
Chapter 5

Iris's p.o.v.

"Should we wake her up ?" I hear the quite voices of my brothers. "No she needs the rest" I hear Louis whisper.

"Hey guys I'm up" I say as I open my eyes to look at them "see you woke her up" Louis says with irritation.

"It's fine Lou and morning everyone" I say placing my hand on Louis's shoulder "morning Iris how are you feeling ?" Blake asks me "I'm good thanks" I reply as Blake places a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay than guys Let's go Iris needs her privacy" Blake says as he ushers everyone outside closing the door in the process.

I sigh and make my way towards my bathroom.

I step in my room with my hair french braided and found myself dressed in light grey sweatshirt, black jeans paired with my white Balenciaga shoes.

"Morning" I say as I enter the kitchen and take seat between Louis and Dylan.

Dani stops making breakfasts for a moment to place a kiss on my head before going back to his work. "Hello guys" I turn my head to see Lou enter the kitchen his hello was rather low and sounded depressing but I didn't think much of it as he takes his seat on my left.

"Morning Louis" Dani greets him back "yuh morning" Lou replies his voice muffling as he places his head on his now folded arms covering the table place. ''hey Lou you good ?" I ask him placing my hand comfortingly on his back "I'm fine Iris" He tells me "You don't sound fine" Dani says as he places our plates in front of us.

"Thank you" I say to Dani "Louis straighten up" I hear Blake say sternly as he comes in my view "fine" Lou sighs as he fixes his posture and starts eating his egg while I dig in my pancakes and soon enough all my brothers found there way to the kitchen.

"What happened to him" Dylan asks me as we put our empty utensils in the sink "don't know"I say Dylan nods his head.

"Oh by the way Dylan and Damian your both grounded so no phones no car keys as soon as you get home from school"Blake reminds we ended up telling them they didn't take it very well but it wasn't that bad either Blake, Lou and Dan were disappointed from us but we took care of it. Both of them groan I giggle at them but look down as soon as they all turn their heads at me.

Louis, Dan and Blake look at me adoringly and the rest of them just smile at me before they all go back to eating their food.

After a few minutes of shuffling we all are ready to head out for school as we head to the cars we notice the moving trucks in front of the neighbouring house "did Mr.Cushing sold the house or did they rent it out" I ash Dylan while getting the car "they sold it"He says dismissively "alright any info on the new neighbours"I ask him eyeing the house as we passed it on the way "not really but Blake might" He reply's.

"Iris!!!" Elijah exclaims as he hugs me from the behind "yes" I reply responding to the hug "I missed you" He says I look at him weirdly "What?!" He says defensively I shake my head at him making him give a me cheeky smile.

"Iris dear" I sigh at that "yes Sebastion" I reply "we have business together !!" He exclaims "I know" I say dryly "aren't you happy dear" He questions putting his arm around my shoulders I smile at him "very" I state with a sarcastic coat.

"Anyways your stuck with me so I guess you have to deal with it" He says smiling I nod my head sighing "okay Blake won't like it if were late so off to your classes" Dylan says sternly before walking away joining a few other guys disappearing within the crowd.

We enter the class catching the attention of some students ignoring them we took our seat sin the back of the class well I took the second last seat in the middle row while Sebastion took the one behind me.

Our professor Mr.Brown enters the class and start going through today's learning objective but he does not get far because cutting him off someone bursts through the door I switch my attention to the intruder who is a boy who looks about my age panting and profusely apologizing for being late I chuckle at the sight the boy was cute if I say so myself.

"Its fine son I just started your fine" Mr.Brown says patting his back He smiles gratefully and eyes the classroom and settles on taking the seat on my right but its ahead of me.

"Would you introduce yourself to the class" Mr.Brown asks him "uhh sure hi I'm Ace..Ace Ryder and I just moved here I'm also a business and law student" Ace says.

My seat gets nudged and I look back at Sebastion and he shrugs smirking "what is wrong with you Seb" I ask "nothing" I roll my eyes at him and turn back.

"Oh hi!" I say to Ace who had turned and was looking at me "hi I'm Ace" He says smiling while bringing his head forward "I'm Iris"I say giving his hand a small shake "cool" he says "I'm Sebastion" Ace turns his head to the voice "oh hey I'm Ace" he says before shaking Seb's extended hand and shaking it "you guys kinda look a like" Ace says eyeing us both carefully "oh yuh I'm her brother" Sebastion explains "ohh that makes sense" he says.

"Iris how have your classes been so far ?" Dylan's asks me as I take a bite of my pasta that I decided to have for lunch "they were fine however I would like to address the fact that Sebastion makes it really hard for me to focus in class"I say eyeing Sebastion who was stuffing his mouth with meatballs "what makes you say that" Dylan asks amusingly "well he purposely takes the seat behind me just so its accessible for him to annoy me" I say that catches Seb's attention because he stops eating and looks at me.

"Sebastion" Dylan says sternly "what"he reply's Dylan stares at him for a while "alright okay Iris I'm sorry there now stop eyeing me like that" Sebastion says "good if he troubles you again tell me alright we can let Blake or better you can take it up with Louis he will take care of him" Dylan says glancing at Sebastion "stop giving her ideas to get him killed Dylan" Damian says chuckling.

"It's worth a try" Dylan's reply's jokingly Sebastion gives an offended look to Dylan and seems ready to throw a sarcastic reply towards him but is cut off by someone calling his and mine name I turn around to the source of the voice to find Ace walking towards us with a food tray in is hand.

"Hi guys" He says stopping in front of the table "hope you don't mind but could I sit with you guys considering I haven't really many friends since business class" Ace explains rubbing his neck.

I glance at Sebastion and than at my brothers who were all staring at the three of us confusedly "yuh sure grab a chair" I say giving him a small smile "oh thanks guys" He says grabbing a chair and joining us.

"Guys this is Ace" I say "hi" Ace says smiling warily "I'm Isaac" Isaac says "I assume there your friends" Ace asks me and Seb "oh no there my brothers" I say "all of them" he says surprised "you got a problem with that" Dylan says sternly eyeing Ace "no not all I was just taken back from surprise that's all" He says glancing at me for help.

I nudge Damian "Iris this was own doing" he whispers to me "please" I say to him pulling my pleading look "alright fine" he says huffing I smirk "Dylan it fine. I'm Damion that's Dylan and this is Elijah Iris's twin" Damion says Elijah mumbles a hey before a silence envelops the table and we all resort to focusing on our table even though I knew that Dylan was riled up and the rest of them excluding Sebastion had question but I didn't do much than however I did switch my seat with Seb who was sitting next to Dylan to help him relax a bit.

Today is going to a long day.


thank you for reading I hope you have a wonderful day. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for the reads and votes and comments.

Stay awesome and be the spark of someone's life.

-Maryam xoxo

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