

The council leader addressed them sternly, "You have been accused of incompetence, leading to the death of very valuable birds. If Lady Camille is innocent, then you must speak the truth. Did she have any involvement in the demise of the pheasants?"

One of the servants, a middle-aged woman, stepped forward nervously. "We do not know for sure, Elder. When we came to feed the pheasants, Lady Camille was already there. I noticed that she looked disturbed, as if someone had freshly angered her. She was also very adamant about feeding the birds."

Tears welled up in the servant's eyes, and her voice quivered with a mix of fear and guilt. "I do not want to point an accusing finger. But the birds all died soon after she fed them. We were going to feed the pheasants new rations late in the afternoon when we discovered that they were all dead."

The council chamber fell silent for a moment before the leader spoke again.

"Lady Camille, do you have anything to say in your defence?"

I took a deep breath, my mind racing to find the right words. "I did feed the pheasants, but I did not harm them. I was trying to contribute, to be a part of this pack. I never intended for any harm to come to those birds. As for the rumours of a romantic involvement, I swear again, I have not betrayed my mate. If anything, Hector is the–"

Eva scoffed, rolling her eyes dramatically as she cut me off. "Your honour, how convenient that Lady Camille, the long-lost daughter of the Dumont family, suddenly appears and all these troubles follow."

The council leader raised a hand to silence her. "We will consider all the evidence presented and reach a verdict. Lady Camille, you will be informed of our decision shortly. Until then, you will remain under house arrest."

As the guards approached me to lead me away, I completely snapped. "No! I am not leaving this room without clearing my name! Damn you! Damn you all!"

My outburst echoed in the chamber, but before I could say more, Hector walked up to me, his expression a mix of frustration and disappointment. In the tense silence, he raised his hand and delivered a resounding slap across my face. The sharp sting silenced me instantly.

"You're hell-bent on being a stain on this pack and the Dumont family, aren't you?" he spat.

I scoffed, my cheek throbbing. "And what will you do about it?"

Hector's eyes hardened. "Camille Dumont, I reject you."

The words hung in the air, and the weight of them hit me like a physical blow. I fell to my knees, the sting of his rejection cutting deep. The pain was more than physical; it was a deep, searing ache that spread through every fibre of my being. The man I thought was my mate had just severed our bond, and the repercussions of that rejection were supposed to echo through my life in ways I couldn't yet comprehend. But as much as it hurt, I was grateful to have one less poison beside me.

Gritting my teeth, I looked up at Hector and forced the words out, "Hector Menard, I accept your rejection."

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