

« Your boss, she sold your uncle some work and he showed it to me and I don’t how, I just knew you had painted it- by the way, you have a talent son ». He states proudly.

Holy fuck, my dad is like the best police officer EVER.

« OR It could have been because I smelled your scent on it, but I knew you could have painted that ».

I shake my head and smile lovingly at my father.

« Oh, I see ». I reply with a light voice. « How’s Mom ? ». I venture nervously.

I haven’t spoken to them for six years ; I’m the worst son ever.

Wolves are pack animals ; we love naturally and easily so when one disappears without so much as a good bye, it’s bound to break their hearts.

I hear him take an intake of breath ; my heart beats a little faster.

« She’s okay, hasn’t been the same since you left ». He replies sadly.

And here comes the disappointment.

« I’m so sorry Dad, I guess you must of heard what happened-« 

« yes, cub, I did and I understand but you should have phoned us ! We thought the worst ! ».

« I know, I’m sorry ! But I thought if I had contacted you, you would have made me come back there and I cant, I cant come back there ». My voice breaks with fear.

« You’re an adult now ; we wouldn’t force you to do anything like that. But Charlie, please…come back ». He pleads brokenly.

My heart freezes, my stomach disappears ! I feel like a child, so scared.

« Please, just for a day or the weekend, you don’t have to see HIM, he wont even know you’re here, just please come back, please ».

I swallow around my fear, tears falling down my face, I turn in the direction of the bedrooms and I see my son’s room, he deserves to know his family.

My whole being shaking, my wolf howling in fear and joy of seeing our family, I speak the next words that will change our lives for forever.

« Okay, dad. I’ll come this weekend ».

Wednesday- 9 :00 am

« Bye, Robin ». I say with a wave and a small smile, he returns them both before running into the school with his mini friends.

They’re all so cute, they could be the next One direction- oh that’s a dated reference. Oh no, am I old ?

Knowing my child is safely within the school, I turn and begin to leave the play ground with the other parents.

I hate how sometimes I get some disapproving looks for being a young parent, but fuck them, I carried him for five months on my own.

I went through art school pregnant and labour, well I’m just thankful I knew some werewolves around here, and now I’ll forever have a C tattoo on my stomach.

Pregnancy does ruin your body.

Pushing through the crowd of gossiping mothers, I roll my eyes at their hateful words about some woman.

But something snapped and I couldn’t bite my tongue.

« Y’know, if you put as much effort as you do into gossiping about rumours, half of you wouldn’t be single ». I snap without even looking at them, I continue to walk on but I made sure my voice carried so the other nice parents heard me and now hopefully they will judge them.

That’s my evil plan, my other plan is to buy a donkey and name it Eeyore.

Feeling smug with myself, I continue towards my car.

But what I see, makes me stop into place.

Police car + Police officer + my car= someone’s planted drugs in my car or they found out about that time I got drunk and licked the windscreen clean.

I take a deep breath and ignore my now sweaty palms ; I walk towards him, my body feeling like lead.

But as I approach, I notice that I recognise those glutes !

« Theo ». I gasp to myself, but sadly…he heard.

Great, now he’s probably thinking I just orgasmed over him.

He turns around to me, his dazzling smile is still on his face, does he always look like that ? If so, he should go and see someone about that.

His height slightly towering over me, I can’t get over how attractive this man is.

His golden hair pushed up into effortless spikes, his light eyes which actually look gold in direct sun light and his golden skin, and the way his uniform is stuck to his body like a second skin, is a godsend.

I should be a police officer…or just go there and stare.

« Hey, D4 ». He says with that southern drawl, I smile and wave.

« Hi, D5, what’re you doing here ? ». I ask politely.

The breeze feels nice as it bathes me.

He chuckles nervously as he scratches the back of his neck, giving me the perfect view of his bulging muscles in his arm.

« I was looking for you actually ». He mumbles.

He’s adorable.

I smile encouragingly at me.

« I see, have I done something naughty ? ». I fake a nervous voice ; he looks at me quickly, his hand dropping to his side, his face a mix of worry.

« Oh, no ! God no ». He’s quick to defend himself which has me breaking out in a small chuckle.

« Sorry, I’m sorry, but I was just kidding with you ». I say with a small apologetic smile.

The relief courses through me instantly, I see his eyes hold some mischief.

« You made me feel bad about myself then ».

« Always a good thing to do ». I run a hand through my dark locks, I see his eyes watch my action closely and this makes me happy.

You flirt. My wolf whispers.

I smile internally at him.

« So, if I’m not in trouble, what are you doing here ? ». I ask in a more serious tone.

He leans against my car as he stares into my eyes.

I suddenly feel vulnerable.

« I want to ask you out on a date, now, if you would like too ».

To say I’m surprised would be a lie, I am flabbergasted.

« You’re gay ? ».

« Bi ». He shrugs.

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