
04 - Try again

Is it true that he did not comply with your request?

Before continuing to drink, Genevieve took another sip of wine and offered a blank nod as she proceeded to drink. At the moment, she was having a hard time trying to get her father off the hook, but none of her attempts were successful. She was experiencing a number of difficulties.

Jackie, a fashion designer who ran a well-known fashion design business and always had the necessary type of contacts, was thought to be her last hope. Jackie was a fashion designer. Jackie served as the executive in charge of the fashion design brand. Having said that, Jakie's recommendation of Adrian Voss was also the best one that she could have offered her.

However, she had already committed an error, and she lacked the bravery to commit it once more as long as she was reminded of Adrian's frigid glare from that evening. She had already made a mistake. It would be more beneficial for her to find an alternative solution to the issue rather than returning to him.

"Although it's possible that you were unhappy with him for wanting you again, I still believe that you should revisit the talk that you had with him even though you may have been upset. Jackie emphasized that Adrian is the only person who is able to deal with Henry without fear, and if you want to get out of this situation without being hurt, you need to lobby with Adrian. As Genevieve took in all of this knowledge, she let out a loud groan of defeat.

As a result of her phone ringing once more, they were forced to interrupt their conversation. Without first checking the caller identification display, she took up the phone and answered it.

It seems that you have been putting a great deal of thought to the offer that you have made. Should I tell you of the amount of trouble that you could easily cause for yourself and your entire family if you did not have the fortitude to deny me? Is it essential for me to remind you of this? Genevieve wished she hadn't taken up the phone when she heard Lima's unpleasant voice begin to play while she was on the phone.

Henry was asked with a tone of exasperation, "Don't you have a wedding to plan with your best friend?" her question was posed to Henry. Upon hearing this, Henry responded with an incredible amount of laughter. She was aware of the actions that he had been taking. It is unfortunate that he would not be successful in his endeavor to provoke her anger even if he was making the effort to do so.

There are more pressing matters that I need to attend to, such as compelling your hands to make a decision. To tell you the truth, no one else would want you more than I would. I am going to be fully honest with you. Because of this, you should be grateful that I am making you an offer. I am offering you something. Are you able to catch a reflection of yourself? During the entirety of his remark, Genevieve remained silent and closed her eyes. It was not going to be possible for her to provide him with a response that was polished and sophisticated.

Jackie's anger was so intense that she abruptly took the phone from her hand and jerked it away from her.

Because you are such a dumb son of a bitch, why don't you chose people that are the same size as you? You have no freakin balls to approach individuals who would double your stupidity right back at you, and I imagine Penelope would be delighted to learn that her idiotic fiancee is out here threatening girls merely to pick him at your expense. Henry promptly hung up the phone when Jackie yelled into the phone. Jackie's yell was instantly heard by Henry.

You keep allowing that moron to walk all over you, and if you don't find a method to stop his craziness, you are going to be caught in this disaster for as long as you possibly can. If you don't find a way to stop his insanity, you will be at a loss.

"I was making an effort to.!" I am experiencing a significant amount of influence as a result of it. Jackie showed that she understood how her friend Genevieve was feeling by reaching out to grab Genevieve's hands indicating her understanding. Genevieve gave out a mournful sigh, which was symbolic of her failure.

Give Adrian another shot; I have no doubt that he would be more than happy to help you if you were to ask him for assistance a second time. I am confident that he would be happy to assist you. Despite the fact that he had sexual encounters with you, he nonetheless insisted that you maintain your status as an exclusive partner. The man in question would go to any lengths for you. What is it that makes you believe that you are just another girl who fits the stereotype?

Genevieve was starting to see things with Jackie, and she was starting to realize that perhaps she was right and that she wasn't just another girl to Adrian. Genevieve was beginning to see. Nevertheless, the only thing that were bothering her was whether or not he had moved on from her.

Do you understand what I mean? You are completely and utterly correct.

It's my darling, right there! There is a possibility that the two of you will get together tomorrow, and I am aware of the place where he plays golf every Wednesday; he has never missed a single one of them. Additionally, I am aware of the location where he plays golf. As the talk continued, Genevieve showed Jackie her appreciation by smiling and expressing her hope that things will be different this time around.


At the time that we arrived at the golf course, the journey had not only been excruciating but also a very lengthy one. Genevieve was already beginning to wonder if she was being dumb in her desire to try to convince Adrian once more. She was beginning to doubt whether or not she was being foolish.

There were already a few people in the vicinity when she arrived at the course, and some of them couldn't help but gaze at her. She was the center of attention. Jackie had dressed her in plaid shorts that enhanced her shape and a white top that clung to her breasts, so showcasing her contours in the most flattering way imaginable. She had been dressed by Jackie. Because of her efforts to adapt to Henry's ludicrous fixation, she had forgotten how much attention she used to draw. Henry's preoccupation can be described as ridiculous.

In a considerate manner, Genevieve accompanied Jacklie on her journey. She was determined that she had to make it through the game of golf, despite the fact that she had no idea how the game was played. She had to convince Adrian to save her father since it was vital for her to do so.

She raised her head to discover who was coming closer to her. Instead of Adrian, Penelope and Henry were the ones who were approaching her.

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