
Chapter 3 Let's find out

I followed, more like allowed myself to be dragged by Mr Hamilton down to where he parked his car. Which was quite far from where he caught me.

So the man ran all the way there just to catch me?

I found it amusing.

He left his expensive car which I could bet cost way more than a million dollars, to catch me who only cost one million?

What if his car got stolen? Or worse, wrecked? Didn't he think about it before chasing me?

But then again, rich people have no worries. They're rich.

"Where are you taking me to?" I asked once inside his car.

" To my house". He answered abruptly getting onto the driver's seat.

I was surprised when I saw Mr Hamilton open the door to the driver's seat and hopped in.

I thought rich men always had drivers or chauffeurs to drive them about, why was he doing it himself? Could it be that Mr Hamilton was not as rich as he portrayed himself to be?

I glanced at the man on the driver's seat, carefully scrutinizing his every expression.

Of could it be that he just loved to drive himself? I thought again.

The car had begun to move, very smoothly I must add.

It was either their were no bumps in the road like the town I came from, or Mr Hamilton was a really good driver.

I kept staring at him, and slowly I got lost in his manly beauty.

"I can feel your gaze, like what you see?" I heard him ask.


I sat up immediately.

"I wasn't looking at you". I mumbled in defense.

I heard him smirk. He then glanced at me for like a second before looking back at the road.

" Am I that good-looking, that you drool just by looking at me?" He said with his eyes still on the road.

I was drooling?

Immediately wiped my mouth with my hands to check, I sighed in relief when my palm wasn't wet.

Liar. I muttered.

My eyes started to get heavy after few minutes. The ride was too smooth that I felt like I was being rocked to sleep.

I raised my legs up to the chair, crouching in a ball formation on the chair.

The cold was getting to me and I was too proud to tell the annoying, stingy driver to turn off the AC.

Once I got into a comfortable position, my heavy eyes finally closed and I fell asleep.


" Hey... Hey... Wake up". I felt someone shaking me and chanting wake up, but my eyelids were too heavy to open.

"Mmm... What... " I mumbled hoping the person would just leave me alone and let me sleep.

The next thing I felt was a warm hand on my head.

I brought my face closer to the heat.

" Shit! You're boiling". I heard the person exclaim but my mind was too focused on the heat from his palms.

" I can't believe I'm doing this". The person whispered to himself before removing his hand from my head.

My warmth was gone and I badly wanted to open my eyes, but they were too heavy, and I was feeling really uncomfortable.

I wanted to shout, but my voice only came out in little whispers.

" Help... Me".

The next thing I felt was my body being lifted up and carried, then I completely blacked out.

My eyes flicked open slowly to my surroundings.

I was in a big room with very few furniture. It looked so clean and new like it had never been used before. I panicked when I realized I was not in my room, or any room at all in my father's house.

"Where am I?" I sat up quickly to assess my surroundings even more.

The walls were covered in white wallpaper same while the floors in black. There was three doors each at different corners of the wall, and a french window my the side.

Despite the lack of furniture, the room still looked expensive.

How did I get here? I questioned myself trying to remember.

I started from the last thing I remembered which was my father giving me permission to got to the market to get some supplies I wanted to use in my new project.

Then I remembered being chased my men in black, the auction...

Mr Hamilton!

" Where did that man bring me too..." I muttered to myself as I tried to get out of bed, but I was struck my a splitting headache.

Shit! I cursed holding my head in pain.

While I was still holding my head in pain, I heard one of the three doors open. I turned to check the intruder, still holding my head in pain.

" Don't get out of bed". A beautiful lady in a white doctor's coat walked up to me and cautioned once she saw my legs were already out of the blankets.

"Where am I? What are you doing to me?" I asked the doctor in panic.

"Please relax, you're fine". The doctor held my hands to calm me down.

" You caught a fever but you'll be okay in a couple

days, all you need is rest. ". The doctor continued.

A fever? This strong headache was because I caught a fever?

Back in my town I hardly got sick except for the occasional ulcer cramps, I was always healthy.

But today, or yesterday... From the look of things, I was sure it was morning... Was different. I had nothing to eat the entire day, I was naked almost the entire day, and my body was exposed to a heavy wind and AC.

I was bound to get sick.

I looked up to the pretty doctor who was looking at me funny.

What? I was tempted to ask, but I needed her help.

" Thank you, but I'm fine now and I want to leave. "

" I'm sorry, but you can't leave right now Ms, you need to rest and eat ". The doctor shook her head.

" But ... " I wanted to argue but was cut of by the opening of the door again.

And there he was, Mr Hamilton.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and rested his back on the wall.

" But nothing. You'll rest until you've regained your strength before you begin your work".


What did he men's by work?

Could it be that he was just treating me so I'll he strong when he needs me to be his sex slave?

I became tensed.

" Which work? I don't remember agreeing to work for you". I shouted nervously.

My temper threatening to get out of control.

Mr Hamilton just hooked his lips up in a mocking smirk. He then turned to the pretty doctor who was watching us the whole time.

" You may leave Amelia". He said to the doctor.

So her name was Amelia, pretty. The name fitted her perfectly.

Amelia nodded at Mr Hamilton and proceeded to the door. Before she left, she took another look at me then at Mr Hamilton.

" Alexander, she needs her rest and food before she's capable of doing anything".

He chuckled.

Alexander... The handsome, stingy, wicked and promiscuous man name was Alexander.

The name fitted him, it sounded high-class, handsome and promiscuous, so it fitted him well.

Do their parents know how their child would tun out before naming them? I suddenly thought. Completely forgetting how serious where I was and who I was with was.

" I know, I heard you when you said it the first time. You can greet Lily on your way out." He gestured to the door.

Amelia looked at me one more time and smiled.

It was as if she was trying to tell me everything would be alright, but something was telling me otherwise.

" How are you feeling? " Alexander asked as he walked the moment Amelia closed the door.

I glared at him so he would stop coming close but the man just didn't care.

"Look here, I'm grateful that you saved me from the auction center and also for treating me, but I'm not going to be your sex slave" I declared boldly.

Alexander paused in his movement before he burst into laughter.

" Sex slave? Who said I needed you for that? "He asked while laughing.

I must confess he loved even better when laughing, but I couldn't let myself me swayed by his looks now.

" Then what do you want me for? "

" I heard what you said back at the auction market. You didn't come there willing like the others, bit I also know that the market never takes anyone that doesn't already belong to them ".

I wrinkled my brows in confusion.

He took a seat close to me.

" Don't you want to know who did this to you? Who sold you off and why?" He asked. I feel into a deep thought.

Of course I wanted to know. But why would Alexander help me? I was more or less a stranger to him.

" Why do you want to help me?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes in understanding.

"Ok... What do you want in return?" I rephrased the question and this time a smile came up to his lips.

" Be my daughter's maid".

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