
Chapter 3

My loud, wrenching sobs filled the bathroom. As my crying finally slowed, I suddenly froze at the sound of male voices approaching outside the stall.

I glanced around and felt the blood drain from my face - in my haste and distress, I'd accidentally rushed into the men's restroom!

Panic flooded me. I couldn't let anyone discover me here! The demeaning gossip it would generate was the last thing I needed if I hoped to remain employed. Clamping a hand tightly over my mouth, I scarcely allowed myself to breathe until the chattering maintenance men exited.

The moment silence returned, I dashed out to the sinks. Looking up at my reflection, I winced to see how very obvious it was I had been sobbing wretchedly. Two damp circles stained the front of my blouse as well...this would require stealthy avoidance of coworkers until I regained composure.

Keeping one anxious ear open for footsteps, I bend, splashing cold water over my swollen eyes and flushed cheeks.

Ten seconds later, I heard footsteps and straightened up.

I jumped, startled to see Rhys leaning casually in the men's bathroom, scrutinizing me. Mortification flooded me as I frantically tried piecing together an excuse.

But before I could utter a word, Rhys' lip curled derisively. "Well well, sneaking out looking rather disheveled. Were you on your knees servicing a man in there, Miss Mart?" he asked, his tone dripped with disgust.

Outrage momentarily choked me. "How dare you!" I gasped as soon as I found my voice. "Is that what you automatically assume if you see a woman in a men's bathroom?"

Rhys straightened, eyes flashing. "Then what exactly were you doing in one? Washing your face to mask evidence of misconduct?"

"That's none of your concern!" My face flamed but I refused to disclose the humiliating truth of crying over his cruelty.

Rhys prowled closer. "I'll tell you what I think," he bit out. "An ambitious woman like you seizing any opportunity to...advance herself." His lip curled implying the worst.

I sucked in a breath, stunned by the audacity. Me? Ambitious? When I was just trying to survive this awful job!

"You despicable pig," I whispered through gritted teeth. "The only manipulative climber here is you - threatening employees over elevators and salaries to stroke your overinflated ego!"

Fury flashed across Rhys' features at my daring insult. He opened his mouth furiously but I'd hit my limit.

"No, enough!" My voice shook with rage. "I tried overlooking your tyrannical, irrational behavior. But I refuse to endure one more day under an abusive monster."

Rhys blinked, clearly astonished by my unprecedented boldness.

I pressed on recklessly. "Consider this my resignation. I wanted a career with a reputable company, not..." I flailed a hand at him, "whatever power play this is. I sincerely hope you discover some humanity one day, Mr. Murphy, or you'll end up very alone."

I shouldered past him, blinking back furious tears again. Let him find some other employee to torment.

"Not so fast." Rhys' harsh command echoed down the hall. " Have you read notification B. 7 in your contract?We'll discuss your little temper tantrum in my office in 2 hours, after you've reflected on that hasty decision, Miss Mart.

I paused as he strode up smoothly, his momentary surprise already masked by cool authority again.

Rhys glanced at my makeup-smudged face with a faint sneer. "And clean yourself up. You reflect poorly on me and this company."

He spun on his heel, throwing over his shoulder, "In my office in 2 hours to finalize your resignation or…beg for my pardon. Don’t worry, Miss Mart, I will not ask you to kneel before me. It seems that you had your fair share of kneeling in front of men today. "

I stared after him, equal parts outraged and daunted.

What consequences had my contract's fine print held for quitting I'd overlooked? Could this nightmarish job bind me to Rhys Murphy against my will?

And worse of all, did he really think that I was sucking someone in the male bathroom?


The next hour passed excruciatingly slowly. I couldn't concentrate on any tasks with justified panic rising - resigning from this horrible job seemed inevitable yet the contract somehow bound me here? I had to speak with the human resource manager, Mrs Martinez urgently before my scheduled office confrontation with Rhys.

Sneaking to her door on my break, I hesitantly asked Selene Martinez, "If hypothetically I needed to resign quickly, what would be the process based on my new hire contract?"

Selene's kind eyes widened in surprise. "Oh Elisa, I hope everything is alright! Why would you want to resign when Mr. Murphy intends to pay all your student debt once you complete 3 months here?"

My jaw dropped as she continued brightly, "Not only that, but your salary doubles right after. He must really see your value!"

I stammered, whirling between shock and confusion. Me - valuable? Rhys personally settling my loans and doubling my income sounded strange given his obvious disdain toward me.

And mind was already spinning over shedding that $150,000 university loan burden from my shoulders so soon. I could finally afford the medical treatments I desperately needed funds for...

Selene interrupted my spiraling thoughts gently. "Mr. Murphy does show his generous spirit often. When my daughter had cancer, he paid half a million dollars toward her care." Her voice shook with remembered pain.

My heart constricted, imagining sweet Selene so anguished over her sick little girl. I studied the beaming child's photo on her desk, healthy and happy thanks to my spiteful boss' shocking intervention.

Could that possibly be the same cold, temperamental Rhys Murphy? The concepts warred in my brain. Everything I witnessed showed Rhys as selfish and vindictive, playing cruel power games with me specifically.

And yet now I was hearing he privately funded life-saving surgeries, elevated loyal employees, resolved crippling debt burdens...where was the harsh man obsessed with destroying me I overheard on the phone?

One who kicked me from elevators and threatened my job over a spilled coffee just yesterday?

Which version of my mercurial boss was real and which façade? I felt adrift, uncertain of anything anymore.

"Regardless of what you ultimately decide, I'm happy to walk through the agreement's fine details with you, Elisa," Selene said kindly, breaking my spiraling thoughts. "Just know Mr. Murphy isn't in the habit of extending such generous offers without good reason. Please think carefully before refusing him. He owns 55 companies, he has influence not only in this town but in the whole country and abroad. You might not be able to work again with us if you resign. Is there a problem? "

I blinked rapidly to dispel the moisture suddenly stinging my eyes. "T-thank you Selene. You've given me a lot to consider. No, no problem everything is fine." I managed a weak smile before escaping her office, emotions churning violently.

I pressed my palms hard against my eyes, growling in helpless frustration. I had no clue anymore if Rhys Murphy was a selfish monster or secret humanitarian. All I knew for certain was accepting his aid meant surrendering my dignity and sanity for two and a half long months under his thumb.

Either way, I had less than an hour to decide before facing him. And the fate of everyone depending on me now rested on what terms I chose to negotiate with the infuriatingly complex enigma of a man waiting impatiently behind his grand office doors.

Finishing up my report was all I could think about as my anxious meeting with Rhys loomed over me. Glancing at the time, I realized almost an hour had passed when I was supposed to be in his office! Cursing silently, I typed faster - I'd lost nearly two hours deciphering my employment contract and agonizing over my next move. Lunch hour prevented any more distractions at least.

Or so I thought until an imposing figure suddenly filled my periphery. I jumped, heartbeat accelerating. How did I not hear Rhys approach? Swallowing hard, I slowly met his gaze.

Rhys said nothing, prowling around my desk with hands clasped behind his back, surveying me unhurriedly as if I were his territory. Coming to stand directly beside me, he gestured wordlessly at my mouse and keyboard. Hardly daring to breathe, I obediently pushed back and got up so he could take my seat instead.

Rhys settled comfortably into the chair, spreading his legs and steepling his fingers as if it was a throne and he was the king holding court. I felt my cheeks flame being supplanted at my own desk but I stayed frozen under his scrutiny.

"Well this is...cozy, isn't it Miss Mart?" Rhys murmured at last, steel eyes glinting. "Now, I believe you have some explaining to do..."

Rhys assessed me silently before speaking. "Care to explain why you sit here working instead of fulfilling your obligation to meet me an hour ago?"

His tone was mild but his piercing eyes dared me to make excuses.

I licked my dry lips nervously. "I...lost track of time finalizing this report-"

"Is that so?" Rhys cut me off. "I thought you wanted to resign? Reports take precedence over respecting your CEO's schedule now?

"N-no, sir," I stammered, cursing internally. "I just wanted to complete this since I was absent earlier..."

"Ah yes, when you threw yourself quite an impressive tantrum." Rhys leaned back, arms crossing as he studied me like a specimen. "Have you sufficiently reflected and now adequately prepared to make amends?"

My hands clenched at his condescending words but anxiety kept me quiet, much as I bristled.

Rhys filled the tense silence instead. "Let's skip over your tearful theatrics from before. What matters now is...have you come to your senses enough to offer me a suitable apology for your misconduct?"

His lifted eyebrow left no doubt that groveling penitence was expected.

Swallowing the bile rising in my throat, I lowered my eyes submissively. When I finally spoke, my voice was a choked humiliated whisper. "I sincerely apologize for my inappropriate behavior earlier, Mr. Murphy..."

I kept my gaze lowered, scarcely believing the words of forced apology exiting my lips. Internally I was cursing the insufferable man before me.

Yet the contract bound me here for 2 more months if I wanted freedom from this soul-crushing university debt...I had no choice but to endure Rhys' cruelty a little longer.

"What prompted this change of heart?" Rhys asked smoothly, oblivious to my inner turmoil. "An hour ago you were quite determined to resign immediately in self-righteous fury."

I raised my eyes slowly, anger simmering beneath my calm exterior. "My reasons are none of your concern. I simply intend to continue working to the best of my abilities."

Rhys' eyebrow quirked in interest. "Is that so? And if I wanted to dig deeper into why you're suddenly so committed when you clearly despise me?"

Despise didn't begin describing my feelings towards this loathsome man. I crossed my arms tightly.

" I don’t despise you sir, you on the contrary don’t feel the same towards me.Then I would tell you my personal motivations are irrelevant. I'm here in a professional capacity, so unless I fail to perform my duties adequately, my opinions of you or reasons for staying are my own business. Now was there anything else?"

I held my breath watching several emotions flash across Rhys' striking features - surprise, intrigue and finally annoyance at my daring to take such a firm stance.

After an endless moment, he simply murmured, "Very well, Miss Mart," before rising abruptly from my chair and striding off without a backward glance.

I slowly released a shaky breath. I had two painful months now to keep provoking that dragon without being burned by his fiery temper.

Just as I was sagging in relief over Rhys' departure, he paused and pivoted back around.

"Oh, and I do expect you to continue dinner services, Marta said I'm losing weight, you know have any objection feeding me, don't you?" he asked, as if discussing the weather and not mandating I serve him each evening.

“I won't disappoint Marta,” I said.

Before I could contain my visible disgust, Rhys' eyes glinted dangerously. “I'll expect beef spaghetti with sundried tomatoes at 6.30 P.M sharp. Don't disappoint me, Miss Mart."

My spine stiffened but I dared not refuse with freedom from debt so close now. Clenching my fists under the desk, I forced myself to nod woodenly.

"Excellent." A slow smile spread across Rhys' sharp features - the expression held no warmth, only a promise of more grueling trials in my immediate future. "I'll be anticipating your...devoted attention then, Miss Mart and if I find you trying to wash the weight of your sins in the men’s bathroom again, I will fire you." With a final smug glance, he sauntered out.

I shuddered at the innuendo laden goodbye, loathing myself even more for willingly walking back into that viper's nest tonight. But I plastered on a blank mask of servitude nonetheless. For the next few weeks, I would be the puppet of the devil himself.

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