
Chapter 4

Rhys pov

I jolted awake, my heart pounding in my chest as I tried to shake off the remnants of the dream. It had been so vivid - Elisa Martoni, her dark hair cascading down her back, running through a sunlit garden as I gave chase. The scent of roses and freshly cut grass filled my nostrils, even now as I lay in bed.

"Damn it," I muttered under my breath, frustrated by the lingering images in my mind. I shouldn't have been dreaming about her like that, especially not when she was my enemy. Her dad killed my parents for fuck’s sake.

But there we were, me finally cornering her beneath an archway of blooming flowers, preparing to confront her about her asshole father. And yet, instead of anger and accusations, all I could see was the beauty of her face, and I kissed her.

I kissed my enemy’s daughter.

I scolded myself, trying to banish her from my thoughts. But no matter how hard I tried to focus on something else, her image kept invading my mind - her soft curves, enticing lips, and the way she always smelled of lavender. My body betrayed me as a familiar heat began to grow between my legs. With a groan of annoyance, I shifted in bed, trying to ignore the rising bulge beneath my sheets. But it only seemed to make it worse; my hand instinctively reached down to relieve the tension, moaning her name under my breath as I imagined her touch just like in my dreams. The friction felt incredible, but at the same time, I cursed my own weakness for being attracted to her.

Why did she have such a hold over me? As I reached the peak of pleasure, I could almost feel her presence beside me, whispering dirty words that drove me wild with desire. Breathing heavily, I collapsed back against the pillows and closed my eyes, wishing it was her skin pressed against mine instead of just my own hand.

My orgasm rocked through me, leaving me breathless and spent. Cursing under my breath, I knew that if I allowed myself to think about my secretary, I am good for asylum.


As I went about my morning routine, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. My mind kept drifting back to the dream, to Elisa's lips pressed against mine, and the warmth that spread through my chest at the memory. Why was she getting under my skin like this? I barely knew her, and what little I did know was enough to make me hate her. Or it should have been, anyway.

"Focus, damn it!" I slammed my fist onto the bathroom counter, causing the items on it to rattle. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, my jaw clenched as I tried to regain control over my thoughts.

"Talking to yourself, Rhys?" My best friend Joey’s voice came from behind me, causing me to jump in surprise. "You know that's the first sign of madness."

Oh no, I completely forgot that I had invited him to stay in my massive penthouse with me the past week-end.

"Very funny," I retorted, trying to keep my tone light as I pushed past him and headed for the kitchen. I desperately needed a cup of coffee to clear my head and ease the tension in my body.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, studying me closely as I poured myself a mug of the dark liquid. "You seem... on edge."

Joey and I were complete opposites. While his hair was a bright blonde, mine was dark. And while his eyes sparkled with icy blue, mine were a dull grey.

"Everything's fine," I lied, forcing a casual smile. "Just had a restless night, that's all."

"Alright, if you say so." He still seemed unconvinced, but thankfully didn't press the issue any further.

As I sipped my coffee, I found my thoughts drifting back to Elisa once more. It was infuriating that she somehow managed to invade even my most private moments, especially when I knew I should be focusing on avenging our family and dealing with her treacherous father.

However, the truth was that a small part of me, a piece that didn't seek revenge and just wanted a peaceful life, felt guilty since last week. I knew I had made her cry multiple times, especially when I implied she had performed sexual acts on other men in the bathroom.

A flair of jealousy hit me. Just imagining her mouth around a cock that was not mine made me more annoyed than I wanted to admit.

Without thinking, I blurted out that she had been performing oral sex on men in the bathroom last week, hoping to hurt her. And it seemed I succeeded; her swollen eyes and lips were a clear sign of her tears after my accusation.

But what the fuck was she doing in the men’s bathroom. To put a spy camera there?

I will appoint an investigating team about that today when I come to the office.

"Enough," I muttered under my breath, slamming my mug down on the counter. I needed to find a way to put her out of my mind once and for all.

No, Elisa Martoni was up to no good.

I have subjected her to the worst treatment and yet she didn’t resign and is still working for me.

She is spying on me while passing for an innocent lamb.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Joey asked again, clearly concerned by my erratic behavior.

"Positive," I snapped, a little harsher than intended. "I just need to get to work, alright?"

"Fine," he huffed, backing off with a roll of his eyes. "But don't think I won't be checking up on you later."

"Whatever," I muttered, grabbing my keys and storming out of the house, desperate to escape the relentless pull of my thoughts. But as I drove to my office, I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever truly be free of Elisa Martoni and the dangerous allure she held over me.

I haven’t fucked anyone since I hired her in my office.

I need to get laid.

I need to fuck someone.


I entered the limo and said good morning to my chauffeur Travis and asked him to level up the privacy curtain, he need not to hear the conversation I am about to have.

Tracy was a blond socialite I met in college but also a part time friend with benefits for me. I phoned her.

I snatched up my phone, punching in Tracy's digits. She answered after a few rings, her voice dripping with honeyed anticipation. "Rhys, baby," she cooed into the line. "What brings you to me today?"

"I need you tonight," I found myself grating out. Desire stirred within me but the face that appeared in my mind was not Tracy’s blond pretty face, it was another pretty face with dark hair and brown eyes. "Be ready for me. It's going to be intense tonight and your efforts will be generously rewarded."

Her laughter echoed through the line, rich and seductive. "What you truly need is a good wife, Rhys. I could easily fill that role." A smirk tugged at my lips; Tracy always had a weakness for me, though it was far from reciprocal. She desired more than just our physical connection; she wanted my heart too.

"How's your jewelry business?" I asked casually, shifting the conversation away from any emotional entanglements. I had completely financed the jewelry shop for her.

"Business is booming, all thanks to you," she responded gratefully. "You've done so much for me, Rhys."

I could almost visualize her playing with a strand of her platinum hair as she spoke sweet nothings into the phone.

"Why don't you drop by my office?" she suggested coyly, reminding me of our previous escapades there.

Images flooded my mind - Tracy sprawled on her desk, clutching its polished edge while gasping in pleasure as I took control of her body from behind. The memory stirred an undeniable arousal within me.

"No. Catch up with me later instead, 6.30 in my office" I commanded curtly. "We'll grab dinner before heading back to my place where I'll remind you exactly who owns you."

She responded with a sultry promise: "I can handle anything you throw at me."

With those words echoing in my ears, she disconnected the call and I tossed my phone aside, sinking back into the plush leather of my chair. Tracy was undeniably beautiful and entirely mine, but she wasn't enough. I needed more than just a willing body to satiate my deeper cravings. I yearned for a power that neither money nor status could provide - the kind that was born of fear and control. And most of all, I needed to avenge my parents.

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