
Chapter 4 She's a little witch

" Be my daughter's maid".

I blinked still trying to decipher what he said.

Was it code for something?

" I don't get it". I said shaking my head in confusion.

" What don't you get? " He asked crossing his legs on one another staring at me.

Now he sat like a powerful man in his chamber.

Well, it was his house...

I took a breath to calm my tensed nerves. The way he was staring at me was affecting me in ways I don't understand.

I grabbed the blanket and hugged myself with it. The was when it dawned on me...

My clothes!

I looked beneath the blanket. I was no longer wearing Alexander's suit jacket but a silk nightgown.

I glanced back up at him. My eyes asking the questions in my mind.

"Did you..."

Alexander hook one side of his lips in a mocking smile.

"What if I did?".

I could feel the heat rising up to my face. I didn't could be embarrassment, or anger or both, but all I knew was that I was wronged.

Alexander had seen me naked few hours ago, but that still didn't give him right to undress me.

My temper blew off.

"You perverted..."

" It wasn't me".

Alexander face darkened visibly.

I paused my cussing and pursed my lips.

Did he just say it wasn't him? Then who?

The picture of the pretty doctor came to my head.

Could it be her?

I glanced at Alexander who was looking at me like he wants to murder someone.

" What were you about to say? " He said in a low terrifying tone.

And oh hell was I terrified.

"Er... Nothing". I shoo my head frantically.

He stood up from the chair he sat on and checked his wrist watch.

"You start work in two hours I..."

" How much do I get paid?" I interrupted him.

He paused before giving me the 'are you serious? ' look.


" You're not getting paid. "


" Why not?" I asked crossing my hands on my chest.

He walked towards me with dignified but threatening steps.

I back up until my back touched the headboard his body towered over mine sending shivers down my spine at his threatening expression.

" Can you pay me back the million dollars I used to buy your freedom?"

I can't! He knows I can't.

In all my life the highest amount of money I had ever held was two thousand dollars, and it belonged to my dad's client. I was only tasked to keep it safe a time being.

I shook my head slowly.

"You're going to be my daughter's nanny without complains until I decide the debt is cleared".

"When would that be? How long would that take? " I asked in a whisper, but he heard it.

" Weeks? Months? Years? Decades?..." His voice went lower "...Or even lifetimes, I don't know. All I know is that you owe me and you're going to pay me back". He said the last word in a whisper.

I could feel his breathing on my face and could clearly see his handsome face since he was really close to mine.

All I could do was nod.

I wanted do badly to slap his face with was so close to mine but I was too terrified by his face to move a muscle.

He was indeed handsome. His black eyes staring at me with an emotion I couldn't decipher.

The door burst open with a loud noise.

"Daddy, Aunty Amelia said you were in ... Here". Alexander bolted off me like he was being chased.

Now that was new.

I looked in the direction of the intruder.

It was a little girl of about 5 or 6, her hair in two cute ponytails wearing a pink jumper. She just looked so cute that I that really never liked children felt an urge to pinch her cute cheeks.

She looked at me warily from top to bottom.

Rich kids.

" Daddy... What's going on here? Who is she?" The girl wallet to her father and stood beside him before returning her gaze at me.

Alexander face and voice softened as they laid on his daughter.

" She's your new nanny, her name's Mia". I was shocked at how quickly his voice changed. It literally took a 360 degree turn from threatening and domineering to soft lovable father in a few seconds.

The little girl squeezed her face and shook her head.

" I don't want a nanny! They all just want the same thing!" She complained.

I just sat there watching father and daughter discuss about me like I wasn't there.

Alexander crouched down beside his daughter so she could see his eyes.

" Trust me honey, Mia's different. "

Honey. I smiled at the way he said it. He really looked like a perfect father right now.

"How? Because she's not as pretty as the previous ones?" She sassed eying me directly now.


I felt a pang in my chest when the little girl said I wasn't pretty.

I've been told that all my life and I've never felt anything about it before, why did it hurt so much when the kid said it?

Alexander smirked mocking me even more.

" Maybe ". He agreed.

Typical. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll you both to talk". Alexander got up and left the room for me and the little kid.

If I want to get out of here fast, I had to get Alexander's daughter to like me.

" Hi, I'm Mia".I said with a bright smile.

The little girl rolled her eyes.

"I know, my dad just said so".

I forced a smile.

This kid was annoying.

"Ok. What's your name?"

"Lilly. But that would be ma'am Lilly to you".

Ma'am Lilly?

This little brat wants me to call her ma'am? I'll rather have my tongue cut off!

" Look here. I don't know what you and my dad agreed but I just want to tell you that he would never like you".

"Who said I want your father to like me? " I answered back before I could realized.

Lily burst into laughter.

" Of course you do, all of you do. "

All of me? What does that mean?

" You better leave now". She whispered as if she had just given me the greatest advise in the world.

" I can't". I stated dropping the smiles.

The little girl wasn't buying it anyways.

" Then..." Her cute voice dropped low "... I'm going to so much frustrate you in this house that you'll regret ever steeping foot here". She threatened.

I won't lie, I was taken aback.

Who is this child's mother?

Lilly was indeed her father's daughter.

"Don't speak to me in that manner, I'm way older than you". I scolded attempting to caution Alexander's little brat.

But the girl only just laughed, hard.

She even clapped her hands to make mockery of me.

" Look here lady, I'm this house, I'm the boss. I control everything and everyone, and the only person above me is my father. I can speak to you in however manner I want. ". She said seriously looking at me like dirt beneath her shoe or something.

Her cute little voice actually gave me shivers.

Now I understand the reason Alexander added with no complains when he said I would be his child's nanny.

Because he knew his daughter was just like him both of them being unbearable. Because he knew the girl was a little fucking witch!

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