"What do you mean by his a giant dick?. He's hot. Do you know how many girls would kill , just to be in your position?", Lisa screeches with star struck eyes.
"As if I care", I muttered as I slowly began to walk, so she could catch up with me.
"I guess I should just be grateful that I got a place to stay, and not dwelling in the negative", I replied.
"Yes. But I think Morris Sean and the word negative would ever go in the same sentence", Lisa said thoughtfully.
"Whatever, Lisa", I snapped, because she was starting to annoy me with her stupid Morris praises.
"You don't live with him, do I don't expect you to understand anything. I bet you haven't even had a conversation with the guy", I added.
"Yes, I have", she defended aggravated
"He's Jeff's friend", she added.
I didn't even seem to get shock at her words
"Why I'm I not surprised", I murmured.
Now that I discovered that Jeff is Morris friend, I began to wonder how it would be to live with Jeff as well.
"So, how is it living with him?", I asked
"Good, really good", she replied, with her grin matching
"Well, I'm happy he's not giving you griefs or anything. My best friend happiness means the world to me", I said, can't really stop my grin from showing off.
She took me into her embrace.
"I appreciate your concern Moana. But yes, hope everything has been good. How's Jerry?", She inquired.
"Uhmm, busy as always. I don't know Lisa, but it's like he doesn't have time for me anymore", I said, my mood shut down immediately his name was mentioned.
"Ohh my darling. Don't worry, he will come around. I know my friend. You know he's taking a really hard course, so I guess he always has a lot of studying to do", she said, trying to sound reassuring, but it just wasn't helping matters
"Yes. I know it's because of the adjustment from last semester. Because we used to be attached by hip. But now, I could barely see him. I guess the work is just getting more and more tougher", I said.
Lisa let out a sigh and held my hand.
"Like I said, he will come around. Don't get yourself worked up, okay?. I know Jerry very well, and I know that he loves you very much and wouldn't want to loose you for anything", she said.
"Thanks Lisa, this actually made me feel so much better", I said with a smile, squeezing her hand.
She let out a smile.
"That's what best friends are for", she said.
Just as we were about ending our conversation, I remembered something that I thought might be of great interest to her.
"Hey, do you want to help me do some groceries shopping after class?", I asked her hopefully
"Sure. It's not a problem, i will also do mine", she said.
Finally, we were now at the grocery shop, doing our shopping together.
"Lisa, I swear to God, I do not know why I still do grocery shopping with you", I grumbled, pushing my cart away from her. She just keeps on putting all kinds of candy in it, telling me they are heaven itself. She's always find of this.
"Come on, Anny. Are you on some diet or something?", She asked.
I rolled my eyes at her.
"No Lisa. But that doesn't mean that I should buy five hundred different kinds of candies. So please stop it", I replied.
"But it seems like you are always on diet. It's not like you ever gain weight", she said
"Shush. Let's just shop like responsible adults, okay?", I said as I grabbed a fruit loops and put them inside my cart.
"Fine grumpy. So what's still on your list?", She grumbled childishly, and I just couldn't help but giggle at her.
I brought out my list, and looked into it.
"Milk, eggs, pastas, snacks, some meat and bread. I think that's all I will be getting for now", I replied.
"Okay, I basically have the same remaining, and you know, the snack is first on the list", she shrugged, earning a laughter from me.
We both carried on with our very responsible shopping, and then after what felt like forever, we were finally at the tills to make payment.
"Uhm, hi", I turned around to see the guy who was tapping me on my shoulder.
"I'm Naomi", he said
I waved at her awkwardly.
"Hey, I'm Moana", I replied
"Sorry to bother you", she started sheepishly.
"Well, I noticed that you live at the cottage Hill and I live there too. My ride ditched me, so I was wondering if I could catch a ride with you", she said.
"Sure. I will ask my friend. It's actually her car", I said smiling reassuring
"Thank you", she smiled.
"Hey, Lisa", I called for her attention, because she was too busy with the cashier.
",Do you think we should give Naomi a ride?", I asked.
"Who's Naomi?", She asked.
I point the girl standing behind me
"Her. She lives at the cottage Hill as well', I said.
Lisa shrugged.
Okay", she said.
We were finally done making our payments, so we took our plastic bags and headed to Lisa's car, where we all entered.
"Do Naomi. Do you know Morris?", Lisa asked driving away
I could swear that all Lisa kept talking about for the whole day was Morris. And to think that I was beginning to think that she was still single.
"Yeah, we are quite close. Although he doesn't speak much", Naomi said after some thought.
Naomi is quite a pretty girl you know. She has a red hair, but anyone could see that is was dyed, but even at that, it's a slay for her. She has a light brown eyes and the most delicate female features, making her more beautiful. But she's quite short, probably two feet Short than I am.
I nodded in agreement to her response.
"He really doesn't. You won't believe that he came up with this ridiculous rule that I'm not to speak to him, unless he speaks to me first. Who does that?", I complained.
Naomi let out a laughter.
"Typical Morris", Naomi said.
"Hmm, okay. Maybe he's kind of a dick. That's a bit extreme. Do how are you guys supposed to be roommates without speaking?. That sounds depressing", Lisa regretfully admits.
"And not only. He said I'm not allowed to have people over, without his permission. What?', I continued to vent out my feelings, not minding if I was scaring away Naomi.
"Okay, now that says it. The guy has serious issues", Lisa chirps in, making a careful turn.
You know, truth be told. I'm still not comfortable being driven by Lisa. But it's just that most of the time I have no choice. She's a very bad driver, but somehow she managed to pass through her test, and even got her license.
"Well sometimes he's always like that. I'm one of the few people he always talk to when he's in the mood. Olly and I have known him right from time, even before college", Naomi speaks up.
I smiled at the mention to the name Olly.
"I know Olly. He's the one that helped me get the place", I said.
"Ohh, is that so?. Remind me to give him a kiss", Lisa said sheepishly, as she began stepping a bit too hard on the accelerator, making me hold a tight grip on my seat back.
"I don't think you both would be friends at the moment if it wasn't for me", she bragged.
I snort.
"Damn right", I said.
"Wait, what really happened?", Naomi asked confusingly.