

Arcado POV

As I began to twist the knife that was already in his hand, he yelled, and I laughed and watched in delight as he writhed in pain.

"Come on, just tell us who sent you so we can get over with this quickly," Skyler, my most trusted and right hand guy, grumbled in despair.

He raised his damaged face, smirked, and added, "Just murder me and get this over with as soon as possible."

Skyler was clearly irritated since the man was not responding or saying a single useful word, except from aggravating us.

"Calm down, Skyler, we have to deal with this sensibly," I said authoritatively.

Skyler glanced at me, lowered his head in reverence, and tried to relax slightly.

I returned my gaze to the man, who was shackled in a chair with no way out. Getting away would be ideal "He was tied up and there were three men who could easily take him down, so that was the least of his concerns.

"Now tell me who sent you," I asked calmly.

He continued staring and smirking at me, which irritated me to no end. I growled and charged at him.

I walked down to his height and gripped his chin, burying my fingers through his flesh, once I was in front of him.

He flinched, but still looked me in the eyes, and I could see his fear for his own life.

"At the very least, tell us your name," I said.

He glanced at me, debating whether or not to tell me, and he made the correct decision by revealing his name to me.

"Felix Richey," he said, but then startled when I grabbed the knife he was holding in his hand.

"Now don't be terrified, I won't hurt you," I cooed to him.

When I made no effort to hurt him, the man relaxed slightly. I caught him off guard by twisting the knife so tightly that his screams could be heard throughout the room.

"Let me ask you again, who sent you," I clinched my teeth as blood poured from his hands and dripped down to the floor.

The man whimpered but did not respond. I sighed and moved my gaze to Skyler and Dexter.

"What are we going to do with him?" Dexter wondered.

I smirked at each of them and said, "Hand me the neck torture apparatus."

Their eyes widened as they realized it was the most excruciating thing ever. It was only utilized on rare circumstances like this, when our adversaries made no move to respond. We would torture them until they cracked or chose to die.

Skyler walked over to the device, which was on one of the tables. He walked up to me after obtaining the device and handed it to me.

While holding the device, I turned to face Felix, smirking. When he realized what was in my hands, his eyes widened and he began shaking in horror.

"Either you tell us who sent you or you die, the option is yours," I said.

When he didn't respond again, I sighed. I started tying the gadget around his neck, and he started squirming around.

"Dexter, hand me the controller," I said.

I heard footsteps behind me before Dexter approached me with the controller.

I grabbed it from him and moved my gaze to Felix. I sneered at him and cranked up the controller to its maximum setting.

As blood began to gush out of his neck, he yelled in agony. Dexter and Skyler both laughed at his reactions.

I shouted at him, "You made your choice, and your choice is to die, so endure the pain."

Felix screamed and thrashed in pain. I paused the controller for a second before bending down to his level.

"Are you ready to spill now?" I inquired.

He smirked and shook his head as he lifted his head. I'm amazed this scumbag hasn't died yet, given how dangerous the neck torture apparatus is, but I assume he's one of the strong ones.

"Just kill him already, Arcado," Dexter grumbled behind me.

"All right, get me my pistol," I said.

I heard footsteps behind me and Skyler stood next to me, holding the gun.

I removed the pistol from his grasp and turned to face Felix. I knelt down to his level once more, opened his lips, and pointed the revolver at it.

His eyes widened significantly, and he began to flail around, but I didn't give him time to scream before pulling the trigger and terminating his life.

I sighed and turned to face Skyler and Dexter. They were both smirking as they looked at the motionless body.

""Clean up the body, I'll be in my office," I said.

They both nodded and began cleaning up the mess that had been left behind.

I started making my way out of the tunnels that led to the mansion. My father built the tunnels eight years ago because he wanted easy access to his mafia life, so he created what he called "the torture house."

For twenty years, my father was a CEO and a Mafia like me, but he passed everything on to me when he thought I was ready to take care of the firm and the Mafia families.

It wasn't long ago that I started working as a Mafia boss "It was not difficult for me to adjust because I was born into this life and learnt a lot from my father when he began teaching me about the Mafia life.

I exited the tunnels and began making my way to the stairs leading to the mansion.

I walked through the door and into my office. The phone started ringing after I was settled in my seat.

I scratched my temples and picked up the phone.

"What?" I snarled.

"Mr. Cusso, I just wanted to remind you that you have a meeting with the Lamborghini industries tomorrow at nine o'clock," said my secretary.

"Do you think I'm a five-year-old who needs to be pampered?" I yelled at her.

"I-I'm sorry, sir," she mumbled, her voice shaking.

"Just don't let this happen again," I groaned "I then hung up the phone.

Call me a jerk if you want, but I despise it when people remind me of my own schedule.

I groaned and turned on my computer, but then I heard the door click open and looked up.

Skyler and Dexter were both heading to on one of the sofas to sit.

"Did you guys clean up the mess?" I inquired once they were seated.

Dexter sighed frustratedly as Skyler nodded his head.

Dexter hissed, "We got nothing out of that sucker."

"That's why I murdered him," I responded.

Skyler chuckled and shook his head as Dexter smacked him upside the head, evidently not amused.

"Don't worry, if someone ever trespasses on our territory and area again, we'll question and torment them until they give in, and it won't be an easy death the next time." I said..

When I stated that, they both smirked, and I sneered back, which made us all laugh.

"Man, I wish we could torture more people; I love their screams of misery and their cries for help," Skyler muttered evilly.

"Every week, people pass through our territory, buddy," Dexter retorted.

"Yeah, I know," Skyler admitted, "but I need more blood on my hands."

I laughed as I shook my head. We were born to question and torture, and if they did not answer our questions, we just killed them. If they disobey our orders and do not perform what they are supposed to do, we simply put a gun to their heads and shoot them.

If anyone crosses paths with me, they are immediately killed; if anyone betrays me, they are tortured and killed, a protracted and horrible death.

This is what we do; we're bloodthirsty, we have blood on our hands every day, and we don't give a damn what other people think or say.

"So, what should we do now?" Skyler asked, bringing me out of my meditation.

"Now we wait to see who wants to be killed," I smirked at him.

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