
Part Five

Trips to McDonald’s became some sort of ritual long after the tutoring sessions ceased. Olivia had found a friend in Ian and he in her; a pairing the whole school was frazzled by.

The two of them would meet at the library after class, be it to study together or to talk about books they had read or movies they had watched. Ian was a big fan of anime while Olivia was an avid reader of Manga. They seemed to get along with the things they liked and it was a big factor in making their relationship grow…

“Math was horrible.” Ian chuckled as he looked up from his sketchpad, watching Olivia slam her book down on the table before taking her seat right across from him. “I don’t know how you do it.”

“Didn’t you get a B in the last test?”

“Yeah, because of you.” She pointed out and Ian blushed. “Just because I’m surviving in Math now, it doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

Ian smiled and Olivia had long thought he resembled a bunny when he did, making her smile wider. She liked it when he smiled like that—too happy and cute for his own good. At the thought she suddenly felt shy, knowing she would be lying if she said she wasn’t crushing on their resident mystery boy. Big time.

But she knew she had to hold herself back. It took a while to get Ian to talk to her, and it surely hadn’t been getting him to warm up to her. She wasn’t sure how he would take it if she confessed that she liked him like that. She wasn’t sure if she could take that rejection, even more so to be shut out of his life again after working so hard to break through his iron-clad armor.

But Olivia allowed herself to dream, often wondering what it would be like to simply hold his hand.

Little did she know, Ian felt the same way.

“What are you doing anyway? It’s a Thursday!”


“It’s basically a Friday already. I mean…look! We’re the only ones here.” Olivia reached out to grab the sketchpad and Ian was mildly distracted by her smile that he actually let her.

Big mistake.

“No—wait!” But it was already too late. Olivia knew Ian could draw but what she saw on the paper, drawn in charcoal, was beyond what she would call great. She blushed a bright pink upon the realization of what it was he had drawn…or rather, who.

“Liv, I… I can explain—”

Olivia couldn’t believe it, for staring right back at her was a sketch of her eyes, perfectly capturing every single detail that it almost felt like she was looking at a mirror.

“It’s…really good.” She said before returning it to him. Ian sighed and took it back, closing the sketchbook shut before she could see anything else he had drawn. Specifically, the ones that are of her.

“I…” Ian’s ears were turning a bright shade of crimson and Olivia could see him retreating and building up those walls she had worked so hard to bring down. Her fear was starting to come true, she had to put a stop to it before it was too late.

“Hey, it’s really good.” She said, trying to pass the whole thing up as nothing serious (But omg he drew me! A voice in her head screamed). “You really captured my eyes!”

Ian relaxed slightly at her words but shook his head. “No… I could never get your eyes right.”

“What?” Olivia tilted her head to the side, eyes questioning. “Sure you did—"

“No, they’re too deep…too…” Beautiful, Ian wanted to say but shut his mouth instead, not wanting to make things more awkward or worse… sound like a total creep.

“Well they look pretty good to me.” Olivia shrugged before standing up.

“That’s ‘cause you are pretty.” Ian blurted, eyes still locked on his sketchpad on the table.

Olivia felt her heart skip a beat at his words. She looked at him slowly, trying to find any signs of jesting. There was none. “W-what?”

It took a few seconds before Ian acknowledged the question, looking up at her with a gaze so determined that it made her breathless.

“I said you’re pretty.” He stated a little more clearly. “And you’re smart and funny… and I just—" he huffed and Olivia was stunned by his outburst. “I’m sorry! I just think you’re pretty great.”

Olivia stared at him, seeing the determined glint in his eyes which was a sharp contrast to his reddening face.

“Oh god you think I’m a creep.” He grimaced. “I’m sorry. Forget I said anything. It’s stupid. Just—mm!” Ian stopped when something warm engulfed his lips and it took a split second for him to realize that Olivia had leant over the desk and kissed him.

It was just a peck but enough to make Ian’s insides tingle. The kiss was everything he expected it to be: warm and soft. And she smelled so good Ian felt himself getting dizzy. Too bad it was only short and when Olivia leant back, Ian found himself leaning close, chasing after her lips for more.

“I think you’re pretty great too.” She whispered against his lips and Ian felt like he was walking on clouds.

“Yeah?” He asked teasingly leaning dangerously closer.

“We’re in the library…” Olivia warned, but didn’t move an inch.

“I don’t really care.” Olivia let out a little squeal when Ian swooped in for another kiss, his hand resting gently on her cheek.

It was a good thing no one went to study at the library that Thursday night.


Ian walked Olivia to the bus stop that night, their hands intertwined with silly grins plastered on their faces.

“Are you going home?” She asked and Ian glanced at her with a slight smirk.

“Is that an invitation?” He teased, earning a playful jab to his rib. He chuckled as he squeezed her hand once, still unbelieving he was actually holding it after months of just wondering how it would feel like. “Yeah. I don’t really have anywhere else to be.”

“Do you wanna, maybe… see me tomorrow? After school, I mean.” She asked shyly as they reached the bus stop.

“Don’t know…depends.” Ian grinned as he crossed his arms and leaned against the stop sign’s pole. “Are we going to study at the library?”

She rolled her eyes. “I was thinking about something a little more recreational…”

“You asking me out on a date?”

“Do you want it to be a date?” She parried, and her headstrong attitude had always been a turn on for Ian. So instead of answering her, he pulled her in for another lingering kiss. Olivia smiled into it, wondering that for someone who didn’t like to make friends and spent most of his time alone, Ian was a hell of a good kisser.

“I’m guessing that’s a yes.” She mumbled, dazed from the kiss. The bus arrived just in time and she was slightly disappointed at that. Ian saw through it and chuckled before leaning close to peck her nose.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said as he nudged her towards the bus.

“Bye.” Olivia smiled and waved goodbye as she boarded the bus.

It was almost cruel the way the world works when she climbed up the steps and looked back at him, smiling and giving him one last wave. Their gazes locked for a brief moment…

Ian moved to wave back when something caught his eyes. The smile fell from his lips and his hand that was supposed to wave back lay limp on his side, unable to raise it.

The bus doors closed before Olivia could notice the change in Ian’s expression. The vehicle began to move, leaving Ian in the dark street as dread spread across his chest. The cold air felt more like a chill that froze the blood in his veins, rendering him immobile. Puffs of smoke escaped his lips as he gasped, knees buckling and causing him to fall to the floor.

He looked down the street towards the direction of the bus, eyes shaking with unshed tears as he watched it disappear from view; getting smaller and smaller until it was nowhere in sight.

But Ian couldn’t forget because he saw it.

He saw Olivia’s numbers.

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