Chapter 3
Evelyn's POV
Today's the day!
I’m getting ready to go on tour.
This is crazy I still can't believe this is happening.
My sisters barged into my room with EVERY QUESTION THEIR MINDS COULD THINK OF!
"Oh my god is it true!" Jenna practically shouted.
"You're going on tour with THE Sammy Matrix!" Melissa squealed.
"Yes guys it's true calm down" I added.
Both of them looked like they just won the lottery.
"How did this happen?"
"Did you meet him at his show last night?"
So I told them everything that happened yesterday. As mad as I was at them I can kinda thank Sophia and Amanda for this. I filled my parents in on the details and then told the girls.
*Text Message With the girls*
Evelyn:Hello my loves!
Amanda: Are you still mad at us?
Evelyn: Nope!
Amanda:Wait so you threw a hissy fit over nothing?
Lexi:Ok chill guys.
Evelyn:If this is how you're gonna be I won't tell you my surprise
Sophia:Oh come on don't be like that!
Amanda:Okay okay fine sorry love you.
Lexi: So you gonna tell us?
Amber: I'm waiting
Evelyn: Okay sooo I'm going on tour with Sammy Matrix!
Amanda:wait HUH!?
Sophia: 1.Lex chill 2. HOW?!
Evelyn: This is why I'm not mad at you children anymore.
*End of Text Message*
I filled in every blank space and then received another text
*Text Message with Sammy Matrix*
Sammy:Hey Ev! We are getting you at 6!
Evelyn: Got it! I'm assuming you still have my address haha
Sammy:haha I do.
Evelyn:Okay see you soon!
Sammy:See you soon!
*End of Text Message*
I finished packing everything else and then saw it was 5:30 am when my sisters ran back in my room.
"Okay calm down you can."
"One condition. NO BOMBARDMENT! Don't go all crazy ok?"
"Okay!" Both agreed in unison
Jen and Mel heard the door bell and both went in to roadrunner mode. I swear I've never seen them run that fast before.
"Hi Sammy! I'm Jenna!"
"Hi!! I'm Melissa!"
"Hi girls it's lovely to meet you both.”
"Please don't tell me you're attacking him.”
"Ev it's fine don't worry about it.”
"Can we take a picture Sammy?" Both girls said in unison.
"Sure girls."
Next did you guess it? ALL my friends showed up.
oh no
he sensed something was wrong by my face because after he looked at me he turned and saw my friends walk up to my door
"Okay before you say anything we came to say goodbye. We didn't know he was here.” Lexi quickly noted.
So we did just that we hugged and said goodbye to one another. Then they introduced themselves to Sammy and took pictures. I felt bad because I didn't intend for this to happen. I didn't even tell them what time he was coming. I looked at my phone and saw it was 5:46. He showed up early I'm guessing he knew this would happen. The girls left shortly after and Jenna and Melissaa helped me and Sammy bring my bags to the car.
"Now you take care of our sister."
"Jen calm down" Melissa ordered.
"What? I'm just making sure she'll be okay.”
"For a 16 year old you sure are protective.”
"Please don't fight..please don't it's too early for this girls and we have a guest.”
"Sorry Ev.”
"Sorry Evelyn.”
"Hey Ev we should get going. The plane leaves at 7.” Shawn mentioned.
While we waited for my parents to come down my sisters clung onto me and Sammy. My parents came to the door and we said our goodbyes. Next thing I knew, we were at the airport going onto our flight. I've never been on a plane before so I didn't know what to expect. We got to the gate and I saw it was a frickin private jet.
"The flight to Australia is about 22 hours so we take the jet." Sammy noted.
I'm speechless. We boarded the jet and I sat down and I took a photo of my window and posted it. The caption was “Off to Australia!"
Sammy then handed me his phone with all his social media tabs open.
"Hey let's take a selfie together!"
"Okay! I wanna use a filter though."
We picked a butterfly filter and he posted it with the caption “Australia ready! See you soon!” The jet then started to take off and then I fell asleep.