
Chapter 4

Elijah's p.o.v.                                                 

 "I told you we were fine" Damian tells Isaac "Sorry for being concerned" He retorts back "Guys that's enough" Dylan tells them they had been bickering for awhile now "Thank god you guys stopped I was starting to get a headache" Sebastian exclaims holding his forehead "Sebastian stop being dramatic" I tell him he only shrugs in response.

The door opens and we turn to look towards it expecting Iris to enter and she does but not how we expected she would.

Iris steps in with one hand on the back of her head and one on the wall to give her support while her shirt is stained red and there is pool  of blood forming on the floor behind her Sebastian being closest to the door rushes towards her and  instantly she falls limp in his arms.

Sebastian picks her up and places her on the chair and we all rush to her concerned for her wellbeing the nurse asks us to clear the space so she treat her so we hesitantly move aside "What happened to her ?" Dylan roars "She got hit in the head nothing really serious its just bleeding I'm worried about because she lost blood not very much but enough to give a small concussion when she wakes up and the wound is not deep so just bandaging it would help it heal and she has got some bruised knuckles which will also heal they already appear to be healing".

 "She boxes" Dylan says proudly "the knuckles" Dylan says when the nurse looks at him with a confused expression  "alright but avoid serious discussions with her or anything that could trigger a concussion. Again nothing serious but a series of minor concussions could lead up to some bigger brain health issues" She tells us "Anything we could do to help ?" Isaac asks her "not much you can do now  because she is unconscious but when she does wake up give her fresh juices and lots of fruits and maybe a painkiller because she might have a headache" She reply's and we nod at her.

"What the hell even happened to her ?" Dylan says anger dripping from his voice "Wasn't Elise with her where is she ?" Sebastian asks "She was with her" I say in confirmation "Umm guys why is there a blood trail on the floor leading here ?" Elise as she steps in the room looking at the blood pool that Iris created "Oh my god what happened to her ?" She exclaims as she sees Iris.

"That's what we wanna know too what happened ?" Dylan asks her "Umm okay so we went into the restroom and Iris only had to wash her hands so she told me that she would wait outside and by the time I came back Iris was gone and in her place was a pool of blood" She explains. 

" We have to take her home" Isaac says "yeah your right" Dylan says "Elijah why don't you go and inform your and Iris's teachers that you guys wont be able to attend class due to an emergency and Elise you go and attend the rest of your classes" Dylan says and Elise reluctantly leaves the room not wanting to leave her best friend alone in that sort of condition. 

with that I open the door of the office and step outside and start my trips to the classes.

Sebastian's p.o.v.

"Who the hell would have done that to our sister especially after knowing that she is our sister" Damian says while stroking Iris's hair "When is Elijah coming back ?" I question to no one in particular "should be here soon and Damian don't worry we will figure things out" Isaac says "We need to call Blake" Dylan says pulling out his phone "I'm back guys" Elijah says walking to our Dylan's car in which Damian was situated with Iris on his lap.

"Yes Blake... Yes were coming home she's asleep right now... No not yet... Got it okay" Dylan says on the phone before ending the call "what happened ?" Damian asks him "What di you think happen ?" Dylan replies "Blake's is fuming and Louis has started freaking out always" He says "What was Louis even doing with Blake right now ?" Elijah asks "Lunch" Dylan says "but.." Elijah says but gets cut off by Dylan saying that he doesn't know either.

" Elijah I want you to come with me Iris shouldn't be left alone Sebastian go with Damian and Isaac can come alone" Dylan says Damian gets out of Dylan's car Elijah taking his place. 

We exit our school driveway Dylan in front of us and Isaac behind reaching our house in around twenty minutes max. When we enter our house Blake and Louis are already there waiting for us "Where is she ?" Blake asks "Dylan is carrying her in" I reply "carry her in Dylan said she was asleep how unstable is she ?" Louis asks us "She fell unconscious as soon as reached us hasn't woken up since"  I say  "just great give her to me" Louis states as Dylan walks in "oh my god Blake do you see her shirt" Louis exclaims as he takes Iris is his arms "I do".

" Do you guys know who did this ?" Blake asks her as Louis carries Iris upstairs "no" Dylan answers "Any suspects ?" Blake questions again "we don't have anything expect the fact that Iris was hit" Dylan replies by his face you could tell that he was angry with himself because of his lack of information he had of this situation.  

"And what on earth happen to you and Damian's faces" Blake asks Dylan and Damian there were small bruises forming on there faces they were not prominent and they won't get anyways they are light will be gone in a day or two "Nothing" Dylan replies dismissively "ok" Blake says but we all are aware that he will talk to him about it later and even Dylan knows it because he sighs.

Blake dismisses us and we all go upstairs.

 Iris's p.o.v. 

I groan as I open my eyes ugh my head is killing me "what happen ?" I mutter as I sit up as I get aware of my surroundings I find myself in my room with Louis sleeping beside and Blake sleeping on my chair.

I look to my side to see a glass of juice and painkillers placed on my nightstand so I take them and stand up stretching my numb bones and go to my bathroom washing my face and inspecting my state I resemble garbage but I do notice that I was changed and no longer in the clothes that I wore to school so that was a plus.

After I finish I quietly leave my room and my way to Dylan's room because I have to talk to him

When I reach his room I knock first and than enter "Hey Dylan" I say as I enter his room "Iris ? what are you doing here ? how are you feeling ? do you need something ?" Dylan questions me "Dylan calm down yes its me, I wanted to talk you,   I'm feeling better, And I don't need anything" I say to him.

"Where are Blake and Louis weren't they supposed to be with you ?" Dylan asks "I know and they were they don't know I'm here anyways I wanna talk to you" I say "Whatever you want to tell me you can do that later I want you to lay down for now" He says completely ignoring me "Dylan you don't understand its important" I tell him "no Iris you have to lay down because...." Dylan but I interrupt him "Dylan I know who hit me" I say "What ?" He questions "I saw them" I tell him.

"Who are they ?" He asks so I tell him what happened "We need to tell Blake" I say when Dylan doesn't say anything after my explanation "I know" He sighs and put his heads in his hands "Hey its not your fault" I say as I sit next to him and place my arm around him placing my chin on his shoulder "but it is I was supposed to keep you safe and you only involved because of me" He says.

"Ohh get that out of your head it had nothing to do with you if anything it was my own fault I was not careful. Its fine" I tell him kissing his shoulder he sighs but doesn't say anything.

"Can you tell them I am feeling tired" I say "throwing me under the bus now are you ?" Dylan says smiling "maybe and maybe not" I say with a smile of my own "Don't worry I will tell them" he says kissing my head.

We head to my room and Dylan wakes Blake and Louis and after a bit of convincing that I was indeed fine Dylan takes them outside to talk to them while I go back to bed.


I hope you enjoyed this remodeled version of this chapter and I know this was a big one but I hoped you enjoyed it.

 And do not hesitate to comment any questions or any other sort of feedback I do reply back so your feedback will be considered. If you liked this chapter than do vote if you and comment no pressure though.

As always stay awesome and be the spark of someone else's life. Treat People With Kindness.         

-Maryam xoxo

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