

Griselda POV

I lay there on the bed with tears streaming down my face, ashamed that I was used like a rag doll again, but I am used to the feeling, I don’t know if I am ever going to laugh, or smile, all I know is that I know how to cry out in pain.

The tears still continued to stream down my cheeks, I tried to wipe them away, but my body felt heavy so I just gave up. Giving up seemed an easy thing to do right now, I wonder what it feels like, to not feel anything: pain, happiness, and sadness.

But no matter how much I wanted to give up, I couldn’t because, I know that I don"t deserve this people say there is a rainbow after a storm. Maybe I’ll find my rainbow soon, so for now I just have to bear the pain as much as possible.

I could still hear the music, people laughing, and some girls screaming or crying out in pain. Pain seemed to be the only thing girls had to endure in the mafia world. There was no happiness for us, so instead we got sadness.

I heard the door click open, and immediately fear started to make its way to my body. Knowing who it was I didn’t dare to make a movement, instead I just laid there like a statue.

Footsteps shuffled into the room, and he started to walk towards the bed. I closed my eyes, hoping he would believe that I was sleeping.

The bed dipped down, as he began to sit on the edge. He began to stroke my cheek, slowly making his hand down my body. I felt bile rise up my throat, but I swallowed it back down.

"Open your eyes, Griselda", he commanded

I slowly opened my eyes, to see him sitting down beside me with a smirk on his face.

"Did you like the punishment?", he asked chuckling.

Saying no would get me into more trouble, so instead I just nodded my head and looked down to blink away more tears that were threatening to spill.

His hand found its way to my cheeks, and he wiped away the tears that were kind of dried up.

"Now don’t cry baby, you were born to pleasure us men, like a good slut that you are", he said.

I was a slut to him and that’s all I’ll ever be in his eyes. He saw me as a toy, he used me as a toy. He claims he loves me, but what he really loves is to torture, and to see me cry in pain.

He slowly stood up, and began to undress. I became scared of what he was going to do, but I already knew that he was going to use me for his own pleasure.

Once he was undressed, he made his way over to me, and his hands began to roam my body once again.

"You look so pretty like this, naked before my eyes", he chuckled.

He began to kiss and suck my neck softly; I squirmed underneath him, trying to put space as much as possible. But to no vail, his hands planted firmly on my waist to keep me still.

He continued to torture my body with his lips and hands, while I laid there still closing my eyes, wishing I could disappear anywhere from here.

His hand went further down my body, knowing what was coming next I sucked in a sharp breath. Once his hands found its way to my pussy, he slowly began to rub my clit, I squirmed trying to get away from his prying hands.

He growled, and his hand began to pump inside of me torturously. Tears streamed down my cheeks once again, as the pain became unbearable.

I felt like someone was ripping my insides in half. He was trying to get me wet, but I refused to give in to him. He was a monster who liked to see girls abused, raped, and in pain.

After a few seconds of trying he gave up, and slammed into me painfully, making me gasp at how much it hurt.

I cried out, when he slammed into me again dreadfully. When he found his release, he pulled out and collapsed next to me, leaving my insides shattered like a glass.

"Get dressed", he commanded standing up and walked towards the bathroom.

I waited until he was out of sight; I slowly began to sit up wincing every time I made a move.

Everywhere hurt, it felt like needles were stabbing into my skin, making it hard for me to breath. I took a deep breath, forcing myself to keep moving.

I walked towards the small closet that consisted of small amount of clothes. I pulled open the door, and walked in.

Not caring how the dress looked like, I quickly picked up the clothes and began dressing. After I was done I walked back out of the closet towards the room.

Kulah emerged from the bathroom, and looked at me. His eyes began to rake my body. He smirked once he looked into my eyes.

"I would take you again, but I have matters to attend too", he said.

I was thankful for those matters, because that would mean he would not take me again today.

"Let’s go", he said walking to the door.

I silently followed after him, and walked out the door. Music was blasting through the club and men were enjoying themselves as women gave them pleasure forcefully or willingly.

Some men bowed their head down in submission, as they saw Kulah approaching, obviously he was the leader, as to my father passed down the title to him.

Once he got engaged to me, my father promised him that he could be the leader of the Russian Mafia, so without hesitation Kulah agreed and took me against my will.

Once we made it outside, we got into the car that was waiting for us. The car ride was silent which I was thankful for.

We made it to the mansion after twenty minutes of driving, I was already feeling exhausted and my muscles were protesting to give up.

I opened the car door and got out, following Kulah into the mansion. When we got in the guards bowed their heads in submission, but when Kulah wasn’t looking, they gave me lustful looks while checking out my body.

I felt repelled as their eyes never left mine and they continued to give me smirks.

I tried to ignore them but their stares creeped their way into my body. Suddenly Kulah came to a halt and growled at them as if sensing what was happening, they all immediately looked away, and bowed their heads apologetically.

We finally made it to my room; Kulah opened the door, stepped inside, while I waited for a few seconds and went in after him.

"Get rest", he commanded with his cold voice.

I felt exhausted, drained and disgusted with myself, so I nodded my head and walked towards the bed.

I slipped inside the covers, while he left the room, leaving me alone, I sighed and began to drift off into a dreamless sleep.

Soon, I will find a way to escape this hell.

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