
03 - Save Me

“I need your help, please. Can we see?” She said after clearing her throat. He didn’t say anything for a while, and Genevieve wanted to hang up in shame but she held on to her phone. She hated how she was getting cold feet at the last minute.

“What do you say if I pick you up in an hour? Maybe go for a drive, and you can tell me whatever you want to tell me.” He asked, and she almost screamed for joy.

She answered affirmatively and ended the call.

Genevieve spent the next minutes finding the perfect clothes to wear; for the first time, she wasn’t dressing to fit into Henry’s aesthetics; she was dressing for herself, or at least that was what she was going with.

The doorbell rang at approximately one hour, and Genevieve was ready. Then, she picked up a tiny purse and made her way to the waiting car.

Adrian slid out of the driver's side before coming round to open the door for her, and she was shocked that he showed up himself. She was expecting him to send someone to pick her up.

“Italian or Chinese?” he asked with a smile, and she smiled right back at him. Anyone was fine by her. She just wanted to ask for his help and get this over with.

“Anyone you pick is fine by me.” She replied, and he nodded; he looked like he wanted to say something else but changed his mind. Sitting beside him while he drove was doing things to Genevieve. His cologne clouded her senses, and the tension was evident.

He pulled up to a popular Italian restaurant, and Genevieve looked at him in shock; the waitlist to eat there was crazy. She wondered how he managed to secure a reservation in one of the top Italian restaurants.

“The owner is a friend, plus I like to go extra for whoever interests me.” He said as if he could read her thoughts, and Genevieve nodded. She had no words for him, at least not now that her whole inside was a mess.

He handed his keys over to a valet, and they entered. They got to the table he reserved, and he pulled out a chair for her; she sat down, and she muttered thanks before he went round back to his seat.

Their seat had the view of the city, and if she weren’t worried, Genevieve would have enjoyed the view so much. A waiter approached them to take their orders, and after that, Adrian attempted to start a conversation.

“Have you made up your mind about my offer?” he asked, and Genevieve struggled to remember what offer he was talking about. He noticed the look of confusion on her face.

“You don’t remember this morning, do you? That’s why I left you my card to call me.” he continued, and Genevieve was still very much lost. She had no idea why he left the card; it seemed they were on different pages here.

“I made you an offer this morning. Last night was one of the best I’ve had in a while, and I wanted us to make it a bit temporary. I asked you to call me if you agree.” he continued, and Genevieve was shocked.

No wonder he made them a dinner reservation, and he was opening doors and pulling out chairs. He thought she was here about his offer.

“I’m so sorry, but I was too tired this morning, and I didn’t remember your offer,” Genevieve replied lowly, and the confused look disappeared instantly. He was looking at her now like he was waiting for more details.

“I called you because I need your help to help deal with my ex-fiancee, Henry Sterling. He has jailed my dad because I refused to be his mistress after he dumped me to marry his best friend. Now my dad is going to go to jail because Henry set him up.” she continued, and she blinked fast to keep the tears at bay.

Adrian doubled over in laughter as if he had just heard the funniest joke, and the sound of the rich laughter made Genevieve even feel worse. She had no idea why he was laughing at her and thought he would be willing to help.

“Wait, you are fucking serious?” he asked before doubling in laughter again, and Genevieve felt like entering the ground. She should have known that asking him would end like this, but she just wanted to try it out. Genevieve could have sworn she saw him look disappointed briefly.

“Are you going to help me or not?” she asked, already growing tired of the mockery; she would rather be out there looking for other solutions.

“What do you think I am? Captain America or the Hulk?” he asked, and she fought the urge to roll her eyes. She was waiting for an answer to see if she would leave this restaurant and explore her other options.

“I don’t see Henry Sterling as a threat; he’s not worth my attention. I’m a busy man, not a lady plagued with a revenge fantasy; how on earth do you think I would be interested in this? If I wanted Henry Sterling gone, all it would take would be a snap of my fingers.” he scoffed, and Genevieve stood up.

There was no need to sit here with a man who would only insult her rather than help her; she would instead go to find other solutions. She picked up her bag and returned the chair. She would head home. She walked away without looking back.

“Too bad you are missing out on Chef Eli’s special recipe. My offer is still on the table whenever you change your mind.” He called after her before he burst into another bout of laughter. Genevieve clenched her fists, trying to tame her anger. She had made an enemy out of Henry. She didn’t want to add Adrian Voss to the mix.

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