
Chapter 2 Coming home with him

" I'll buy her for a million dollars".

For the first few seconds I thought it was an angel speaking before I realized it was the handsome man from earlier who was looking at me.

The normal me, you know the me before knowing that my tongue was about to be cut off, would sneer at the prise even the handsomeness, but my tongue was the the line so I kept quiet.

Can't argue with my savior.

" Are you sure about this Mr Hamilton? As you have seen this lady can be quite brash ". The MC said as he called the man with respect.

I could bet that all the darn auctioneer wanted was for me to suffer, but maybe the prise would be worth more than that.

" Are you questioning my decisions Williams?" The handsome man raised a brow as he threatened.

He was terrifying even more than, Williams, the MC stroke auctioneer.

"No". Williams shook his head visibly terrified by My Hamilton.

Was I making the right decision choosing to be bought by him? But I literally had no other choice. It's either this or I tongue gets cut off, and the way I see this people they would still to sell me off after they've caught off my tongue, so yes. I had to be making a good decision by keeping my mouth shut so I can be bought in peace.

" Sold to Mr Hamilton for a prise of a million dollars". He knacked the hammer on the table and that was it. I was sold.

Mr Hamilton walked up to me.

He was even more handsome up close. He had that kind of face that made women just want to get in his bed and stay with him forever because if they lost him, they knew another woman would snatch him in a heart beat.

I was still fantasizing about his face when I felt something warm around my shoulders.

The next thing I heard was

" We need to get you something to wear".

He had taken off his jacket and placed them my shoulders to cover me up.

Again, I forgot I was naked.

" Thank you". I hurriedly said before wearing the jacket and fixing all the buttons.

The suit jacket was large enough to cover my body from my shoulder to my mid thigh so I was no longer naked.

He must be really muscular because of how broad the shoulders of the jacket were.

I walked along side him until we reached the underground VIP garage.

" Thank you for helping me out today. " I backed away slowly ready to run.

"Untill we met again". I whispered before running away from him.

"Hey! Wait!" I heard him yell after me, but that only made me pick up the pace.

"Shit!" That was the last thing I heard him say before I was completely out of his sight and ears.

I ran and ran until I was sure Mr Hamilton or anyone else from that shady place wouldn't be able to find me.

That was a close one.

I stopped to catch my breath.

As much as I was grateful to the Mr Hamilton guy, there was no way I was agreeing to be his sex slave or anything. I loved being free and why I got kidnapped still remained a mystery to me.

I walked cautiously down a dark alley, looking left and right like a fugitive.

It was getting really late, and from what I what I noticed I was no more in Queens, which was the town I grew up in.

" Stop!" I heard someone yell.

I immediately look behind me and saw a black really expensive car heading my way.

What the hell! It was Mr Hamilton.

I picked up my pace again determined to lose him in the chase.

As I was running, I saw a narrow alley and quickly creeped into it.

There was not possible way hus expensive car would pass here, so I could say I was safe.

I stayed at the alley for a while, I needed to be sure he was gone before coming out.

Few minutes later, I took a turn and headed out.

" What took you so long " A voice whispered behind me.

Immediately jumped and turning to face the person, my hands on my chest.

What, it was Mr Hamilton.

How did he get here? Could his car fly?

My eyes widened at my own thoughts.

" What is this, why are you following me?" I asked still facing the after effect of the shock he gave me when he whispered all so creepily behind me.

" Is that supposed to be a question?" He raised an eyebrow as he asked.

I could see the amusement dancing around his dark black eyes.

" I already thanked you for saving me. Now I want to go home!" I declared.

He looked at me up and down before looking back at my face.

" And you were going home like this?" He gestured to his jacket which was the only thing I was putting on.

Holy shit!

I forgot, again.

Could that be why he was following me? Did he want his suit jacket back?

" And you have my phone". He added.

His phone?

I reached into his pockets and brought out the said phone.

It was the latest Samsung that was yet to come out. I have only seen this on advertisment anytime my sister paid the subscription for our decoder.

" Here, take it back. But I have to keep the jacket, I'll return it back to you when I arrive home". I said giving him back his phone.

I was scared that something might happen to it in my hands, and them I'll have to pay for it.

And God knows that I don't have the kind of money to buy this phone.

I stretched my hands for Mr Hamilton to take back his phone, but he just kept looking at me.

Was there something on my face? I was tempted to touch it to check, but I shook my head.

I shivered in the cold. It was getting really dark and the wicked night breeze had begun. I needed shelter, fast. I was only wearing a suit jacket, I was bound to feel cold.

Mr Hamilton finally collected the phone from my hands.

" Ok, I'll be leaving now". I smiled trying my best to avoid his gaze.

" Where do you think you're going again? " He asked still staring at me.

Home? I wanted to answer but something told me that the question was rhetorical.

" Who's going to pay me back my one million dollars I spent to get you? "

So he wants me to pay him back?

There was no way in hell I could get that kind of money.

" I thought... "

" That's were your wrong, stop thinking about anything. You belong to me now".

" You... "

My temper rose up again.

How dare he something like that.

I thought he was a nice person who saved me from dogs not knowing he was a wolf!

" I didn't ask you to save me, you did it on your own. Like I said at the... Whatever that place is called, I don't want to be someone's slave". I yelled at the handsome dude in front of me.

But he was unfazed by my outburst. More like he was expecting it. I did lash out earlier that almost got my tongue cut of.

" You don't have a choice. Unless you want to pay me back the one million dollars I bought you with? "

My chest went up and down as I heaved for breath.

Despicable, just despicable. He knows I wouldn't be able to afford to bail myself and now uses it to threaten me, just perfect.

" Good. Now that that's settled, you're coming with me".

He grabbed my hands and began dragging me to where I presume he parked his car.

I couldn't even struggle. If I did where would I go? I didn't even know where I was not to talk of having someone who could help me out.

Was this going to be my life now?

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