
Chapter 03

*Arianna's POV*

"Oh save it Arianna!" Ciara spat. "You getting rejected shouldn't come as a surprise to you, after all, nobody wants an omega for a mate and not even the Alpha. The moon goddess made a mistake by pairing you with the Alpha, but thankfully, that mistake has been corrected." She laughed and then she kissed Carter again.

I knew Ciara hated me, in fact, she was my worse bully, but I didn't know she hates me this much, my own sister whom I love so much.

I've done so many things just to earn the love of my family, but no matter what I do, I just can't change the way they feel about me and it breaks my heart so much.

"I didn't call you here to hear your silly words Arianna, go wait for me in the room opposite ours." Carter said.

"No! I'm leaving, I refuse to stay here for a single second!" I turned to leave but Carter's voice stopped me.

"Go wait for me in the room opposite ours." He commanded and this time, I couldn't resist his command.

I tried so hard to fight his power off but it was useless and in the end, I did as he instructed.

When I went to the room, I was surprised to meet some girls about my age and what shocked me the most was what they were putting on, they only had on bras and panties.

"W what is this place?" I muttered to myself.

I was starting to think I might have come to the wrong room and when I tried to leave, I found out the door has been locked already.

I struggled to open it but it was of no use.

"Save your strength, you're not in the wrong room." I heard someone say and I turned to see a girl with red hair approaching me.

"Where am I? What is this place? Why are you all here?" I asked.

"You'll find out soon enough." She replied, adding to my confusion.

I was starting to have a really bad feeling about this and I couldn't bear staying here any longer. I ran back to the door and continuously banged on it with my whole strength.

Suddenly, the door was forcefully pushed open, I managed to maintain my balance so as not to fall due to the force that was used in pushing the door open.

Carter had a very furious look on his face, but I couldn't care less, all I want is to get out of this place and go home.

"Let me go Carter! What is this place? I want to go home!" I screamed at him.

"Is there a time you aren't screaming and it's Alpha to you, call me by my name once more and I'll make sure you regret it." He threatened darkly.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as a great fear suddenly gripped me.

"Please let me go, I promise I won't bother you if you do." I pleaded, but instead he scoffed.

"You wouldn't even dare to anyways. If you want to get out of this place alive, then the least you can do is follow the orders you're given obediently or you might loose your life."

"Now strip!" He ordered.

My eyes widen with shock. "What? What do you mean?" I asked fearfully.

"Can't you see how the others are? You do the same." He replied.

I shook my head negatively. "N no I can't, I won't do that, I just can't!" I refused.

Carter groaned loudly, then he rubbed his temples, he was looking so frustrated right now. "There's only one way to deal with you."

He instantly took off his belt and in a flash, he whipped me with it, the first stroke landed on my shoulder, causing me to scream in pain.

"Please, please stop, please forgive me." I cried out in pain but Carter was only just starting with me.

He continued whipping me with his belt and there was nowhere for me to run to, the only time he stopped was when he has had enough.

"This should teach you to respect orders Arianna!" He barked. "Now strip or you'll be rewarded with another beating!"

I didn't bother arguing with him this time, I slowly took of my dress, leaving me in just my bra and panties.

Carter smacked his lips as his eyes roamed around my body. "You'll do." I heard him whisper before leaving.

I instantly fell to the floor and I cried my eyes out, no one will be coming to rescue me and I have no idea what Carter is planning on doing with me.

"You should have done as you were told to in the first place. If you want to live then don't argue, we are omegas and you should know what that means and how we're treated."

"It's time to wake up and face the reality now, crying won't help you in anyway, you'll have to be strong for yourself from now on." The red haired girl from before said but I was in so much pain to even listen to the rest of the things she has to say.

I gave what the red haired girl had said and realized that what she said was nothing but the truth. I need to wake up and face the reality, a bitter truth that can't be denied.

My existence alone is now like a curse to me, but I need to be strong for myself, the question is. Can I be?

It didn't take long for Carter to return and when he did, he instructed us to line up and then he led us all to a very large hall, I have no idea what's about to take place. I was scared and helpless.

We were all put on stage in front of a large audience and after studying the environment and everything, it then dawned on me what was about to take place.

We are getting sold!!!

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