

I take this under consideration before wetting my lips.

I can do this, my first ever date.

I can do it.

Swallowing my fear, plastering on a smile I nod and say :

« I would love to ».

His beaming smile literally takes my breath away, the way his eyes crinkle up and his dimples are quite magnificent.

What does he see in me ?

« Amazing, thank god I thought you were going to say no ». He admits with a smile.

« Don’t be ridiculous ». I walk closer and lightly punch his arm.

…why ?

Clearing my throat, I look up at him and what greets me is an arched eyebrow.

I shrug.

« I got confused ». Is my answer- why do I do these things ?

He just smiles at me, his eyes are kind and sweet.

« Get in the car, I’ll take us to my favourite cafe and plus driving in a police car, gets you out of traffic ». He speaks with so much excitement that I find myself following him and smiling hugely.

He opens the passenger door for me.

«  Force of habit ». He says as I get in.

« Well if it was force of habit wouldn’t you have put your hand on my head and forced me in ».

He smirks and winks.

« I won’t be forcing anything in you…yet ». He says rather seductively, this has me blushing like an over excited pig.

He chuckles deeply as he shuts the door.

Damn him, damn him to hell.

Sex talk gets me awkward.

The sound of the driver’s door opening gets my attention ; I look over to him and smile as he gets in.

« Let’s get fat ». He announces.

« I’m down with that ».

« Well, he slowly died and I couldn’t help him because I was still tied to the tree ». I admit sheepishly and sadly, that duck didn’t deserve to choke on that piece of kfc chicken, but it was his fault, he shouldn’t have eaten his cousin.

Cannibalism, hello !

He chuckles rather heartily at my story- ugh, rude. A duck died.

He leans back and wipes his face ; he looks beautiful when he’s smiling.

« Why would you let your son tie you to a tree ? ». He asks through fits of giggles.

I shrug with a soft smile when thinking about my son.

« You try saying no to him ».

He shakes his head with a small chuckle.

I reach forward and bring my cup of hot chocolate to my lips.

I swallow and relish in the taste of liquid form chocolate.

« So ». He clears his throat. «  You don’t come from here do you ? ».

I go red alert, I freeze as I feel my wolf growl warningly.

« Uh, no, I am not ». I make sure my voice doesn’t give anything away. «  I lived Oregon before moving here, they had a great art course and I really wanted to take it up and I’ve been here ever since ».

He nods to himself as he takes this all in, he smiles softly at me.

« So, how is the southern weather treatin’ ya ? ».

« I’m much more of a winter person, I think I may have been born British ». I chuckle slightly.

« You should go down to the lake this weekend- hey, maybe we can go with Robin, if you want ». He adds quickly and rather nervously.

I smile at him.

« I cant, I have to go and visit my parents this weekend, but I would really like to go to the lake, i’ve only been there twice and those two times I nearly drowned…so fun memories ». I say as I place my cup back on the table.

He chuckles.

« You are something ». He says more to himself, in dare I say it, admiration.

I blush at the comment.

« We’re all something, right ? ». I ask, modestly, because I am not good or amazing, I’m me.

He looks at me, his eyes stare into mine and this time I can see them, they’re a mix of green and blue, the colour of the Caribbean Sea.

They’re so beautiful.

I feel them hook my attention, he’s beautiful.

The aura around us has gone all serious, the people in the cafe have disappeared as he whispers :

« I really like you ».

I feel my blush creep up on me.

« I like you too ». I mumble shyly, I duck down and avert my eyes.

« Let me in ». He whispers so quietly, I’m lucky I’m part wolf, my eyes dart to him quickly and all I see is genuine affection.

My heart clenches at the sight.

« You barely know me ». I return whisper.

« I’ve lived next to you for two years and I fancied you immediately, you gorgeous bastard ». He admits with a seriousness I never heard before.

I smiled at the last part and so did he.

« Let me get to know you, ok ? After you come back from your parents, come to mine and we’ll hang out and we’ll get to know one another, you can bring Robin ». The excitement in his voice is infectious, I find myself nodding with aching cheeks from my smile.

« It’s a deal ».

« Good ». His deep voice rumbles.

Some strange feeling, I feel really proud that he’s happy, my wolf is preening at the sound of contentment in his voice.

And that is strange, why would my wolf be happy with a human ?


« Alright guys, that’s it for today ». I inform them as I wipe my sweaty brow with my equally as sweaty arm.I cringe slightly at the stinging in my eyes.

« Thank god ! ». A chorus of gratitude fills my ears, I smile slightly at their behaviour.

But I too feel glad about finishing today, the heat today is absolutely ridiculous.

The southern sun burns my aching body. I throw my shovel onto the ground, my blistering skin already beginning to heal

Sometimes being a werewolf does have its perks.

I clench my hands into fists so I can stretch my cramping fingers, I turn on my heel and make my way towards my pick up truck.

It could do with a wash.

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