

Griselda POV

I groaned in protest, as all my muscles felt so tense, and they were hurting like hell. Remembering what happened the other night, I quickly open my eyes from my sleep, which was a big mistake.

My vision, starts to become blurry, and tears formed when I remembered what happened last night. I should be used to this, the abusing, torturing and him using me like I am a rag doll, but I am not. Every time he touches, it hurts mentally and physically, but what it"s even worse, is when he lets his guards do whatever they want with me.

I hear footsteps outside of my room, and fear starts to travel up all throughout my body. I hear the footsteps coming closer to the door, and I hold my breath, since I know who it is.

Once the footsteps stops just outside of my room, the door clicks open, and I quickly shut my eyes pretending to be asleep.

Once the door clicks closed, he comes into the room, I hold my breath, as he comes closer to the room scared that he might be mad, and will take his anger out on me.

When his close to my bed, I feel him sit beside me, completely unaware that I am awake. He starts to stroke my cheeks softly and I try so hard not to flinch.

"I know you"re awake Griselda", Kulah says.

I suddenly become scared after he says that, his voice sounded way too soft for my liking.

I blinked my eyes open, and look at him through my lashes, afraid that he"ll catch me looking.

He continues to stroke my cheek softly, I want to move away from his touch and hide myself where he can"t see me or catch me, but I know better than to do that.

"You"re so beautiful, you know that?", he questions.

I just lay there looking ahead, not giving him the satisfaction of looking at him.

"Look at these pretty bruises, they look magnificent", he chuckles.

I swallow the lump that"s forming in my throat, suddenly feeling the urge to throw up.

"Aren"t you going to thank me?", he questions.

I keep my mouth shut, still looking straight ahead. He suddenly grabs my chin, making me look at him and flinch when my eyes make contact with his dark ones.

"Well, aren"t you a little stubborn thing", he chuckles darkly.

"Get ready, we"re going to leave in twenty minutes", he says before standing up and smirking down evilly at me.

I start to shake my head, knowing what he has planned for me today won"t be good like any other day.

His eyes narrowed into slits, as he sees me shaking my head at him. Suddenly he smirks and bends down, so we"re eye to eye.

"Are you defying me again, Griselda?", he questions.

"N-no", I finally say, but end up stuttering. I don"t want to be afraid anymore, I want to feel free again, but it"s hard to do that when he"s constantly tormenting me.

I really want to give up on life, but I believe there is something greater than what I have now and I know that I don"t deserve what I have now. So I hold on to that little hope, and wake up everyday even though my body doesn"t agree with me, it just wants to give up.

"I am not going to repeat myself again, get dressed Griselda", Kulah orders.

I sit still for a couple of minutes, and slowly begin to stand. But when I do make the move to stand, I suddenly wince feeling lots of pain throughout my body.

Kulah chuckles, watching me wince in pain, and I know that he loves the bruises that"s covering my body. I feel so disgusted with myself walking around naked in front of him.

"Get that ass moving", he orders.

I continue to walk towards the walk in closet, once I am in the closet, I pull out the most disgusting thing ever. It"s a red lingerie that covers barely anything, and I hate the fact that I have to dress up for him.

Once I am dressed, I make my way out of the closet, and see Kulah sprawled out on the bed and looking up at the ceiling. When he hears the door close, he turns his attention to me.

"You look really delicious, that I wanna devour you right here", he says, his voice husky.

I swallow the lump in my throat, as he slowly begins to stand up. He makes his way over to me, and stands in front of me barely leaving any space between us.

I flinch when he lifts his hands up, afraid that he"ll slap me or worse punch, but his hands slowly starts to trial to my cheeks and down my neck.

He slowly bends down, and his mouth latches onto my neck, he kisses, and sucks my skin. I shudder, feeling disgusted.

I feel him smirk against my skin, thinking I like him kissing me, but in reality I hate it and I hate him more than anything in this world.

"I really want to fuck you right here, but we have to get going", he says and stands to his full height.

"W-where are we going?", I dare to ask.

He looks at me for a minute, and answers "the club".

I freeze upon hearing that word, fear crawling it"s way into my bones. I start to shake so hard that he chuckles enjoying my fear of him.

The club is his. He enjoys all the girls that throw themselves at him, he doesn"t even care who he fucks them in front of, he enjoys watching me flinch every time the girls cry out in pain or pleasure.

"Come on, let"s go", he orders.

I trudge behind him, as he walks in front of me in fast strides. I walk really slowly to past time purposely, but Kulah sees that and he growls making me fasten my pace.

Once we"re outside the mansion, there is an SUV waiting for us. Kulah yanks me by the arm and continues to walk us into the car. We get in the car silently, and Kulah orders the driver to drive.

Twenty minutes later, we make it to the club, I open the car door, and step out, following Kulah into the club.

There is loud music, people wasted, making out and worst of all people having s.εメ in front of everyone, giving them a show.

I turn my gaze away, feeling disgusted as to why people enjoy doing that. Some men like Kulah force themselves on women and they have to bear the pain or they get killed.

"Let"s go", Kulah says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

He begins walking up the stairs, and I suddenly become nauseous, because I know what he"s going to do when we"re up the stairs.

Once we made it up the stairs, he clicks open a door with his keys. He looks at me smirking evilly.

"Get in", he orders, looking me up and down, his eyes becoming dark with lust.

I slowly make my way inside, and take in what"s in the room. Black walls are painted all over the room, in the center there is a king sized bed, an arm chair beside the bed, and in the corner of the room, there are stuff laying around to bring women pleasure, but in my case they bring me more pain.

I hear movement behind me, and the slam of the door, I suddenly start to shake out of fear, knowing what he"s going to do is going to be painful.

He walks over to me, and I feel him just behind me, leaving barely any space between us. He starts to kiss and suck my neck, making me feel repulsed.

"Dance for me", he commands huskily.

My eyes widen in shock, and I immediately start to shake my head. Dancing is the one thing I will never do for him. Before I was engaged, my dream was to become a professional dancer, and a choreographer, but that dream turned into ashes, and it was long gone.

He turns me around, and I see his face becoming red from anger.

"Is that a no?", he raises his brow challengingly.

I gulp, and nod my head up and down, as if to say his assumption was correct.

He growls and steps dangerously close. I take a few steps back afraid, I"ll get beaten. As if sensing my fear, he smirks, and yanks me by the arm to pull me closer to him. I stumble to his chest, and look up, fear clearly written in my eyes.

"You"re going to regret this", he growls, looking down at me angrily.

I gulp when he turns away from me, pulling me by the arm, and makes his way outside of the room, with me in tow.

We make our way downstairs, I see men clearly enjoying the presence of women, while they cry out in pain.

Kulah pulls me in the center of the floor, where there is a pool table. He lets go of my arm, and claps his hands loudly to catch the attention of everyone. The music goes off as people come closer, looking interested what their leader has to say.

"Listen everyone, my fiancé here has the guts to defy me, so I am going to teach her a lesson that she"ll never forget", he says and glances at my direction. I swallow my tears, and remind myself to not show weakness.

"I am going to let you use her, for your own pleasure", he completes his speech with a big smirk on his face.

The crowd applauds and begin to erupt in cheers, while I fear for the worst, this is the first time he"s done something so so horrible like this, usually I get beaten really bad, or he lets his trusted men use me. But this, this is dreadful.

A man steps forward form the crowd, he looks me up and down, and smirks when he"s satisfied with what he sees. I squirm against his stare, and look around to plan an escape route, but to no avail every corner is blocked.

"Boss, can I use her?", he says turning his attention to Kulah.

"Do whatever you want with her, you have an hour before I come and get her", he says and begins to walk off, but I quickly grab ahold of his jacket, when he looked back at me, I pleaded him with my eyes to not leave me alone. He smirked, just shook his head, turned around, and left.

The man turned to me when Kulah left, and his eyes turned a shade darker with lust when he gave me a once over with his eyes.

"Come here", he orders, with his husky voice.

I shook my head afraid, and stumbled a few steps back. He narrowed his eyes at me, reached his hand out, and suddenly slapped me against the left cheek. My eyes stung with tears, but I keep it in trying to appear strong, but I just want the ground to swallow me whole.

"Do not ever defy me again, you hear me slut", he hisses. I slowly nod my head and he yanks me by the arm to pull me closer to him.

I exhale sharply, when I land on his chest, I look up at him, as he looks down at me smirking.

"Now let"s go", he says and starts to pull me upstairs toward one of the rooms.

Once we"re in the room, one far away from where Kulah had taken me earlier. He pulls me by the arm, towards the bed, and shoves me so that I am laying flat against it.

He starts to take off his button up shirt, along with his jeans. With a smirk, he slowly starts to crawl on top of me.

"Please, please don"t do this", I plead.

"Shut up, you whore", he grunts.

Without warning, he tears my lingerie apart, and takes in my nakedness with his lust filled eyes.

I try to cover myself with my arms, but he pulls them away harshly.

"Don"t", he growls, and without warning slams into me, making me cry out in pain. Tears start to stream down my cheeks, as he continues to pleasure himself, making the pain unbearable for me. With a groan, he comes inside of me, I swallow, ashamed of myself.

Once he"s done, he pulls out, and walks out of the room, leaving me in pain.

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