
Chapter 04

*Arianna's POV*

My eyes scanned the crowed and I saw my family among them, but from the look on their faces, I realized that indeed they were in on this too.

I shut my eyes tightly as hot tears rolled down my cheeks, the pain this time was even greater than the pain I had felt when Carter rejected me and right now, the least I can do is not to care anymore and just accept my fate, everyone has abandoned me, even the goddess herself has turned her back on me.

The light was focused on me, making me the center of attraction.

Carter who acted as the auctioneer himself then called out the starting price for me, "We have a beautiful young lady here, starting bid at $20,000."

The men in the crowd began placing their bids, "I bid $30, 000!"

"I offer $50, 000!" another man shouted.

The price continued to rise as more men joined in the bidding, and my heart sank with each new offer. I couldn't believe that I was being sold like an object with meaningless value and I have no idea what my fate would be once I was bought.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, a deep voice boomed across the room, "I offer $1,000,000!"

The room fell silent as all eyes turned towards the man who had just made the shocking bid. I looked up and saw him sitting in one of the front seats, his gaze fixed on me.

Everyone was taken aback by the sudden increase in price, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have an offer of $1,000,000. Anymore bids? Anyone willing to pay more?''

The other bidders were stunned into silence, realizing that they couldn't possibly compete with such a high offer.

"And that's it. Arianna has been sold to the Alpha of the ice claw pack for a whooping sum of $1,000,000." He declared, bringing the hammer down on the table.

My legs felt so weak that I fell to the floor, I didn't even have the strength to cry anymore, all I could think of was how ruined my life was.

A man walked up to me and request I go with him.

I have no say in this matter, the deed has been done, I am now a slave to another.

I stood up and followed him, like a sheep who's about to be slaughtered. As we walked outside to where a black jeep awaits us, all I could do was imagine all sorts of bad things that could actually happen to me.

What will he do to me? How is my life going to be from now on? Will it only get worse?

I seem to laugh at the last question because it sounds so dumb to me, my life has been nothing worse and I guess it'll continue to be so.

I didn't realize that the door to the jeep has been opened already until the man nudge my arm and asked me to go in.

That jolted me out of my thoughts and when I raised my head up, my eyes came in contact with that of the Alpha.

My eyes widen with shock, I wasn't expecting to be riding in the same car with him.

"Move." The man behind me said and I slowly went in.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked and I shook my head negatively.

"Luciano Dinero, Alpha of the ice claw pack.'' He introduced and I simply nodded.

I wasn't in the mood to talk since I know I'm nothing but a slave, so what's the use of engaging in a conversation.

The rest of the ride was a silent one, deep down, his intimidating aura was enough to make me tremble with fear, but I tried to act tough and un bothered.

When we finally arrived, we both stepped out of the car and I was amazed by the magnificent sight in front of me, his home was more like a palace, there was so much guards around and when they saw him, they all bowed in respect.

He walked inside with me closely behind him, when we got in, he suddenly came to a stop and I did too.

His back was turned to me for sometime and it made me so nervous as I awaited my fate.

"I'll make one thing clear to you." He sharply turned around.

"I do not like you one bit, in fact the likes of you shouldn't be allowed to live and I'll see to it that you won't get spared for being one of the disgusting creatures who caused me pain." His voice held so much hate and bitterness that I could literally taste it.

His words made me so confused because I have no idea what he meant by any of those things he said.

I wanted to ask what wrong I had done and what he meant by those words, but that is like me digging my own grave and as much as I would have loved for him to explain more and clarify things, he didn't do any of that, rather he walked away, leaving me confused as hell.

"Sorry about that." I heard a voice behind me and I jumped in freight.

I turned to see a man with blonde hair and very good looking, plus he had a nice body physique.

"He's always like that, but trust me when I say that he's a good man, something just....changed him." He sighed deeply. "Anyways, I'm Davison, Luciano's beta." He introduced and from the way he interacted, he seem like a nice guy to me.

"Arianna." I said softly and he nodded.

"Well then come with me and I'll show you your room." He said and then he left.

While walking with him, I couldn't help but admire the place since it was indeed a beauty.

He surprised me by taking me to a room that was super nice and not the kind that were offered to slaves.

I began to wonder if we were in the right room since this was beyond my expectation.

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