The rest of yesterday was really uneventful. Morris left me all alone at home for most of the day, and only returned when I had already fallen asleep. I really think I have to make some friends around here, because Morris clearly has no intention of being that with me. I can't keep being bored the entire time.
Have you told your mom already?", Jerry asked playing with my hair.
Luckily, his roommate had classes at that time, so I was able to come over to his dorm. Well it's not even as if Jerry is always around. Of lately, he's always busy with whatsoever it is that I don't even know, and I don't even get to spend time with him as I like. I didn't just want to bring up the topic with him, because I don't want any fights. But it really been bothering me, but I guess I would have to wait for the right time.
Means, to reply his question, I shaked my head.
'i can't tell her about it. She will bury me alive*, I replied.
"Babe, you always exaggerate things", Jerry said, face palming how face at me.
"Remember when you said she would kill you when she found out about us? You are still alive, aren't you?", He said.
"Yes I'm still alive because I told her that we broke up", I retort, and Jerry just carried on laughing.
Well, my Mom doesn't like Jerry one bit. To be fair, she doesn't like any boy, especially ones that come close to me. I don't really know how she got to find out I was dating Jerry, but she seriously wasn't happy about it. I ended up telling her that I had already ended things with Jerry, because I was becoming scared that she was going to move me to another school.
"Too bad, we are very much together", Jerry said, kissing my forehead.
"So did you get a place, or are you still a homeless kid?", He teased me.
I shifted in an awkward manner away from him, earning a raised eyebrow from him.
"Ohh.., about that. Well, you see, I did get a place, but..", I halt a bit.
"But?", He repeated after me.
I gulped.
"It's with a guy*, I said in one quick breath, and bowed my face quickly.
He got quite annoyed with that piece of information, buy I still had to tell him the worst part of it.
"It's Morris Sean. Maybe you might know him", I said
"You shouldn't have", he muttered, running a hand through his brown locks, confirming my suspicions that he was very annoyed.
"You are living with that guy?. Like seriously?", He said bitterly.
"It was my only option*, I responded in my defense.
"How I'm I supposed to feel, knowing that my girlfriend is living with the biggest player in campus?", He groaned at me.
"But Jerry, it's not like I'm going to do anything with that guy", I said softly as I reached out to his hands.
"I have you, Jerry. And besides, the guy is a total douche", I added
"But even so. I don't like this at all", he lamented bitterly.
I let out a sigh.
"I don't either. But it's just that there's no other way", I said, still trying hard to defend myself.
"What did Lisa have to say about this?. I hope you haven't forgiven her at all, because thiyis all her fault", Jerry said.
"Come on Jerry. She's my best friend, of course I forgave her. And besides she's also your friend too, you know?", I replied.
The three of us have been the musketeers since college freshman year. And besides, Jerry and Lisa, has known each other, even before I showed up in the picture. And funny enough, from the both of them, i got a boyfriend and a best friend, all at the same time.
"I know babe. But it's just that, Lisa makes the worst decisions sometimes. God knows how I have to put up with her for the past twenty years of my life", Jerry said.
"It's because you love her", I said, why he rolled his eyes.
"Come on Jerry. She's very sorry, and besides for the meantime, she's living with that chicken, Jeff", I said.
"Not at all surprised", he said before looking into his wrist watch.
"Anyways, I have to go to the library now", he said.
"What? But why,?", I inquired, sounding too irritated.
"I have to study, Moana, and you know this too well. I guess you will be able to find your way back to your new apartment, right?", He replied defensively.
"I nodded sadly.
"Sure. Bye", I said.
"Bye", he said as he placed a kiss on my forehead, before grabbing his bag and walking out of the door, leaving me in his dorm.
Wow. What a boyfriend I got for myself.
I picked up my bag and left his dorm as well, leaving his keys at his hiding spot. After which I went back home to meet Mr rude.
As soon as I got to the livingroom, I decided to check up on Morris at his bedroom.
"Morris!!, Are you at home?", I said in a high tone, not too loud though.
I really don't know what game I was up to, but here I was in my apartment, screaming out to Morris. I wanted to know if he was at home or not. I had just arrived from Jerry's dorm, feeling lonelier than ever. Maybe I just wanted someone to talk to, even though I'm being realistic. I don't think Morris cares a bit about me.
"Jeez. What are you screaming for, you freak?", Morris yelled, as he stepped out of his bedroom in a hoodie and sweatpants.
"What do you want this time?", He asked.
"Uhmm, I just wanted to know if you were home or not", I muttered, already feeling really embarrassed before I suddenly remembered something."wait a second. Did you just refer to me as a freak?", I said more of a confirmation than a question.
"Does it matter,?", He deadpans.
"Yes it does. Because I'm not a freak. I'm very normal", I defended myself, crossing my arms
"Whatever", he said as he rolled his eyes, before pushing pass me.
He walked down to the kitchen, and like a moth drawn to a flame, I follow suit. But I guess he didn't notice it. He opened the fridge and brought out a carton of juice, and drank straight from it.
"That's a very bad habit, you know", I said to him.
He turned around and looked behind him, only to see me watching him from the door. He shaked his head in annoyance.
"Jesus. Can I at least get some space?, This is my house, you know", he said.
"I know, but I'm just saying..", still yet to finish before he cut be off.
"Okay. I think I need to establish a few rules around here", he announced as he put the juice back and turned to look at me sternly.
"Rules?. What's this?, A middle school?", I said
But he didn't even pay any attention to my words.
"Rule number 1: I'm not your friend, and never will I", he started.
"But I didn't even say you were..", still yet to finish when he shut me up.
"Just shut up and let me finish", he snapped and I rolled my eyes away, but still complied.
"2: Don't talk to me, unless I talk to you", he said
"Seriously?", I muttered under my breath.
He narrowed his eyes at me, and I went shut on my own will.
"3: No surprise visitors or anything in that form. You must first get my permission to do such", he said.
Permission, oh wow. This guy is really an asshole.
"4: If you see different girls around here, just mind your business and say nothing to them", he went on
Such a hilarious player.
"5: We don't share anything in this house, except for furnisher and shit. You get your own groceries and make your own food. So will I", he added.
"So sir, is that all?", I asked.
He rolled his eyes at me and spoke.
"Yes, that's all, darling", he said.
"Gosh, you are just a piece of work", I noted after digesting all his ridiculous rules..
"Well if you don't like it, then you might as well leave my house. I, for one would be the happiest person on planet Earth, if that should ever happen", he gave out a fake smile, I also returned the fake smile.
"No. No need to mention the word leave. I think I will stay", I said..
"Whatever. I'm going back to my room. Don't scream my name again", he said, as he began walking away.
"Bye", I said waving at him.
"Useless. I'm surely fucking it out with you", I could swear I heard him mutter these words to himself.