
Chapter 02

*Arianna's POV*

"Tell me your full name right now." He ordered.

I shook my head, tears were streaming down my cheeks, I didn't want to tell him my name.

"Say it!" He commanded and this time, he used his power as an Alpha and I couldn't resist, I found myself telling him my name against my own will.

"Arianna Sinclair." I said with a broken heart.

"I Carter Derulo reject you Arianna Sinclair as my mate and from this day forth, I want nothing to do with you!" Carter spat, the hate and rage visible in his eyes, the look he gave me was that of disgust and it shattered my heart completely.

I tried to speak but it felt like I've suddenly lost my voice, the pain of his rejection was just too much. Why!? Why does this keeps happening to me? What have I done wrong!?

"Accept the rejection Arianna." He commanded and that was exactly what I did.

"I accept your rejection." I cried and that moment, I felt a sharp pain in my heart, the pain was just too much that I fell to the floor groaning in pain.

I could slowly feel the mate bond fading away and each passing moment was like hell to me, I experienced a great pain like never before and I even thought I was going to die from this pain.

No, I wished I would die from this pain.

"If a word about this gets out then I'll make sure you regret your existence itself. I'll give you so much hell that you'll even wish for death!" He spat and then he left me there, lying on the cold floor, broken and helpless, not caring if I live or die.

A lone tear slipped down my cheek, my body felt so weak and my eyes felt so heavy, I couldn't continue staying awake and soon, I happily embraced the darkness that eludes me.

When I woke up, it was morning already, people passing by didn't bother to help me or even look my way. I struggled to my feet and although I could still feel the pain of Carter's rejection, I knew that what awaits me at home is equally going to be worse.

I struggled to make it back home and when I arrived, I met my mother waiting for me in the living room.

"So glad you finally decide to return your highness." She mocked.

She stood up and approached me slowly. "Where have you been Arianna? You've been gone since last night, I only sent you an errand and look at you, you didn't even return with anything. What have you been up to!?" She yelled.

"Mother I—" I was still saying when she cut me off with a slap.

I felt the sting from her slap and tears instantly began rolling down my cheeks.

I tried explaining to her about how I was almost raped, but she wasn't having any of it and insisted that I was out messing around. In the end, I received a beating from her and when she was done, she left me lying on the floor and crying my eyes out.

When my mother left, I ran upstairs to my room and locked myself inside.

So many thoughts ran through my mind, all my life I've done nothing but suffer each single day and it all started when I was declared an omega. My mother and sister equally hates me so much, I've been used as a slave even in my own home for as long as I can remember.

As if all that wasn't enough, I ended up getting rejected by my own mate!

"Why are you doing this to me?" I cried, while staring at the ceiling. "Isn't it better for you to take my life than make me go through all this! What have I done to deserve this wretched and painful life given to me!?"

And for the first time, the thought of killing myself sounded so good to me since that's the only way I can escape this bitter life of mine. Only death can grant me the peace I need.

Without thinking twice about it, I stood up and ran out of my room with the one thought of committing suicide.

When I opened the door, I bumped into someone, I raised my head to see a royal guard.

"Arianna Sinclair?" He asked.

I wiped away the tears on my face. "Yes that's me."

"The Alpha has requests for your presence."

"What?" I asked in shock.

"Did he suddenly have a change of mind? Is he going to take back his rejection?" These were the questions I asked myself and for once I saw a little glimmer of hope but I didn't want to get too excited or get my hopes high.

"Come with me." The guard said and he turned to leave, while I trailed behind him.

When we arrived at the Alpha's home, the guard simply directed me to where he was and then he left. I was feeling so nervous and I couldn't stop shaking, I got to the room the guard had shown me and after taking countless of deep breath and forcing myself to relax, I finally had the courage to go inside.

When I opened the door, I was met with the greatest shock of my life!!

I saw my own younger sister Ciara engaged in a hot make out session with the Alpha.

"Ciara!!" I screamed, bringing their attention to me.

I stumbled backwards as I couldn't believe my eyes, I found out that he was my mate only yesterday and got rejected, now he's with my sister!!

I felt betrayed and stupid. I could feel the rage building up inside of me and I just couldn't hold it back anymore.

"How could you two!? How dare you!!" I cried out.

"You rejected me simply because I'm an omega and I disgust you, it hasn't been a day yet and you're now with my sister!? Is this how heartless you are!?" I yelled at the Alpha. I couldn't care less what the repercussion will be, but at this point I was just too angry and needed to voice out that rage.

Little did I know that my life is about to take another turn and it's for the worse.

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